New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 14 / July 31, 2023



This is an amendment to 16.28.2 NMAC, Section 9 effective 7/31/2023.               CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS:

                A.            [Community or educational signed language interpreters are required to comply with the RID certification maintenance program (CMP) requirements, regardless of their certifying body.] RID certified interpreters shall submit [a copy of their current RID membership card or verification letter from the RID member portal showing current certified membership status] proof of current RID certified member status documenting compliance with the requirements of the CMP which requires eight RID-approved continuing education units (CEUs) 80 contact hours per four-year CMP cycle.  Should RID change its number of CEUs required an interpreter must comply with the new requirement in order to maintain licensure in New Mexico.  BEI certified interpreters [and educational] shall submit BEI transcripts showing four CEUs (40 hours) of continuing education at each biennial renewal.  Educational signed language [interpreter] interpreters meeting the criteria in Subsection D of NMAC but not holding the ED:K-12 credential must submit associate continuing education tracking (ACET) transcripts showing four [CEU’s] CEUs (40 hours) of continuing education at each biennial renewal.

                B.            Provisional license: two CEUs (20 hours) of continuing education annually documented on the applicant’s associate continuing education tracking (ACET) transcript from RID.  Interpreting students should be aware that they need to become associate members of RID before the end of March in their year of graduation for CEU’s earned prior to July 1st to be tracked on their ACET transcripts.

                C.            Provisional licensees who are within their first year may provide certificates of completion to the board office if the approved CEUs are not on ACET transcripts.

[ NMAC - N, 07/21/2009; A, 08/18/2011; A, 01/15/2014; A, 12/16/2015; A, 6/18/2017; A, 3/27/2021; A, 02/26/2022, A, 7/31/2023]