New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 3 / February 8, 2022



This is an amendment to 16.10.14 NMAC, Section 10 effective 2/8/2022.          PHYSICIAN, PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS AND ANESTHESIOLOGIST ASSISTANTS TREATED WITH OPIATES:  Physicians, physician assistants or anesthesiologist assistants who have chronic pain and are being treated with opiates shall be evaluated by a pain clinic or, by a [medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy] physician pain specialist, and must have a complete, independent neuropsychological evaluation, as well as clearance from their physician, before returning to or continuing in practice.  In addition, they must remain under the care of a physician for as long as they remain on opiates while continuing to practice.

[ NMAC - N, 9/28/2012; A, 2/14/13; NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 11/30/2016; A, 2/8/2022]