New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 3 / February 8, 2022



This is an amendment to 16.6.7 NMAC, Section 2, 8, 9, and 10 effective 2/8/2022.                 SCOPE:  This part applies to naprapathic [physicians] practitioners applying for licensure in New Mexico.

[ NMAC - N, 10/1/2004; A, 9/22/2011; A, 2/8/2022]                 LICENSURE [BY ENDORSEMENT OR EXAMINATION] REQUIREMENTS:  A license may be issued to practice naprapathy to individuals who satisfy the following criteria:

                A.            is at least twenty-one years of age;

                B.            has graduated from a two year college-level program or an equivalent program approved by the board after consultation with the naprapathic task force per NMAC;

                C.            has completed, in not less than three years, a four year academic curriculum in naprapathy, that is approved by the board after consultation with the naprapathic task force, and the person has successfully completed [one hundred thirty-two] 132 hours of academic credit, including [sixty-six] 66 credit hours in basic science courses with emphasis on the study of connective tissue, and [sixty-six] 66 credit hours in clinical naprapathic science, theory and application;

                D.            passed the national examination administered by the national board of naprapathic examiners (NBNE) and provides the board with evidence of successful completion or holds a current valid license in good standing as a naprapath in another state(s), [jurisdiction, Sweden, Norway or Finland] or jurisdiction that licenses naprapaths;

                E.            provide two letters of recommendation from individuals licensed as a naprapath, in good standing, at the time the letters were written;

                F.            [provide one letter of personal reference from anyone with whom the applicant has worked within the past three years] provide verification of all work experience in the past three years;

                G.            verification of licensure, if licensed or previously licensed in another state or jurisdiction; verification must be sent directly to the board office from the issuing state(s) or jurisdiction; and;

                H.            has met all other requirements of the Naprapathic Practice Act.

[ NMAC - N, 10/1/2004; A, 5/24/2010; A, 9/22/2011; A, 10/11/2013; A, 2/8/2022]                 LICENSURE [BY EXAMINATION] DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS:  Each applicant for licensure [by examination] must submit the required fees and following documentation:

                A.            completed application [signed and notarized] with a nonrefundable processing and initial licensure fee per Subsection A of 16.6.3 NMAC;

                B.            official transcripts from the accredited programs as defined in Subsections B and C of NMAC;

                C.            certified copy of national board of naprapathic examination (NBNE) certificate;

                D.            provide two letters of recommendation from individuals licensed as naprapaths, in good standing at the time the letter is written;

                E.            provide verification of all work experience in [one letter of personal reference from anyone with whom the applicant has worked within] the past three years; and

                F.            submit verification of licensure, if currently or previously licensed in another state(s) or jurisdiction, verification must come directly from the issuing state(s) or jurisdiction; verification must include the state seal or international equivalent and must attest to the status, issue date and license number.

[ NMAC - N, 5/24/2010; A, 10/11/2013; A, 2/8/2022]               [LICENSURE BY ENDORSEMENT DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS:  Each applicant for licensure by endorsement must submit the required fees and following documentation:

                A.            completed application signed and notarized with a nonrefundable processing and initial licensure fee;

                B.            official transcripts from the accredited programs as defined in Subsections B and C of NMAC;

                C.            certified copy of national board of naprapathic examination certificate; or;

                D.            provide two letters of recommendation from individuals licensed as naprapaths, in good standing at the time the letter is written;

                E.            provide one letter of personal reference from anyone with whom the applicant has worked, within the past three years;

                F.            submit verification of licensure where the applicant holds a license in good standing to practice naprapathy; verification must be sent directly from the issuing state(s), jurisdiction or international board; verification must include a board state seal or international equivalent and must attest to the status, issue date and license number.] [RESERVED]

[ NMAC - N, 5/24/2010; A, 10/11/2013; Repealed, 2/8/2022]