New Mexico Register / Volume XXXV, Issue 13 / July 16, 2024



This is an amendment to 5.5.50 NMAC Sections 6, 8, & 10 effective 07/16/2024                OBJECTIVE:  The Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) supports economic development in New Mexico by reimbursing qualified companies for a significant portion of training costs associated with newly created jobs.  Eligibility for JTIP funds depends on the company’s business, the role of the newly created positions in that business, and the trainees themselves.

               A.           Company eligibility:  Companies that increase the economic base of New Mexico are eligible to be considered for JTIP funds.  They are broken out into two broad categories:  manufacturers and companies that provide services that are non-retail in nature and export at least fifty percent of the services to a customer base outside New Mexico.  The company must be creating new jobs as a result of expansion, startup, or relocation to the State of New Mexico.  Companies are required to have a physical presence (real estate either purchased or leased) in New Mexico.  Companies that have been funded previously by JTIP must have at least as many total employees as when they last expanded under JTIP.

               B.           Job eligibility:  Jobs eligible for funding through JTIP must be newly created, full-time (minimum of 32 hours/week), and year-round.  Trainees must be guaranteed full-time employment with the company upon successful completion of the training program.  Eligible positions must directly support the primary mission of the business and include human resources and those directly related to the creation of the product or service provided by the company to its customers.  Other newly created jobs not directly related to production may be eligible.  The number of these jobs is limited to twenty percent of the total number of jobs applied for in the proposal.  Companies with fewer than 20 employees may include production-related jobs claimed on previous JTIP projects in the calculation when applying for non-production jobs on subsequent applications within two years of the most recent board approval date.  Jobs must also meet a wage requirement to be eligible for funding.  The entry level wage requirements for JTIP eligibility are specified in the “Reimbursable Expenses” section of this policy manual.  To attract the best candidates and reduce turnover, companies are encouraged to set wages at levels eligible for the high wage job tax credit, and utilize the WorkKeys® program as part of the hiring process.  In urban areas, companies with more than 20 employees must offer health insurance coverage to employees and their dependents and pay at least fifty percent of the premium for employees who elect coverage.

               C.           Trainee eligibility:  To be eligible for JTIP, trainees must be new hires to the company, must have been residents of the state of New Mexico for at least one continuous year at any time prior to employment in an eligible position, must be domiciled in New Mexico (domicile is your permanent home; it is a place to which a person returns after a temporary absence) during employment, and must be of legal status for employment.  Trainees must not have left a public school program in the three months prior to employment, unless they graduated or completed a HSE (high-school equivalency). The one-year residency requirement may not apply to a trainee hired into an approved high-wage position provided the trainee meets all other JTIP eligibility requirements and moved to New Mexico with the intent of making New Mexico his/her permanent place of residence prior to beginning work with the participating company.  Companies are reimbursed at a reduced, flat reimbursement rate for trainees that meet these criteria.

               D.           Reimbursable training costs:  Training funded through JTIP can be custom classroom training at a New Mexico post-secondary public educational institution, structured on-the-job training at the company (OJT), or a combination of the two.  Training should be customized to the specific needs of the company and provide “quick response” training for employees.

                              (1)          The following expenses are eligible for reimbursement through JTIP:

                                             (a)          A portion of trainee wages up to seventy-five percent for up to six months of initial training.

                                             (b)          A portion of the cost of providing customized classroom training at a New Mexico post-secondary public educational institution.

                              (2)          Positions that meet the JTIP requirements with starting wages at levels eligible for the high wage job tax credit may be eligible for an additional five percent wage reimbursement above the standard rates if the approved entry wage is at least the minimum rate for the job zone as outlined in the JTIP wage chart on Paragraph (2) of Subsection D. of NMAC.

                              (3)          Companies that hire trainees who have graduated within the past twelve months from a post-secondary training or academic program at a New Mexico institution of higher education may be eligible for an additional five percent wage reimbursement above the standard rates.

                              (4)          Companies that hire trainees who are U.S. veterans may be eligible for an additional five percent wage reimbursement above the standard rates.

                              (5)          Companies that hire trainees who have graduated out of the NM foster care system may be eligible for an additional five percent reimbursement above the standard rates.

                              (6)          Companies may combine the additional five percent wage reimbursement for high-wage jobs with any one of the conditions described in paragraphs (3), (4) or (5) above, for a total additional wage reimbursement not to exceed ten percent above the standard rates.

