New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 3 / February 8, 2022



This is an amendment to 16.16.10 NMAC, Sections 3 and 12, effective 2/26/2022.             STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  The authority for Part 10 of Chapter 16 is [NMSA 1978, Section 61-2-6.D. (9); Section 61-2-12; Section 61-2-14. (A). 4 and Section 61-2-6.D. (2)] Subsection D of 61-2-6 NMSA 1978; Section 61-2-12 NMSA 1978; and Subsection A of Section 61-2-14 NMSA 1978;(1995 Repl. Pamp.).

[10/14/1995; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 16.10.3, 3/15/2001, A, 2/26/2022]          RENEWAL APPLICATION:

                A.            A completed license renewal application, verification of continuing education, a current CPR certification and applicable renewal fee must be received in the board office on or before July 1 of every year.  The CPR course shall show a current certification attesting to completion of a CPR course offered by the American red cross, the American heart association, or the American safety and health institute (ASHI).  The course cannot be a self-study.  CPR is not considered continuing education.

                B.            The board may audit any licensee’s continuing education documentation for the current licensing year and the two previous years.

                C.            Proof of any disqualifying criminal convictions as defined in NMAC.

[10/14/1995; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 16.10.12, 3/15/2001; A, 3/22/2008; A, 7/6/2012; A, 6/25/2015; A, 2/26/2022]