New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 18 / September 26, 2023



This is an amendment to 16.62.7 Sections 3, 12 and 14, effective 9/26/2023               STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  [This part is promulgated pursuant to the real estate appraisers board, Sections 61-30-7, 10, 11, 13 and 14 NMSA 1978 as amended.] These rules are promulgated pursuant to the Real Estate Appraisers Act, Section 61-30-1 to Section 61-30-24, NMSA 1978.

[10/1/97; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 62.7.3, 09/13/2004; A, 09/26/2023]             REQUIRED CONTINUING EDUCATION:

                A.            Twenty-eight hours as defined in NMAC of continuing education in courses approved by the board, which must include the appraisal qualification board (AQB) approved seven-hour national uniform standards of professional appraisal practice  (USPAP) update course, are required in each two-year renewal period.

                B.            [Each license holder is required to submit a list of continuing education courses with each renewal.]  For continuing education cycle periods of 185 days to 365 days, 14 hours of continuing education is required.  For continuing education cycle periods of less than 185 days, no hours of continuing education are required.

                C.            Effective with the first biennial renewal period and each subsequent renewal, a seven hour class in the national uniform standards of professional appraisal practice update course is required as part of the continuing education requirement.  Successful completion includes passing an exam, if required, by the appraiser qualifications board (AQB).

                D.            Successful completion jurisprudence examination will be required of every trainee, licensee and certificate holder as a condition of renewal in each biennial renewal.

                [D.] E.    Educational offerings taken by an individual in order to fulfill the class hour requirement for a different classification than his/her current classification may be simultaneously counted towards the continuing education requirement of his/her current classification.

                [E.] F.    Credit towards the continuing education hour requirements for each appraiser classification may be granted only where the length of the educational offering is at least two hours.

[10/1/97; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 62.7.12, 09/13/2004; A, 11/25/2006; A, 08/21/2010; A, 01/16/2011; A, 01/15/2017; A, 02/03/2019; A, 09/26/2023]             REINSTATEMENT OF EXPIRED LICENSE:  An expired license may be reinstated within [90] 30 days after expiration upon:

                A.            submission of an application,

                B.            payment of the required biennial renewal fee,

                C.            proof of completion of all required continuing education hours that would have been required if the credential holder were in an active status. The required hours must also include the most recent edition of the seven-hour national USPAP update course (or its AQB-approved equivalent),

                D.            [and] payment of the administrative reinstatement fee,

                E.            Criminal history background check:  All applicants for initial issuance or reinstatement of a certificate and license in New Mexico shall be required to be fingerprinted to establish positive identification for a state and federal criminal history background check.

                                (1)           The applicant will register online, through the approved department of public safety website, with the board’s Originating Agency Identification (ORI) number and make payment with registration.  After the process is complete, the applicant will receive a registration confirmation.

                                (2)           Results will be sent to the board electronically.  The board shall not issue a certificate or license until the applicant’s background check has been successfully completed.

                                (3)           Out-of-State applicants, who are unable to visit an approved live scan fingerprinting facility, may follow the same registration process and submit a hardcopy fingerprint card to the approved live scan fingerprinting facility.  The results will be sent to the board electronically.  The board shall not issue a certificate or license until the applicant’s background check has been successfully completed.

                F.            The board may, in its discretion, treat the former trainee, license or certificate holder as a new applicant and further require that the applicant be reexamined as a condition to reissue a license or certificate.

[10/1/97; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 62.7.14, 09/13/2004; A, 01/01/2015; A, 01/15/2017; A, 09/26/2023]