                              (7)          If a company is participating in other job reimbursement training programs, the combined reimbursement to the company may not exceed one hundred percent.

                              (8)          For companies that hire remote workers, the reimbursement percentage for the remote employee shall be linked to the location of the employee.  Urban companies must also offer the remote workers that reside in a rural or frontier location a wage that is consistent with the urban location. Conversely, a rural or frontier company that hires a remote worker from an urban location, the reimbursement percentage will be linked to the urban location and must also meet the minimum entry wage requirement respective to the O*NET job zone for an urban location in order to qualify for the hours of training assigned to that job zone.

                                             (a)          Rural – sixty-five percent.

                                             (b)          Frontier, Tribal and Federally designated Colonias – seventy-five percent.

                              (9)          JTIP approved employers that utilize business support services through the recognized New Mexico workforce connection offices across the state or through other independent human resource support service providers that help small businesses develop successful recruitment strategies to grow and retain their workforce may be eligible for an additional five percent wage reimbursement above the standard rates.

                              (10)        For companies with a workforce of less than 50 and have a designated Human Resources representative that will be responsible for developing and implementing an internship program and utilize JTIP for internship training and subsequently transition an intern into a full-time position with the company will receive an additional $1,000 incentive.

               E.           Program management and administration:  General management of the job training incentive program is the responsibility of the industrial training board as prescribed by governing legislation (Section 21-19-7, NMSA 1978 and subsequent amendments).  The board is responsible for establishing policies and guidelines related to the program’s management and operation.  The board shall provide review and oversight to assure that funds expended will generate business activity and give measurable growth to the economic base of New Mexico throughout the year.  The board has the authority to make funding decisions based on the availability of funds, sufficient appropriations, and the board’s determination of the qualifications of the business.  The board may elect to implement measures to conserve funds when available funds become limited.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 6/26/2018; A, 7/14/2020; A, 7/7/2021, A 7/16/2024]                QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS:

               A.           Company qualifications and requirements:  The following requirements have been instituted to ensure that companies applying for JTIP funds meet the qualifications established by legislation.

                              (1)          Two categories of companies are eligible to be considered for JTIP funds:  companies that manufacture a product in New Mexico and certain non-retail service providers.  Manufacturing businesses are typically included in sectors 31-33 of the North American industry classification system (NAICS).  Manufacturing includes all intermediate processes required for the production and integration of a product’s components.  Industrial production, in which raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale, is one example.  Assembly and installation on the customer premises is excluded, unless the company and jobs exist for the sole purpose of producing or installing environmentally sustainable products (see green industries definition).  A company whose employees are compensated solely on piecework is not eligible.  Other types of companies that may be eligible under the manufacturing category are listed below:

                                             (a)          Manufacturers that perform research and development and engineering functions for their own products in New Mexico but manufacture elsewhere.  Start-ups and early-stage manufacturing companies.  The company must be adequately capitalized to reach first production and be able to deliver service per criteria and procedures as set forth by and at the discretion of the JTIP board.

                                             (b)          Renewable power generators.

                                             (c)          Film post-production companies, and film digital production companies (such as animation and video game production companies).

                                             (d)          Non-traditional agricultural entities may be eligible under the manufacturing category provided that the operation is a year-round, value-added production facility in a controlled and enclosed environment.  Such operations may have mechanized processes, require a specialized workforce or may be involved with research and development or technology transfer.

                                             (e)          Manufacturers that perform research and development and engineering functions for their own products in New Mexico but manufacture elsewhere are eligible.

                                             (f)           Start-ups and early-stage manufacturing companies may be eligible.  The company must be adequately capitalized to reach first production and able to deliver service per criteria and procedures as set forth by and at the discretion of the JTIP board.

                              (2)          Non-retail service businesses provide a specialized service that may be sold to another business and used by the business to develop products or deliver services.  Non-retail service is not offered to the general public.  Eligible non-retail service businesses must demonstrate that at least fifty percent of their revenues come from a customer base outside New Mexico.  Businesses that may be eligible as non-retail service providers may include:

                                             (a)          Companies that exist for the sole purpose of producing, installing, or integrating environmentally sustainable products (see definition of green industries in glossary).  Companies that meet the green industry criteria are not required to generate out-of-state revenues.

