New Mexico Register / Volume XXXV, Issue 13 / July 16, 2024



This is an amendment to 13.14.7 NMAC, Section 8 effective 7/16/2024.              LOAN POLICIES:

               A.           A loan policy shall be issued for the face amount of the loan or loans insured. When the land covered in the policy represents only part of the security of the loan(s), the policy shall be written in the amount of the value of such land or the amount of the loan(s) insured, whichever is less. When requested by an insured, a loan policy may be issued in an amount equal to the original principal amount of the indebtedness plus interest (capitalized or otherwise) not to exceed twenty percent of the principal amount.

               B.           A loan policy may insure liens on multiple tracts in the same manner as an owner’s policy.

               C.           A title insurer or title insurance agency issuing a loan policy shall deliver the new owner’s(s) NM form 9, containing all of the required information available at that time and shall ask the owner’s(s) to indicate whether an owner’s policy is declined. The title insurer or title insurance agency shall retain a copy of the completed NM form 9 with a copy of the loan policy for at least two years whenever an owner’s policy is declined.

               D.           Unless otherwise provided in these rules, a loan policy with a leasehold loan endorsement shall contain the same standard exceptions, be subject to the same premium and be subject to deletion of the same standard exceptions as a standard loan policy. A leasehold loan endorsement shall be attached to a loan policy to create a loan policy insuring a leasehold estate.

[ NMAC – Rp, NMAC, 1/1/2021; A/E, 1/24/2024; N, 07/16/2024.]