New Mexico Register / Volume XXXV, Issue 14 / July 30, 2024



This is an amendment to 16.27.3 NMAC, Sections 8, 12 & 13, effective July 30, 2024.              APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSURE BY EXAMINATION:

               A.           All applicants for licensure by examination must submit the following documentation to the board:

                              (1)          a completed application, [signed] attested by the applicant;

                              [(2)        a 2” x 2” photograph of the applicant taken within the preceding six months;

                              (3)] (2)  an application fee of $75;

                              [(4)] (3) an official transcript in their original and sealed envelope, uploaded directly into the online application, or electronically sent directly to the board’s e-mail address from each institution where the applicant completed an appropriate degree for the license type sought;

                              (4)          if required, a statement from each supervisor on a form provided by the board verifying the applicant’s supervised experience and setting forth the nature and extent of each supervision; the forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the board office, uploaded directly into the online application, or electronically sent directly to the board’s email address from the applicant or the supervisor;

                              (5)          other documentation required in 16.27.4 NMAC through 16.27.8 NMAC, and 16.27.18 NMAC through 16.27.23 NMAC, to document supervision, any additional training or coursework, work experience and client contact hours.

               B.           Applications will be valid for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date it is received at the board’s office.  An applicant wishing to re-apply after 12 months must submit a new application, including the application fee and all documentation.

               C.           Applicants who are deemed ineligible because of experience or educational deficiencies may request licensure at a lower level.  This request from the applicant shall be in writing and include a $25 application re-review fee as provided for in 16.27.17 NMAC.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 11/30/2021; A, 1/18/2023; A, 7/30/2024]            INACTIVE STATUS:

               A.           A licensee may request inactive status by [notifying the board in writing] requesting the change in the online portal before the expiration of the active or retirement status of the license.

               B.           An inactive license must be renewed every two years and pay the requisite fee. No continuing education courses are required while the license remains inactive.

               C.           To be restored to active status, the licensee shall complete the renewal application and comply with current continuing education requirements pursuant to NMAC.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 11/30/2021; A, 07/30/2024]            RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS:

               A.           All licenses must be renewed biennially by September 30 by completing the following requirements:

                              (1)          A completed renewal application provided by the board office;

                              (2)          submission of the renewal license fee;

                              (3)          completion of the mandatory University of New Mexico health professions survey;

                              (4)          completion of 40 CEUs with 12 of those hours being in ethics related to counseling and therapy obtained between October 1 and September 30 of the current licensing period, or, if renewing for the first time, completion of 20 CEU’s with six of those hours being in ethics related to counseling and therapy obtained from license issue date and September 30 of the current license period; and

                              (5)          completion of nine CEUs specific to counseling and therapy supervision if providing supervision to licensees obtained between October 1 and September 30 of the current licensing period.

               B.           A grace period of 30 days ending October 31 of the renewal year will be available for late renewal and will require completion of all requirements outlined in Subsection A of NMAC and the submission of an additional $100 late penalty fee as required under NMAC.

               C.           Failure to renew a license by the end of the grace period will result in the license expiring and will require submission of the following documentation in order to obtain licensure again, pursuant to Subsection D of Section 61-9A-23 NMSA 1978:

                              (1)          Submission of a new and complete application packet, to include all required supplemental documentation;

                              (2)          meeting the current requirements for licensure at the time of completion of the new application packet; and

                              (3)          submission of the application fee and initial license fees as outlined under 16.27.17 NMAC.

[ NMAC - N, 11/30/2021; A, 7/30/2024]