                                             (b)          Service companies that provide a non-retail service to government agencies may be eligible provided at least fifty percent of revenue is from a customer base outside New Mexico.  Revenue derived from contracts with national research laboratories or military bases located in New Mexico is not considered out-of-state.  National research laboratories in New Mexico or companies that operate national research laboratories in New Mexico are not eligible.

                                             (c)          Logistics companies that provide inbound and outbound transportation management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory management, supply and demand planning, third-party logistics management, and other support services.  Logistics services are involved at all levels in the planning and execution of the movement of goods and information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.  Distribution and transloading services are included within the logistics category.

                                             (d)          Aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) operations may be eligible.  MRO’s provide airframe, engine and component services to the aviation industry, including aircraft such as planes, jets and helicopters in need of regular maintenance, repair and adjustments to keep in working order according to federal regulations.  A contracted third-party or the owner of the aircraft may bring the aircraft to New Mexico for service.

                                             (e)          Start-ups and early-stage companies may be eligible.  The company must be adequately capitalized to reach first production and able to deliver service per criteria and procedures as set forth by and at the discretion of the JTIP board.

                                             (f)           Business operations that do not generate gross receipts within New Mexico may be eligible if at least fifty percent of the customer-base is outside New Mexico and service is provided to customers who are not physically present at the New Mexico facility.  Companies in this category may be part of a multi-state entity or corporation that have a location in New Mexico and whose revenues flow to the New Mexico business operation, which in turn pay the wages of the New Mexico employees and contribute to the New Mexico tax base in the form of corporate and payroll taxes.  Businesses that may be eligible under this category may include:

                                                            (i)           Headquarters operations:  The center of operations of a business where corporate staff employees are physically employed; centralized functions are performed, including administrative, planning, managerial, human resources, purchasing, information technology and accounting, but not including operating a call center; the function and purpose of which is to manage and direct most aspects and functions of the business operations within a subdivided area of the United States; from which final authority over regional or sub-regional offices, operating facilities and any other offices of the business are issued;  and including national and regional headquarters if the national headquarters is subordinate only to the ownership of the business or its representatives and the regional headquarters is subordinate to the national headquarters.

                                                            (ii)          Shared services centers:  The entity within a corporation responsible for the execution and the handling of specific operational tasks, such as accounting, human resources, payroll, IT, legal, compliance, purchasing, for a regional or national division.

                                                            (iii)        Customer support centers.  Customer support centers must service a customer who is not physically present at the facility.  The customer support center must have a facility separate from other business operations (for example, a retail store).  Positions that require outbound sales, solicitation, collections, or telemarketing are not eligible for JTIP funds, unless they are in response to inbound requests and existing clients, or business to business.  Contract-based customer support centers must meet special requirements.  Contract-based customer support centers are outsourcing vendors that provide information to customers of their clients on behalf of those clients.  Contract-based customer support centers do not have a core expertise; rather they communicate information provided to them by their clients.  Contract-based customer support centers must provide evidence of a minimum five-year lease or purchase of a facility in New Mexico; offer employees and their dependents health insurance coverage; and contribute at least fifty percent of the premium for healthcare insurance for those employees who choose to enroll.  Eligibility as an expanding company is determined by peak employment over the four prior years.  For first-time applicants, peak employment is based on the employment average from four previous years or the present employment level, whichever is higher.  The company must meet or exceed the average employment level for the past four years in order to be considered an expanding company and eligible for JTIP.  Contract-based customer support centers that have been funded in the past four years must be expanding beyond the peak employment count achieved with previous JTIP funds.

                              (3)          The company must be creating new jobs, whether due to expansion in New Mexico or relocation to the state of New Mexico.  An expanding company is defined as an existing business that requires additional employees or workforce due to a market or product expansion.  Eligibility as an expanding company is determined by peak employment over the two prior years.  For first-time applicants, peak employment is based on the employment average from two previous years or the present employment level, whichever is higher.  The company must meet or exceed the average employment level for the past two years in order to be considered an expanding company and eligible for JTIP.  For companies that have been funded by the program within the past two years, the number of employees at the time of previous funding application and the number funded by JTIP are also taken into consideration.  The company must be expanding beyond the peak employment count achieved with previous JTIP funds.  New Mexico unemployment insurance (UI) reports are used to determine employment levels.  A company may be allowed to exclude JTIP intern positions and apprentices when calculating the two-year average headcount.

