New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 18 / September 26, 2023



This is an amendment to 16.62.6 Sections 3 and 8, effective 9/26/2023               STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  [This part is promulgated pursuant to the real estate appraisers board, Sections 61-30-7, 10, 11, 13 and 14 NMSA 1978 as amended.] These rules are promulgated pursuant to the Real Estate Appraisers Act, Section 61-30-1 to Section 61-30-24, NMSA 1978.

[1/14/00; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 62.61.3, 09/13/2004; A, 09/26/2023]               EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS:  All candidates for licensure or certification must successfully complete the appraiser qualifications board endorsed uniform state certifications/licensing examination or its equivalent.

                A.            The examination will be approved by the appraisal qualifications board of the appraisal foundation and will cover standard appraisal concepts.

                B.            Prior to issuance of an examination ticket, all credible education hours, qualifying experience credit, and the experience log, must be verified and found to be completed in full and acceptable to the board.

                [B.] C.    An applicant for licensing or certification will be denied and the results of the examination will be invalidated if: the applicant uses or possesses anything that gives the applicant an advantage other than silent, cordless, non-programmable calculator, Hewlett Packard calculator 12C or its equivalent; the applicant gives or receives any kind of aid during the examination; or someone other than the applicant takes the test or attempts to take the test for the applicant.

                [C.] D.    All calculator memories must be cleared before the examination.  Operating manuals will not be allowed at the testing site.

                [D.] E.    The board will administer an examination on the New Mexico Real Estate Appraisers Act and board rules and regulations known as the state board jurisprudence examination which will require a score of seventy percent or more for a passing grade.  This jurisprudence examination shall be taken during initial application for no charge, if this exam is failed then the exam can be taken a second time for a fee of $95.  If the second exam is failed then the application will be deemed incomplete and then referred to the board, at their next meeting, for decision.

                [E.] F.    The applicant must take the examination prescribed by the board.

[1/14/00; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 62.61.8, 09/13/2004; A, 06/13/2008; A, 08/21/2010; A, 01/15/2017; A, 02/03/2019; A, 09/26/2023]