New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIV, Issue 17 / September 12, 2023





The Human Services Department (the Department), through the Medical Assistance Division (MAD), is proposing to amend the New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) rule 8.314.5 NMAC, Long Term Care Services - Waivers, Developmental Disabilities Home and Community-Based Services Waiver.


Section 9-8-6 NMSA 1978, authorizes the Department Secretary to promulgate rules and regulations that may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Department and its divisions.


Notice Date:  September 12, 2023

Hearing Date:  October 13, 2023

Adoption Date:  Proposed as February 1, 2024

Technical Citations:  42 CFR Part 441


The Department is proposing to amend the rule as follows:


Throughout the rule the following changes have been made:

All references of the “Outside Reviewer” have been removed and replaced with the “Third Party Accessor (TPA)”.


Changes have been made to align with formatting requirements.


Section 7


Subsection A

HSD is proposing to add language to clarify the definition of activities for daily living (ADLs).


Subsection E

HSD is proposing to remove the subsection regarding the definition of Clinical Documentation as it is being renamed to Supporting Documentation in Subsection I. Subsequent sections are being renumbered due to addition/deletion of items.


Subsection F

HSD is proposing to remove the subsection regarding Clinical Justification in Definitions as justification documentation policy will be added in later section 15. Subsequent sections are being renumbered due to addition/deletion of items.


Subsection E

HSD is proposing to add language defining the developmental disabilities support division (DDSD), as they are the Operating agency for the daily administration of the 1915c waiver programs. Subsequent sections are being renumbered due to addition/deletion of items.


Subsection I

HSD is proposing to add the definition of Supporting Documentation, replacing Clinical Documentation to clarify and remain consistent with language throughout the rule. Subsequent sections are being renumbered due to addition/deletion of items.


Subsection J

HSD is proposing to add the definition of the Third Party Assessor as they are the contractor that will perform level of cares and medical eligibility.  Subsequent sections are being renumbered due to addition/deletion of items.


Section 8


Subparagraph (j) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B

HSD proposes adding language clarifying unacceptable intervention of public or private humiliation.


Subparagraph (k) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B

HSD proposes removing privacy violations language and replacing with the application of water mist, noxious taste, smell, or skin agents as an unacceptable intervention.


Subparagraph (l) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B

HSD proposes to remove the unacceptable intervention of restricting exit and replacing with privacy violations previously from Subparagraph (k) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B and expanding on the definition.


Subparagraph (m) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B

HSD proposes to remove the unacceptable intervention of water mist as it is being moved to Subparagraph (k) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B and replacing with the unacceptable intervention of restricting exit of a home and expanding on the language.


Subparagraph (n) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B

HSD proposes to remove this item as the language mentioned in the item, the unacceptable intervention of application of noxious tastes, smells, etc., has been combined with Subparagraph (k) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B.


Paragraph (4) of Subsection B

HSD proposes to expand on direct support personnel (DSP) by adding the full spelling of direct support personnel.


Paragraph (8) of Subsection B

HSD proposes to remove the word ‘super’ to correct it being placed there in error.


Section 10


Subparagraph (d) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection D

HSD proposes to add the required qualification of having a high school diploma or GED and a minimum of 6 years of direct experience related to the delivery of social services to people with disabilities.


Subsection H

HSD proposes to expand on the language regarding living supports provider direct support personnel to include subcontractor or employee.


Subsection I

HSD proposes to expand on the language regarding customized community supports provider direct support personnel to include subcontractor or employee.


Subsection J

HSD proposes to expand on the language regarding community integrated employment provider direct support personnel to include subcontractor or employee.


Section 11


Paragraph (1) of Subsection C

HSD Proposes to add subcontractor to language regarding employees of a developmental disabilities waiver (DDW) provider.


Section 14


Paragraph (11) of Subsection B

HSD proposes to add crisis supports as a service option that are available outside of the annual resource allotment (ARA).


Section 15

HSD proposes clarifying language that DDW covered services must be based on assessed need.


Subsection A

HSD proposes removing the existing subsection regarding budget levels that the OR approved and replace with language detailing the documentation justification of services.


Subsection C

HSD proposes removing language regarding budget levels.


Paragraph (2) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add amounts and units of respite available per individual service plan (ISP) year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (3) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add amounts and units of adult nursing services available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (4) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add amounts and units of therapy services available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued.


Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (5) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add clarifying language stating the recipient lives in the same residence as the direct support personnel for family living services.


Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph (5) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add language clarifying amounts and units of supported living services available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards. As well as clarifying documentation requirements.


Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (5) of Subsection C

HSD proposes adding the language of approval for supported living intensive medical supports requires a IMLS parameter tool with a score of 20 or above. As well as subsequent item is being renumbered due to the addition.


Paragraph (6) of Subsection C

HSD proposes adding the language of amounts and units of customized community supports (CCS) available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (7) of Subsection C

HSD proposes adding language stating requests from eligible recipients for community integrated employment (CIE) intensive services must include a letter of justification and the eligibility recipient's work hours or proposed schedule.


Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (7) of Subsection C

HSD proposes adding language stating requests to utilize the DDW for job development must have prior written approval by DDSD.


Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph (7) of Subsection C

HSD proposes adding language stating requests to utilize the DDW for short term job coaching must have prior written approval by DDSD.


Subparagraph (e) of Paragraph (7) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to remove reference to job aid. As well as subsequent items are being renumbered due to the removal.


Paragraph (8) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add language clarifying the amounts and units for support consultation available to the recipient as it is subject to DDSD services standards as well as guidance on requesting units over limits.


Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (8) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to adjust language referring to direct support personnel to be DSP.


Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (10) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add language allowing the purchase and installation of grab bars for environmental modification services.


Subparagraph (d) of Paragraph (10) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add language clarifying the amounts and units for environmental modification services available to the recipient as it is subject to DDSD services standards as well as documentation requirements. Subsequent item is being renumbered due to the addition.


Paragraph (11) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add language of Crisis Supports must be prior authorized by the DDSD Bureau of Behavioral Supports (BBS).


Paragraph (12) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add language of reimbursement is allowable for eligible ride share programs identified through ISP. Amounts and units of non-medical transportation available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (14) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add the language of amounts and units of assistive technology  available to eligible recipients per ISP year must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (15) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add the language of requests from eligible recipients for independent living transition services must include DDSD verification of eligibility form.  Amounts and units of independent living transition services available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (16) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add the language of amounts and units of remote support technology available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (17) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add the language of amounts and units of preliminary risk screening and consultation (PRSC) available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (18) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add the language of amounts and units of socialization and sexuality education (SSE) available per ISP year to eligible recipients must comply with limits outlined in the DDSD issued service standards.


Paragraph (19) of Subsection C

HSD proposes to add the language of requests for customized in-home living supports for over 11 hours a day must be approved the DDSD.


Section 17


Subsection F

HSD proposes to remove this section as the Jackson lawsuit has been dismissed.  Subsequent subsections are being renumbered due to the deletion.


The register for these proposed amendments to this rule will be available September 12, 2023 on the HSD web site at or at  If you do not have Internet access, a copy of the proposed rule may be requested by contacting MAD in Santa Fe at 505-827-1337.


The Department proposes to implement this rule effective February 1, 2024.  A public hearing to receive testimony on this proposed rule will be held on October 13, 2023, at 10:30 a.m.  The hearing will be held at the Administrative Services Division (ASD), 1474 Rodeo Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505 and via conference call. Conference phone number:  1-800-747-5150.  Access Code:  2284263.


Interested parties may submit written comments directly to:  Human Services Department, Office of the Secretary, ATT: Medical Assistance Division Public Comments, P.O. Box 2348, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2348.


Recorded comments may be left at (505) 827-1337.   Interested persons may also address comments via electronic mail to:  Written mail, electronic mail and recorded comments must be received no later than 5 p.m. MT on October 13, 2023.  Written and recorded comments will be given the same consideration as oral testimony made at the public hearing.  All written comments received will be posted as they are received on the HSD website at along with the applicable register and rule.  The public posting will include the name and any contact information provided by the commenter.


If you are a person with a disability and you require this information in an alternative format or require a special accommodation to participate in the public hearing, please contact MAD in Santa Fe at 505-827-1337.  The Department requests at least ten (10) days advance notice to provide requested alternative formats and special accommodations.


Copies of all comments will be made available by the MAD upon request by providing copies directly to a requestor or by making them available on the MAD website or at a location within the county of the requestor.