                              (4)          If a company hires twenty or more trainees in a municipality with a population of more than 40,000 according to the most recent decennial census or in a class H county (Los Alamos), the company must offer its employees and their dependents health insurance coverage that is in compliance with the NM insurance code (Chapter 59 A).  In addition, the company must contribute at least fifty percent of the premium for health insurance for those employees who choose to enroll.  The fifty percent employer contribution is not a requirement for dependent coverage.

                              (5)          Companies are required to submit three years of financial statements (profit and loss, balance sheets, statements of cash flow, and financing term sheets) as part of the application process.  Year-to-date financials may also be requested.  Start-ups and early-stage companies that do not have three years of financials are required to submit financials for the period for which they are available.  Other documentation that may be requested may include but is not limited to tax returns, evidence of operating capital and investment funding, a business plan, evidence of signed contracts, pro forma financial statements and sales projections which would substantiate their business expansion.  Start-ups and early stage manufacturing companies may be eligible.  The company must be adequately capitalized to reach first production and able to deliver service per criteria and procedures as set forth by and at the discretion of the JTIP board.

                              (6)          Training programs for the production of Native American crafts or imitation Native American crafts are only eligible when a majority of trainees or company employees are of Native American descent.  A clear distinction of products carrying names and sources suggesting products are of Native American origin must be made.  Total compliance with the federal trade commission and the Indian arts and crafts board of the department of interior rules and regulations must be made in determining authentic Native American products using labels, trademarks and other measures.

                              (7)          If a facility that received JTIP funds closes or if lay-offs of JTIP trainees occur within one year of the completion of training, the JTIP board will require the refund of the funds associated with any JTIP trainee(s) that were claimed and subsequently laid-off.  The board will require a refund of funds from companies whose JTIP reimbursement exceeds $100,000.  The board will require a refund of funds within 90 days of notification.

                              (8)          Layoff is defined as a strategic and organized event of separation of employees from an establishment that is initiated by the employer as a result of market forces or other factors not related to employee performance.

                              (9)          If a JTIP eligible trainee is laid-off during the training period and is subsequently rehired, within four months by the same employer, the trainee can be treated as a new hire and thus remains eligible for the remaining training hours.

                              (10)        Businesses that are not eligible include but are not limited to retail, construction, traditional agriculture and farming, mining and extractive industries, health care, casinos, and tourism-based businesses (hotels, restaurants, etc.).  The board uses the North American industry classification system (NAICS) as a general guideline to establish industry classification and eligibility.

                              (11)        Companies must be in good standing with the Economic Development Department in order to be considered for participation in JTIP.

               B.           Position qualifications and requirements:  The following qualifications have been established to ensure that the positions for which funding is requested meet legislative requirements.

                              (1)          Positions must be full-time (at least 32 hours/week) and year-round.  Trainees must be guaranteed full-time employment with the company upon successful completion of training.  Contract positions are not eligible for JTIP funds.

                              (2)          Trainer wages are not eligible for JTIP funds.

                              (3)          To attract the best candidates and reduce turnover, companies are encouraged to set wages at a level which may be eligible for the high wage job tax credit.  These levels are $60,000 in a municipality with a population of 40,000 or more as of the last decennial census and $40,000 in other locations.  Communities defined as urban for JTIP include Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Rio Rancho, and Santa Fe.  Los Alamos is also treated as an urban community.

                              (4)          Eligible positions include those directly related to the creation of the product or service provided by the company to its customers.  Positions eligible under JTIP must directly support the primary mission of the business and include human resources.  In addition, other newly created positions may be funded up to a maximum of twenty percent of the total number of jobs for which funding is requested, and may include non-executive, professional support positions.  Rural companies with fewer than 20 employees may include production-related jobs claimed on previous JTIP projects in the calculation when applying for non-production jobs on subsequent applications.  For headquarter facilities as described under Paragraph (1) of Subsection A above, eligible positions may only include professional support, non-executive positions.

                              (5)          Intern positions may be eligible provided the trainee is enrolled in, or has graduated within the past 12 months from, a training or academic program and meets JTIP eligibility requirements.  Intern positions may be part-time (less than 32 hours per week).  The intern position must be relevant to the post-secondary training or academic program in which the trainee is enrolled, or from which the trainee has graduated, but is not required to be production or service related.  Companies will be reimbursed upon evidence of direct full-time employment offered within 90 days of completion of the internship and graduation from the training or education program, or within 90 days of completion of the internship by a recent graduate.

                              (6)          Remote worker trainees may be eligible if all of the trainee qualifications and requirements as defined in policy under trainee eligibility.

