New Mexico Register / Volume XXIX,
Issue 16 / August 28, 2018
Title 10 Public
Safety and Law Enforcement
Chapter 12 Public Defender
Part 14 Interim
Case Refusal Protocol ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico Public Defender
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] SCOPE: Applies to all employees of the New Mexico public defender
department and to its contract attorneys.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] STATUTORY AUTHORITY: N.M. Const., Article VI,
Section 39; Subsection B of Section 31-15-2.4 NMSA 1978.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] DURATION: Permanent.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] EFFECTIVE DATE: August
28, 2018, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] OBJECTIVE: The objective of Part 14 of Chapter
12 is: to create guidelines for the department to use when excessive
attorney workloads would make acceptance of additional clients by the affected
attorneys ethically irresponsible or would violate the New Mexico rules of
professional conduct or the constitutional rights of clients.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] DEFINITIONS: “The 2007 report” means the report
published by the New Mexico sentencing commission in 2007 on a workload study
conducted in conjunction with the national center for state courts.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18] Department
Collection and Reporting of Information Regarding Attorney Case Assignments and
Time Keeping:
A. Each office of
the public defender department shall maintain a continuing record of the case
assignments per year for each attorney employed by that office.
B. This record
shall include for each case assignment the nature of the charges, whether the
case includes felony charges or charges only misdemeanors, and whether the case
involves a juvenile respondent.
C. The department
shall maintain similar records of cases it assigns to contract attorneys.
D. The chief public
defender or the chief’s designee shall review case assignment reports for department
attorneys and contract attorneys on a quarterly basis, and these reports shall
include the information described in Subsections A and B of NMAC.
E. The department
shall institute mandatory timekeeping by department attorneys and contract attorneys
as soon as possible.
F. The department
shall maintain records of the time recorded by department attorneys and
contract attorneys in working on their assigned cases.
G. The time records
described in Subsection F of NMAC shall include the identity of the
client and the nature of the attorney’s work for each unit of time recorded.
H. These time
records shall be provided upon request to the chief or the chief’s designee.
NMAC - N, 8/28/18] Duty of
the Chief to Investigate Excessive Workload Levels:
A. When reported
case assignments for three or more months how the attorneys of a particular
office have or a contract attorney has case assignments in excess of quarterly
standards derived from the 2007 report, the chief shall conduct an
investigation. In conducting this
investigation, the chief shall review available attorney time records for the
period during which workloads for the affected attorneys have exceeded the 2007
report’s quarterly standards.
B. In conducting this investigation,
the chief shall also obtain information from the affected office and attorneys
and staff regarding the attorneys’ ability to provide competent representation
to existing clients.
C. In deciding whether the affected
office and attorneys can provide competent representation to existing clients,
the chief shall consider whether the affected offices and attorneys
consistently are able to comply with the department’s 2016 performance standards.
D. After the investigation described
above, the chief should determine whether additional case assignments would
create a significant risk that the affected office’s and attorneys’ obligation
to provide competent representation to existing clients would materially limit
their representation of additional clients.
E. If the chief determines that a
significant risk exists that the affected attorneys’ duty to existing clients
would materially limit their representation of additional clients as described
in Subsection D of NMAC, the chief then shall determine whether
administrative measures are reasonably available that would alleviate that risk
short of refusing additional case assignments.
F. If the chief determines such
administrative measures are reasonably available, the chief shall institute
these measures and evaluate their effectiveness on a quarterly basis as long as
affected attorney workloads exceed the 2007 report’s quarterly standards.
G. In the event of multiple
investigations, the chief shall decide the priority in which they are conducted
and what further steps are taken.
NMAC - N, 8/28/18] Determination
by the Chief to Refuse Additional Case Assignments Based on Excessive
A. If the chief determines that
reasonably available administrative measures would fail or have failed to
alleviate the risk described in Subsection E of NMAC, the chief
shall state in writing that accepting additional cases would be ethically
B. The chief’s determination under Subsection
A of NMAC shall include a summary of the facts and copies of all
documents considered while preserving from disclosure confidential client and
personnel information except as otherwise provided by law.
C. The chief shall continue to monitor
affected office and attorney workloads on a monthly basis and shall report in
writing when quarterly workloads drop below the 2007 report standards.
D. When quarterly
workload levels have dropped below the 2007 report standards, the chief shall
determine on a monthly basis whether the affected office and attorneys are able
to represent additional clients in an ethically responsible manner as described
in Subsection A of NMAC and shall maintain a record of this
determination and the facts supporting it.
NMAC - N, 8/28/18] Notice
to Affected Courts of Case Refusal; Motions to Withdraw; and Notices of Renewed
A. When the chief determines that affected
office and attorney workloads make it ethically irresponsible for affected
offices and attorneys to accept additional case assignments as described in Subsection
A of NMAC the chief shall prepare a notice of case refusal.
B. The notice of case refusal shall state
that it would be ethically irresponsible for affected office and attorneys to
accept additional cases at the present time and shall bear the chief’s
C. The Notice shall have attached to it a
copy of the chief’s written determination and supporting documents as provided
in NMAC.
D. The chief shall deliver a copy of
the notice to the chief district judge of the affected jurisdiction; all affected
courts within that jurisdiction; and the administrative office of the courts.
E. Notwithstanding the above provisions, if
the chief determines it would be ethically responsible, case assignments may
continue to be accepted for cases involving homicides, violent felonies, sexual
offenses, and juvenile respondents.
F. The affected attorneys shall
promptly move to withdraw from case assignments that occurred after the chief’s
determination, subject to the exceptions listed in Subsection E of NMAC.
G. The affected office and attorneys shall
continue to be unavailable to accept new cases except as provided herein until
such time as the chief determines pursuant to Subsection C of NMAC
and Subsection D of NMAC that workload levels have fallen below 2007
report standards and it would be ethically responsible to accept additional
H. The chief shall provide a copy of his
monthly determination of continued unavailability pursuant to Subsection C of NMAC and Subsection D of NMAC to all parties listed in Subsection
D of NMAC until such time as he determines it would be ethically
responsible for the affected office and attorneys to accept additional case.
I. When the chief determines as provided
above that the affected office and attorneys are able to accept additional
cases, the chief shall issue a notice of renewed availability, which shall bear
the chief’s signature.
J. The notice of renewed availability shall
be delivered to the chief district judge of the affected jurisdiction; all
affected courts within that jurisdiction; and the administrative office of the
K. Upon communication of the chief’s notice
of renewed availability, the office and attorneys previously disqualified from
accepting additional cases shall begin accepting new cases under normal case
assignment procedures.
[ NMAC - N, 8/28/18]
10.12.14 NMAC: [RESERVED]