New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 3 / February 8, 2022



This is an amendment to 16.10.4 NMAC, Section 7, 10, 11 effective 2/8/2022.               DEFINITIONS:

                A.            “AACOM” means American association of colleges of osteopathic medicine.

                B.            “AAFP” means American academy of family physicians.

                C.            “AAPS” means American association of physician specialists.

                D.            “ACCME” means accreditation council for continuing medical education.

                [A.] E.    “AMA” means the American medical association.

                F.            “AOA” means American osteopathic association.

                G.            “CCME” means council on continuing medical education of the AOA.

                [B.] H.    “CME” means continuing medical education.

                [C.] I.     “ABMS” means American board of medical specialties.

[ NMAC - N, 4/18/2002; A, 9/27/07; A, 2/8/2022]             ACCEPTABLE AS CME:  The board will accept any of the following as fulfillment of CME requirements:

                A.            the physician’s recognition award of the AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™;

                B.            certificate of CME issued by any board or sub-board of the ABMS, or

                C.            certification or re-certification by an ABMS approved specialty board during the renewal period;

                D.            active membership in the AOA;

                E.            certification or recertification by an osteopathic specialty board during the triennial cycle;

                F.            passage of the COMVEX or SPEX during the triennial cycle.

[ NMAC - N, 4/18/2002; A, 9/27/2007; A, 2/8/2022]             ALLOWED COURSES AND PROVIDERS:  The following courses and activities are acceptable for CME credit:

                A.            AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™  Clinical courses, lectures or grand rounds certified by an accredited sponsor of the AMA physician’s recognition award, AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ are acceptable for credit whether taken in an on-site format or taken using the internet.

                B.            AOA.  Clinical courses approved for CCME, AOA, AMA, ACCME, AAFP, AACOM, or AAPS category 1-A, 1-B are approved.

                [B.] C.    NEW MEXICO SPECIFIC CME.  Activities certified by the New Mexico medical society (NMMS) continuing medical education committee are acceptable for credit.  Up to [forty (40)] 40 credits in any three-year reporting period are allowed for participation in activities certified as New Mexico specific CME by the NMMS continuing education committee.  New Mexico specific CME are issued by the NMMS for service on the New Mexico medical review commission and on the impaired physician committee.

                [C.] D.    POST GRADUATE EDUCATION.  A maximum of [seventy-five (75)] 75 credit hours in any three-year reporting period are allowed for participation in a postgraduate education program, which has been approved by the board or by the AMA liaison committee on graduate medical education, CCME, ACGME and AACOM.  This category includes internships, residencies and fellowships.

                [D.] E.    ADVANCED DEGREES.  [Forty (40)] 40 credit hours are allowed for each full academic year of study toward an advanced degree in a medical field or a medically related field as approved by the board.

                [E.] F.    TEACHING.  One credit hour is allowed for each hour of teaching medical students or physicians in a United States medical school, an approved internship or residency or for teaching in other programs approved by the board for a maximum of [forty (40)] 40 credit hours in any three-year reporting period.

                [F.] G.    PHYSICIAN PRECEPTORS.  A maximum of [thirty (30)] 30 hours of credit during a three year reporting period is acceptable for licensed physicians who are acting as preceptors for students enrolled in an accredited medical or physician assistant school or as preceptors for students enrolled in a combined bachelor of arts and medical degree program.

                [G.] H.   PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS.  [Ten (10)] 10 hours of credit are allowed for each original scientific medical paper or publication written by a licensee.  For acceptance, papers must have been presented to a recognized national, international, regional or state society or organization whose membership is primarily physicians; or must have been published in a recognized medical or medically related scientific journal.  Material used in a paper or publication may be given credit one time.  A maximum of [thirty (30)] 30 hours credit may be claimed during each three-year reporting period.

                [H.] I.     ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT.  Credit may be claimed during each three-year reporting period for successful completion of ACLS (advanced cardiac life support), PALS (pediatric advanced life support), ATLS (advanced trauma life support), NALS (neonatal advanced life support), and ALSO (advanced life support in obstetrics) courses.

                [I.] J.      EXPERT REVIEW.  Credit may be claimed by physicians who provide expert services by reviewing investigation cases for the board.  A maximum of ten (10) credit hours in any three-year reporting period are allowed for providing expert review.

[ NMAC - Rp 16 NMAC 10.4.8, 4/18/2002; A, 4/3/2005; A, 9/27/2007; A, 1/2/2008; A, 7/1/2010; A, 9/22/2011; A, 2/8/2022]