New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 18 / September 26, 2023



This is an amendment to 16.65.5 Section 8 effective 9/26/2023               FEES: All fees are non-refundable.

                A.            Initial application fee                                          $1000.

                B.            Renewal fee                                                          $550.

                C.            Late renewal fee                                                  $250.

                [D.           Criminal background fee                                   fees as currently charged by department of public safety.]

                D.            Change of Management fee                              $50.

                E.            Duplicate/replacement registration                  $25.

                F.            Paper list of all registrants                                 $150.

                G.            Electronic list of all registrants                         $125.

                H.            Administrative fee                                              $50.

                I.             Official verification of good standing             $25.

                J.             AMC federal registration fee as currently charged by the appraisal subcommittee for federal registry.

[ NMAC - N, 10/16/09; A, 01/15/2017; A, 09/26/2023]