               C.           Trainee qualifications and requirements:  The company has the exclusive decision in the selection of trainees.  Trainees are expected to meet company standards on attendance, performance, and other personnel policies.  All trainees must be hired within six months of the contract start date.  The following qualifications have been established to ensure that the trainees for which funding is requested meet legislative requirements.

                              (1)          Trainees must be new hires.  No retraining of current company employees is allowed under the JTIP program.  Individuals who have been previously employed by or have worked as contractors to the company are not eligible to be hired under JTIP in the same or similar position as the one previously occupied or contracted.  JTIP staff determines eligibility of these positions and trainees on a case by case basis, and if deemed eligible, training hours may be reduced.  The vacancy left by an existing employee moving in to a JTIP position must be filled by the end of the project period.  Individuals who have been employed temporarily in a position classified as intern or apprentice in order to gain practical training that connects an academic pathway into work based or relevant business experience may be eligible.  Current company employees may be eligible for training under the New Mexico enhanced skills training program, STEP UP.

                              (2)          Trainees must have resided in the state of New Mexico for a minimum of one continuous year at any time before beginning training.  The one-year residency requirement may not apply to a trainee hired in to an approved high-wage position provided the trainee meets all other JTIP eligibility requirements and moved to New Mexico with the intent of making New Mexico his/her permanent place of residence prior to beginning work with the participating company.  All trainees must currently be domiciled in New Mexico.

                              (3)          Trainees must be of legal status for employment.

                              (4)          Trainees shall not have terminated a public school program except by graduation or HSE (high-school equivalency) certification within the three months prior to beginning training.

                              (5)          Trainees who have participated in a previous JTIP [or industrial development training program] project [are not] may be eligible to participate again with the same company if the trainee is being promoted into a position that is uniquely different from the position currently occupied.  or the trainee [unless the trainee has participated in the JTIP internship program] The vacancy left by the trainee must be filled by the end of the project period. Interns from a current or previous JTIP project transitioning into a full-time, permanent position with the same company may also be eligible to participate again.

                              (6)          Trainees who are majority owners or relatives of majority owners of the company are not eligible to participate in JTIP.

                              (7)          Trainee job classifications should remain fixed during the program.  However, promotions may be allowed during the training period to another position in the contract as long as the pay remains at least equal to the previous job.  JTIP staff should be notified within 15 days of the promotion if the company wishes to be reimbursed for the employee’s training.

                              (8)          Trainees' start dates must occur after the actual contract date.

                              (9)          Employees hired through a temporary agency may be eligible for funding provided the following conditions are met.

                                             (a)          The trainee must be hired by the company as a regular/permanent full-time employee following the temporary agency’s contract agreement that stipulates the number of consecutive work hours the assigned trainee must meet, not to exceed “520” hours.

                                             (b)          JTIP training hours will begin when the trainee has been converted to a regular/permanent full-time position of the JTIP company.

                                             (c)          The trainee must not have worked at the company in a temporary position through a staffing agency prior to the board approval date.

                              (10)        Employees hired by a company through a professional employer organization (PEO) may be eligible for funding provided the PEO agrees to comply with all JTIP requirements for the compliance and final auditor’s reviews as outlined in Subsection K of NMAC and in the JTIP project closeout guide.

                              (11)        Companies are reimbursed for wages as each trainee completes the approved training hours.

                              (12)        If a trainee leaves the company before completing training, the company is not eligible for any reimbursement for that employee.  If another trainee can be hired in that position within the six month hiring period and complete training before the contract end date, a claim can be submitted for the successful trainee.

                              (13)        Remote worker trainees may be eligible if all of the trainee qualifications and requirements as defined in policy under trainee eligibility.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 6/26/2018; A, 7/7/2021; A, 7/16/2024]              REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES:

               A.           The following expenses may be eligible for reimbursement through JTIP.

                              (1)          A percentage of trainee wages for up to six months of initial training.

                              (2)          Cost of providing custom classroom training at a New Mexico post-secondary public educational institution with a cap of $6,000 per trainee.  Reimbursement for classroom training is consistent with JTIP policy and ranges from fifty percent to seventy-five percent based on company location.

                              (3)          A percentage of intern wages for up to [640] 1040 training hours.

