New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 14 / July 31, 2023



This is an amendment to 6.12.15 NMAC, Sections 1, 6, and 8, effective July 31, 2023.               ISSUING AGENCY:  Public Education Department, hereinafter [referred to as] the department.

[ NMAC – N, 10/13/2021; A, 7/31/2023]               OBJECTIVE:  This rule establishes the requirements for [the operation of] public schools [during the COVID-19 pandemic] to adhere to public health orders, executive orders, and department guidance.

[ NMAC – N, 10/13/2021; A, 7/31/2023]               REQUIREMENTS FOR SCHOOLS:

                A.            [School districts and schools shall] School districts and charter schools shall follow all public health orders, executive orders, and department guidance [including the COVID-19 response toolkit for New Mexico’s public schools] for the operation of schools, school sponsored activities, and school premises, including school transportation; and

                B.            [School districts and schools shall] School districts and charter schools shall honor tribal sovereignty and abide by applicable tribal public health orders, tribal executive orders, and tribal council resolutions.

[ NMAC – N, 10/13/2021; A, 7/31/2023]