Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 10 / May 24, 2022
This is an amendment
to 3.1.4 NMAC, Section 18 Section 19, effective 5/24/2022. ELECTRONIC
[A. This
regulation is adopted pursuant to the secretary’s authority in Section 9-11-6.4
NMSA 1978.
B. For returns due
after August 1, 2010, the returns and reports for the following taxes must be
filed electronically using approved electronic media on or before the due date
of the return or report:
(1) taxes
due under the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act, local options gross
receipts tax acts, Leased Vehicle Gross Receipts Tax Act, and Interstate
Telecommunication Gross Receipts Tax Act and taxes due under the Withholding
Tax Act which are due at the same time as gross receipts tax, if the taxpayer’s
average monthly tax payment for this group of taxes during the preceding
calendar year equaled or exceeded twenty thousand dollars ($20,000); and
(2) weight
distance tax if the taxpayer must pay taxes for two or more trucks.
C. For returns due
after January 1, 2011, the returns for taxes due under the Gross Receipts and
Compensating Tax Act, local options
gross receipts tax acts, Leased Vehicle Gross Receipts Tax Act, and Interstate
Telecommunication Gross Receipts Tax Act and taxes due under the Withholding
Tax Act which are due at the same time as gross receipts tax, if the taxpayer’s
average monthly tax payment for this group of taxes during the preceding
calendar year equaled or exceeded ten thousand dollars ($10,000) must be filed
electronically on or before the due date of the return.
D. For returns due
after July 1, 2011, the returns for taxes due under the Gross Receipts and
Compensating Tax Act, local options gross receipts tax acts, Leased Vehicle
Gross Receipts Tax Act, and Interstate Telecommunication Gross Receipts Tax Act
and taxes due under the Withholding Tax Act which are due at the same time as
gross receipts tax, if the taxpayer’s average monthly tax liability for this
group of taxes during the preceding calendar year equaled or exceeded one
thousand dollars ($1,000), must be filed electronically on or before the due
date of the return.
E. Confirmation of
electronic filing of a return must accompany payment of taxes by taxpayer. If taxpayer does not have confirmation of
electronic filing when the taxpayer submits payment to the department, taxpayer
must ensure that taxpayer’s tax identification number is on the payment. Payments without confirmation or tax
identification number may not be properly applied to the taxpayer’s account and
interest and penalty may be assessed.
F. Once a taxpayer
is required to file returns electronically pursuant to this regulation, the
taxpayer may not file future returns by mail or any method other than
G. For the purposes
of this section, “average monthly tax payment” means the total amount of taxes
paid with respect to a group of taxes under Paragraph (1) of Subsection B,
Subsection C or Subsection D of this section during a calendar year divided by
the number of months in that calendar year containing a due date on which the
taxpayer was required to pay one or more taxes in the group.
H. A taxpayer may
request an exception to the requirement of electronic filing. The request must be in writing, addressed to
the secretary of the taxation and revenue department and must be received by
the department at least 30 days before the taxpayer’s electronic return is
due. Exceptions will be granted in
writing and only upon a showing of hardship including that there is no
reasonable access to the internet in taxpayer’s community. The taxpayer must also show a good faith
effort to comply with the electronic filing requirements before an exception
will be considered. The request for an
exception must include the tax or tax return to which the exception if granted
will apply; a clear statement of the reasons for the exception; and the
signature of the taxpayer.
I. A taxpayer may
be granted a waiver to the requirement of electronic filing for a single tax
return. The request for a waiver must be
in writing and received by the department on or before the date that the tax
return is due and must include the tax or tax return to which the waiver if
granted will apply, a clear statement of the reasons for the waiver, and the signature
of the taxpayer. A waiver may be granted for the following reasons:
(1) if
the taxpayer is temporarily disabled because of injury or prolonged illness and
the taxpayer can show that the taxpayer is unable to procure the services of a
person to complete the taxpayer's return and file it electronically;
(2) if
the conduct of the taxpayer's business has been substantially impaired due to
the disability of a principal officer of the taxpayer, physical damage to the
taxpayer's business or other similar impairments to the conduct of the
taxpayer's business causing the taxpayer an inability to electronically file;
(3) if
the taxpayer's accountant or other agent or employee who routinely
electronically files for taxpayer has suddenly died or has become disabled and
unable to perform services for the taxpayer and the taxpayer can show that the
taxpayer is unable either to electronically file the return or to procure the
services of a person to electronically file the return before the due date.