               B.           Standard reimbursement rates for wages range up to seventy-five percent.  Positions that meet the JTIP requirements with starting wages at levels eligible for the high wage job tax credit may be also eligible for an additional five percent wage reimbursement.  Positions filled by trainees who meet any of the three following criteria may be eligible for an additional five percent wage reimbursement above the standard rates if the approved entry wage is at least the minimum rate for the Job Zone as outlined in the JTIP wage chart on Paragraph (2) of Subsection D. of NMAC for Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4:

                              (1)          Trainee has graduated out of the New Mexico Foster Care System.

                              (2)          Trainee has graduated within the past 12 months from a post-secondary training or academic program at a New Mexico institution of higher education.

                              (3)          Trainee is a U.S. veteran.

Companies may combine any one of the three conditions above with the additional five percent wage reimbursement for high-wage positions, for a total additional wage reimbursement not to exceed ten percent above the standard rates.  If a company is participating in other job reimbursement training programs such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the combined reimbursement to the company may not exceed one hundred percent.

               C.           JTIP approved employers that utilize business support services through the recognized New Mexico Workforce Connection offices across the state or through other independent human resource support service providers that help small businesses develop successful recruitment strategies to grow and retain their workforce may be eligible for an additional five percent reimbursement above the standard rates.

               D.           The job training incentive program allows for reimbursement only at the completion of training.  If an employee does not complete the training period, no funds can be claimed for that employee.  If another trainee can be hired in that position within the six month hiring period and complete training before the contract end date, a claim can be submitted for the successful trainee.

               E.           Wage reimbursement:

                              (1)          Trainee wages are generally the largest expense associated with training.  JTIP reimburses the company for a significant portion of trainee wages during the initial training period.  The percentage of standard reimbursement ranges up to seventy-five percent, depending on the business location.

                              (2)          The number of hours eligible for reimbursement varies by position, up to 1,040 hours (six months).  The number of hours eligible for reimbursement for each position is based on the O*NET (occupational information network) job zone classification for the O*NET position which most closely matches the company’s job description and the wage paid the trainee at the point of hire.  The O*NET system, sponsored by the US department of labor, is available at  Each job in the O*NET system is assigned to one of five job zones, with recommended training hours for each zone.  For fiscal year [2024,] 2025, the JTIP board may maintain wage requirements effective in the first year of JTIP approval for the length of the job ramp within the project participation agreement (PPA) for companies that are also engaged in a LEDA agreement with the economic development department provided the company meets job creation requirements within the period and wages do not fall below the statewide minimum wage.

The number of recommended hours for fiscal year [2024] 2025 are outlined in the table below.


General Guideline for Duration of Reimbursable Training Time/Wages for [FY2024 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024] FY2025 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025)

Job Zone


SVP Range/Conversions


Min. Wage @ Hiring - Urban

Min. Wage @ Hiring - Rural




Little or no preparation needed

Below 4.0







Some preparation needed

4.0 to < 6.0







Some preparation needed

4.0 to < 6.0







Medium preparation needed

6.0 to < 7.0







Medium preparation needed

6.0 to < 7.0







Considerable preparation needed

7.0 to < 8.0







Align with HWJTC

Additional five percent







                              (3)          The JTIP staff will ensure that the O*NET occupations match the company job description for the requested position and that training hours requested do not exceed the O*NET guideline.  The board will also review the company's educational and experience requirements of the applicants to determine the degree of match with the company's job descriptions.  The JTIP board may award training hours based on the O*NET guideline unless the company clearly substantiates that additional hours are required.  In determining the appropriate number of training hours, the board considers the training plan, the training objectives, and the hourly wage at point of hire associated with the position.

                              (4)          The board has also adopted a wage requirement for JTIP participation.  The wage requirement varies by job zone and company location (rural/urban).  These requirements are listed in the tables above.  If a company establishes a wage range which includes wages below the minimum wage recommended for that position and job zone, the number of hours eligible for reimbursement may be reduced from the O*NET recommended hours as per criteria and procedures set forth by and at the discretion of the JTIP board, which may include consideration of the company benefits package.  Generally, the hours are reduced to the hours allowed for the next lower job zone.  The reimbursement percentages may be adjusted at the discretion of the board based on availability of funds or sufficient appropriations.

                              (5)          The percentage of wages reimbursed depends primarily on the business location.  The categories for location are urban, rural, frontier, economically distressed, and Native American land.

