New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 11 / June 7, 2022
This is an Emergency Amendment
to 8.15.2 NMAC, Sections 9, 12 and 14 effective 5/06/2022. PRIORITIES FOR ASSISTANCE:
Any funds received by the department under the child care development
fund and other sources are expended for child care assistance pursuant to the
following priorities:
A. Priority one: Clients receiving temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) benefits to include TANF diversionary payment, are considered priority one clients.
(1) Participation exemption: The human services department (HSD) grants participation exemptions to TANF clients who cannot locate child care. The children, youth and families department is responsible for the verification of the TANF participant’s inability to locate child care. Reasons for a participation exemption due to lack of child care are as follows:
(a) the unavailability of appropriate child care within a reasonable distance from the individual’s home or work site;
(b) the unavailability or unsuitability of informal child care by a relative or under other arrangements; or
(c) the unavailability of appropriate and affordable formal child care by a relative or under other arrangements.
(2) A person who applies for participation exemption for any or all of the above reasons is referred to the children, youth and families department child care resource and referral. The child care resource and referral assists the client with location of child care. The final validation/verification of a client’s inability to locate child care is determined by the child care services bureau supervisor in conjunction with his/her supervisor. A client who receives a participation exemption due to lack of child care is required to re-apply for the exemption every six months. If a person disagrees with the determination of their eligibility for a participation exemption, they may apply for a fair hearing with HSD. HSD is responsible for providing notice of the approval or denial of a participation exemption.
B. Priority one A: [RESERVED]
C. Priority one B: Child care assistance for income eligible families whose income is at or below one hundred percent of the federal poverty level, adjusted annually in accordance with federal guidelines. The department prioritizes child care services within priority one B for children with special needs, disabilities, homeless families, and for teen parents.
D. Priority two: Families transitioning off TANF and clients who have received a TANF diversionary payment. Clients must have received TANF for at least one month, or a diversionary payment, in the past 12 months in order to qualify for priority two. Only clients transitioning off TANF whose TANF cases are closed at least in part due to increased earnings or loss of earned income deductions or disregards are eligible for priority two. Priority two clients do not have to meet income eligibility requirements during their 12 consecutive month period of eligibility for priority two child care.
E. Priority three: [RESERVED]
F. Priority four: Child care assistance for families whose income is above one hundred percent of the federal poverty level but at or below two hundred percent of the federal poverty level, adjusted annually in accordance with federal guidelines. These families are certified for a 12 month block of time and will remain eligible at or below two hundred fifty percent of the federal poverty level. Exceptions to the 12 month certification period are included in NMAC. The department prioritizes child care services within priority four for children with special needs, disabilities, homeless families, and for teen parents.
G. Priority four plus: During
this period of economic recovery and subject to budgetary considerations, child
care assistance for essential workers whose income is above two hundred percent
of the federal poverty level but at or below [three] four hundred
[fifty] percent of the federal poverty level, adjusted annually in
accordance with federal guidelines.
These families are certified for a 12 month block of time and will
remain eligible at or below four hundred and twenty-five percent of the
federal poverty level. Exceptions to the
12 month certification period are included in NMAC. The department prioritizes child care
services within priority four plus for children with special needs, disabilities,
homeless families, and for teen parents.
H. Priority five: In addition to these priorities, the department pays for at-risk child care as approved by the department. Child care benefits are provided for a minimum of six months to support the family. Income, work and education requirements and copayments are waived for clients in this priority.
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 10/1/2016; A; 10/1/2019; A/E, 9/18/2020; A, 3/1/2021; A/E, 8/1/2021; A, 1/1/2022; A/E, 5/1/2022; A/E, 5/6/2022] RECERTIFICATION: Clients must recertify for services at the end of their eligibility period by complying with all requirements of initial certification. Clients who recertify will qualify at or below two hundred and fifty percent of the federal poverty level. Clients above two hundred and fifty percent of the federal poverty level must qualify as an essential worker as defined in Paragraph (2) of Subsection E of NMAC. Clients designated as essential workers who recertify must be at or below four hundred and twenty-five percent of the federal poverty level. If recertification is not completed in a timely manner, the case may be closed on the last day of the month for which assistance is provided under the previous child care placement agreement. At time of recertification, clients must provide documentation of income, or proof of school enrollment. Changes in income, household size, employment, training or educational status are noted in the client’s record. Co-payment, if applicable, is re-determined at the time of recertification. A 12-month certification period will be granted in accordance with eligibility requirements outlined in Subsection B of NMAC.
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 10/1/2016; A, 10/1/2019; A/E, 9/18/2020; A, 3/1/2021; A/E, 8/1/2021; A, 1/1/2022; A/E, 5/6/2022] CASE SUSPENSIONS AND CLOSURES:
A. A case may be suspended by the client if child care benefits are not being utilized for a period not to exceed three months with payment being discontinued to the provider. The client will remain eligible for child care assistance through the remainder of their eligibility period.
B. If the client experiences a non-temporary change of activity including the loss of employment, no longer attending school, or no longer participating in a job training or education program, the child care placement agreement may close; however, the client will remain eligible for the approved 12-month eligibility period.
C. A case will be closed if the following conditions apply:
(1) any non-temporary change in activity;
(2) income in excess of two hundred and fifty percent federal poverty level or a client designated as an essential worker, as defined in Paragraph (2) of Subsection E of NMAC, with an income in excess of four hundred and twenty-five percent of the federal poverty level;
(3) failing to recertify at the end of approved eligibility period; or
(4) being disqualified from participation in the program.
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 10/1/2016; A, 3/1/2021; A/E, 7/1/2021; A, 1/1/2022; A/E, 5/1/2022; A/E, 5/6/2022]