New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 18 / September 27, 2022




DOCKET NO. 22-00085-UT


The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (the “commission”) hereby gives notice of its initiation of a proposed rulemaking to adopt a new rule to be added to the New Mexico Administrative Code at 17.9.574 NMAC, as “Applications to Expand Transportation Electrification.”


Summary of the full text of the proposed rule and short explanation of its purpose:  The commission is considering adopting a new rule concerning NMSA 1978, Section 62-8-12, “Applications to expand transportation electrification,” which was passed by the Legislature in 2019.  The proposed rule addresses procedures and timing for filing applications to expand transportation electrification, the contents of such applications, the contents of transportation electrification plans, the use of an independent evaluator, and reporting requirements.


Legal authority authorizing the proposed rule and the adoption of the rule:  The commission has the authority to promulgate and adopt the proposed rule under the New Mexico Constitution, Article XI, Sec. 2, under Paragraph 10 of Subsection B of 8-8-4 NMSA 1978, Section 62-8-12, NMSA 1978.


How a copy of the full text of the proposed rule can be obtained:  A copy of the full text of the proposed rule and instructions for accessing the complete rulemaking record can be obtained from the rulemaking page on the commission’s website at or by contacting Laurie Ann Trujillo of the commission’s office of general counsel at (505) 670-4830.


How a person can comment on the proposed rule, where comments will be received and when comments are due:  Any person wishing to comment on the proposed rule may do so by submitting written initial comments no later than October 28, 2022.  Any person wishing to respond to initial comments may do so by submitting written response comments no later than November 10, 2022.  Comments can be electronically filed by sending them in PDF format to  Comments must refer to Docket No. 22-00085-UT.  All written comments will be posted on the commission’s website within three days of their receipt by the records bureau.  The record closure date for this proceeding is November 21, 2022.  From that date through the completion of this proceeding, rulemaking participants will be forbidden from communicating with the commission or its representatives concerning substantive issues in this proceeding.


When and where a public rule hearing will be held and how a person can participate in the hearing:  A public hearing on the proposed rule and any proposed alternative amendments to the rule, to be presided over by the commission or its designee, will be held beginning at 10:00 a.m. on November 17, 2022, via the Zoom online platform.  Any person who wishes to make a comment at the hearing must contact Laurie Ann Trujillo at (505) 670-4830 or by no later than 12:00 noon on November 15, 2022 to sign up as a hearing participant.  The commission’s office of general counsel will email a Zoom invitation to all hearing participants the day before the hearing.  The Zoom invitation will include a call-in number for those participants who are unable to access the Zoom platform via computer.  The hearing will be held in order to receive oral comments.  In the interest of administrative efficiency, only commenters who have not submitted written comments will be allowed to speak.  In addition, any commenter may be limited to five minutes to speak, subject to the discretion of the commission or its designee.  No testimony or other evidence will be taken at the hearing as this is a rulemaking proceeding.  A court reporter will prepare a transcript of the hearing for filing the rulemaking docket, Docket No. 22-00085-UT.  Any person with a disability requiring special assistance in order to participate in the hearing should contact Renada Peery-Galon at (505) 467-9116 at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the hearing.


Technical information that served as a basis for the proposed rule and how the information can be obtained:  When adopting the proposed rule, the commission considered the New Mexico EV infrastructure deployment plan issued by the New Mexico Department of Transportation on July 13, 2022.  Copies of this technical information can be obtained from the rulemaking page on the commission’s website at or by contacting Laurie Ann Trujillo at (505) 670-4830 or


Instructions on how to access the complete rulemaking record, reports and other items filed in the commission’s e-docket system can be found at