New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 7 / April 5, 2022





The Regulation and Licensing Department, Cannabis Control Division gives Notice of a Minor, Nonsubstantive Correction to 16.8.7 NMAC and 16.8.3 NMAC.


Pursuant to the authority granted under State Rules Act, Subsection D of Section 14-4-3 NMSA 1978, please note that the following minor, non-substantive corrections to spelling, grammar and format have been made to all electronic copies of the above rule:


16.8.7 NMAC

                The effective date on Transmittal Form has incorrect date of “03/09/2022”.  By operation of law, the effective date for an emergency rule filing can be the date of filing or later.

                Section 8:  In subsection A, sentence underneath first table should be, “*Pesticide testing required unless exempted by Subsection E below.”  It is incorrect to refer to “paragraph E”.  In subsection E, there was change from “ninety days” to “90 days” to conform to correct legislative style.


16.8.3 NMAC

                The effective date for this Amendment on this Transmittal Form has incorrect date of “03/22/2022”.  By operation of law, because this new rule does not take effect until April 1, 2022, the earliest this amendment can become effective is also April 1, 2022.

                Section 8:  In subsection A, paragraph (3), subparagraphs were incorrectly numbered as (1) through (5).  These subparagraphs were renumbered as (a) through (e) to conform to correct legislative style.


A copy of this Notification will be filed with the official version of each of the above rules.