New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 18 / September 26, 2023



This is an amendment to 16.62.9 Sections 3 and 8 effective 9/26/2023               STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  [This part is promulgated pursuant to the real estate appraisers board, Sections 61-30-7, 10, 11, 13 and 14 NMSA 1978 as amended.] These rules are promulgated pursuant to the Real Estate Appraisers Act, Section 61-30-1 to Section 61-30-24, NMSA 1978.

[3/15/00; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 62.9.3, 09/13/2004; A, 09/26/2023]               CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING/FEE:  The board shall issue a certificate of good standing to any state trainee, licensed residential, or certified real estate appraiser who is currently or has been credentialed under the act by virtue of having met the following requirements.

                A.            The trainee, license, or certificate holder must pay the required fees in advance.

                B.            The applicant's appraiser trainee, license [or] and certificate must not be under suspension or revocation as a result of disciplinary action by the board, and the trainee, license and certificate holder must not be the subject of a pending notice of contemplated action issued by the board.

                C.            The certificate of good standing shall specify the current license status and license history of the applicant.  Verification of license history and good standing may also be obtained from the national registry of real estate appraisers.

                D.            The applicant must submit a written or online request and pay a fee set by the board for issuance of the certificate of good standing.

[2/28/94; 3/15/00; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 62.9.8, 09/13/2004; A, 11/25/06; A, 01/01/2015; A, 02/03/2019; A, 09/26/2023]