J. If a taxpayer
is granted an exception or waiver, the taxpayer must file a paper return in a
timely fashion unless an extension pursuant to NMAC has been
granted. If a paper return is not timely
filed, interest will be due even if an extension is granted.]
A. This regulation is adopted pursuant
to the secretary’s authority in Section 9-11-6.4 NMSA 1978.
B. The secretary or secretary delegate
will publish on the department’s public website a full list of all tax programs
that have an electronic filing or payment mandate. This website will also include information on
how to obtain an electronic filing or payment exception or waiver.
C. Once a taxpayer is required to file
returns or make payments electronically pursuant to this regulation, the taxpayer
may not file future returns or make future payments by mail or any method other
than electronically unless they receive an exception or waiver. An exception or a waiver may be granted if
the taxpayer has shown a good faith attempt to comply with the electronic
filing and payment requirements but is unable to do so due to a reason listed
in Subsections D or E below. If a
taxpayer is granted an exception or, the taxpayer must file a paper return and
make a payment by the due date unless an extension pursuant to NMAC
has been granted. If a return is not
filed and a payment is not made timely, interest will be due, and penalty may
be due.
D. A taxpayer may request in writing an
exception to the requirement of electronic filing or making electronic payments
for a year at a time. The request must
be on the form prescribed by the department and must be received by the
department at least 30 days before the taxpayer’s electronic return or payment
is due. An exception may be granted for
the following reasons.
(1) if the taxpayer shows a hardship
including but not limited to no reasonable access to internet in the taxpayer’s
(2) if the taxpayer does not have
reasonable access to a computer or technology required to electronically file;
(3) if the taxpayer does not have the
knowledge or expertise to file a return electronically; or
(4) if the taxpayer is unable to utilize
technology or the internet for religious reasons.
E. A taxpayer may request in writing a
waiver to the requirement of electronic filing for a single tax return or for a
single payment. The request for a waiver
must be on a form prescribed by the department and received by the department
on or before the date that the tax return is due. A waiver may be granted for the following
(1) if the taxpayer is temporarily
disabled because of injury or prolonged illness and the taxpayer can show that
the taxpayer is unable to procure the services of a person to complete and file
the taxpayer's return electronically or make the necessary payment
(2) if the conduct of the taxpayer's
business has been substantially impaired due to the disability of a principal
officer of the taxpayer, physical damage to the taxpayer's business or other
similar impairments to the conduct of the taxpayer's business causing the
taxpayer an inability to electronically file or pay;
(3) if the taxpayer's accountant, agent,
or employee who routinely electronically files for taxpayer has suddenly died,
has become disabled, or sick and is unable to perform services for the taxpayer
and the taxpayer can show that the taxpayer is unable either to electronically
file the return, electronically pay the tax due or to procure the services of a
person to electronically file the return or make the electronic payment before
the due date; or
(4) if the taxpayer’s accountant, agent,
or employee who routinely electronically files for taxpayer is no longer
employed with the taxpayer and the taxpayer has been unable to gain access to
their method of electronically filing and making payment of tax due in time to
file electronically before the due date.
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 7/7/2021, A; 5/24/2022] [ELECTRONIC FILING
A. Annual income and withholding
information returns, federal Form 1099-MISC, pro forma 1099-MISC or
successor forms must be filed with the department using a department-approved
electronic medium if a pass-through entity has more than 50 New Mexico payees
in a tax year, unless the pass-through entity obtains an exception pursuant to
Subsection C of NMAC.
B. The annual income and withholding
detail report of pass-through entity allocable net income must be filed using a
department-approved electronic medium if the pass-through entity has more than
fifty New Mexico payees in a tax year, unless the pass-through entity obtains
an exception pursuant to Subsection C of NMAC.
C. A taxpayer may request an exception
to the requirement of electronic filing.
The request must be in writing, addressed to the secretary of the
taxation and revenue department and must be received by the department at least
30 days before the taxpayer’s electronic information return or report is due. Exceptions will be granted in writing and
only upon a showing of hardship including that there is no reasonable access to
the internet in taxpayer’s community. The
taxpayer must also show a good faith effort to comply with the electronic
filing requirements before an exception will be considered. The request for an exception must include the
information return or report to which the exception if granted will apply; a
clear statement of the reasons for the exception; and the signature of the
D. If a pass-through entity is required
by regulation or statute to file information returns or reports electronically,
the information return or report shall not be considered filed until filed
electronically if filed by any means other than as specified in that regulation
or statute.] [RESERVED]
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 7/7/2021;
Repealed, 5/24/2022]