                                             (a)          Companies located in urban areas (cities with population above 60,000 in the most recent federal decennial census) and Class H counties (i.e., Los Alamos) are reimbursed at up to fifty percent for all eligible training hours.  Urban communities are:  Albuquerque 562,599, Las Cruces 112,914, Rio Rancho [105,834,] 111,803, and Santa Fe 88,193.

                                             (b)          Companies located in rural areas, outside those listed above are reimbursed at up to sixty-five percent for all eligible training hours.

                                             (c)          Companies located in frontier areas (communities with a population of 15,000 or fewer and outside an MSA) are reimbursed at up to seventy-five percent for all eligible training hours.

                                             (d)          Companies located in an economically distressed area in New Mexico are eligible for up to seventy-five percent reimbursement.  To receive up to seventy-five percent reimbursement, a company must be located in a county with an unemployment rate significantly higher than the state unemployment rate.  However, the JTIP board may entertain an exception to this policy when a company is located in a community experiencing a combination of other distressed economic conditions such as recent significant job losses due to business closures or down-sizing, a decline in population, loss of gross receipts or other factors.

                                             (e)          Companies located on Native American reservations are eligible for up to seventy-five percent reimbursement.

                                             (f)           Companies located in federally designated colonias in New Mexico are eligible for up to seventy-five percent reimbursement for all eligible training hours.

                              (6)          JTIP eligible positions with starting wages eligible for the high wage job tax credit may be eligible for an additional five percent reimbursement.  These requirements are a hiring salary of $60,000 or higher in an urban or class H county and a hiring salary of $40,000 or higher in a rural location or economically disadvantaged area.  Trainee requirements are still factors for JTIP eligibility.  The percentage of wages reimbursed for high-wage positions filled by trainees who do not meet the one-year residency requirement is unique and not subject to any additional wage reimbursement above the standard rate.  Companies located in urban areas and Class H counties are reimbursed up to thirty percent for all eligible training hours.  Companies located in rural areas are reimbursed up to forty percent for all eligible training hours.  Companies located in frontier areas are reimbursed up to fifty percent for all eligible training hours.

                              (7)          JTIP eligible positions filled by trainees who have graduated within the past 12 months from a post-secondary training or academic program at a New Mexico institution of higher education may be eligible for an additional five percent reimbursement.

                              (8)          JTIP eligible positions filled by U.S. veterans may be eligible for an additional five percent reimbursement.

                              (9)          Trainee has graduated out of the NM Foster Care System may be eligible for an additional five percent reimbursement.

                              (10)        Additional guidelines for wage reimbursement:

                                             (a)          Eligible trainee hours shall not exceed 1,040 hours per trainee (six months) based on the company's scheduled workweek, not to exceed 40 hours per week.

                                             (b)          Reimbursement is calculated on base pay only.  Bonus pay, overtime, commission and stock options are not eligible for reimbursement.

                                             (c)          If the company compensates the trainee for annual, holiday or sick leave during the approved training period, those hours are included in the approved training hours at the base rate.

                                             (d)          Any training hours that exceed the contracted amount are the responsibility of the company.

                                             (e)          If a company is participating in other job reimbursement training programs such as WIOA, the combined reimbursement to the company may not exceed one hundred percent.

                                             (f)           Additional wage reimbursement may not exceed ten percent above the standard rates. Companies may combine the additional five percent wage reimbursement for high-wage jobs with one of the three following conditions for an additional five percent wage reimbursement provided the entry wage is at least the minimum rate for the job zone as outlined in the JTIP wage chart on Paragraph (2) of Subsection D of NMAC for Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4:

                                                            (i)           the trainee has graduated out of the New Mexico foster care system;

                                                            (ii)          the trainee has graduated within the past 12 months from a post-secondary training or academic program at a New Mexico institution of higher education;

                                                            (iii)        the trainee is a U.S. veteran.  High-wage positions filled by trainees who do not meet the one-year residency requirement are not eligible for additional wage reimbursement above the standard rate.

               F.            Reimbursement for custom classroom training:  Payment for custom classroom training services provided by public post-secondary educational institutions is restricted to instructional costs.  The rate of reimbursement to the institution is at a maximum of [$1,000] $6,000 per trainee.  Instructional costs for classroom training conducted by an educational institution may include course development, instructional salaries, relevant supplies and materials, expendable tools, accounting services, and other costs associated with conducting the training program.  No training equipment may be purchased or rented using JTIP funds.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 6/26/2018; A, 1/1/2020; A, 7/14/2020; A, 7/7/2021; A, 7/12/2022; A, 7/16/2024]