Rules published in this issue of the New Mexico Register are effective on the publication date of this issue unless otherwise specified. “No rule shall be valid or enforceable until it is filed with the records center and published in the New Mexico Register as provided by the State Rules Act. Unless a later date is otherwise provided by law, the effective date of a rule shall be the date of publication in the New Mexico register.”
Section 14-4-5 NMSA 1978
A = Amended, E = Emergency, N = New, R = Repealed, Rn = Renumbered
Public Employees Retirement Association
2.80.200 NMAC A Organization and Operation of the Public Employees Retirement Board — pdf version
Superintendent of Insurance, Office of
13.14.5 NMAC A/E Commitments — pdf version
13.14.7 NMAC A/E Loan, Leasehold Loan, and Construction Loan Policies — pdf version
13.14.17 NMAC A/E Insurer’s Statistical Report — pdf version
13.14.18 NMAC A/E Forms — pdf version Appendices (pdf version only)