New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 6 / March 22, 2022



This is an amendment to 12.2.16 NMAC, amending Sections 8 and 9, effective April 22, 2022.               APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:

                A.            Effective July 1, 2012, all secondhand metal dealers shall not buy or sell regulated material without a valid registration issued by the department.

                B.            Applications for registration shall be completed on a form provided by the department.

                C.            Electronic signatures will be acceptable for applications submitted pursuant to Section 14-16-1 through Section 14-16-19 NMSA 1978.

                D.            Information submitted shall include:

                                (1)           the full name and business address of the applicant;

                                (2)           a list of all locations at which the applicant engages or will engage in the business of buying or selling regulated material;

                                (3)           a non-refundable registration fee as set forth in NMAC;

                                (4)           affirmation of compliance with all federal requirements;

                                (5)           affirmation of registration with metal theft alert system as described in Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of NMAC.

                E.            Any occupational or professional registration pursuant to these rules shall be issued as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after a military service member or a veteran as defined in these rules submits an application, pays any required fees, and provides a background check if required.   

[ NMAC - N, 8/12/2021; A, 4/22/2022]               FEES:

                A.            The fee for application registration is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).

                B.            The fee for renewal of registration is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).

                C.            A military service member or veteran as defined in these rules shall not be charged a registration fee for the first three years a registration issued under these rules is valid.

[ NMAC - N, 8/12/2021; A, 4/22/2022]