New Mexico Register / Volume XXXVI,
Issue 1 / January 14, 2025
is an amendment to 20.11.63 NMAC Sections 2 and 11, effective 1/14/2025. SCOPE: 20.11.63 NMAC is
applicable to all stationary sources of air pollutants located within
Bernalillo county, which are subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, as
amended in the Federal Register
through [January 23, 2017] November 15, 2024.
A. Exempt:
20.11.63 NMAC does not apply to
sources within Bernalillo county that are located on Indian lands over which
the Albuquerque-Bernalillo county air quality control board lacks jurisdiction.
B. Exclusions:
(1) 40 CFR 60, Subpart AAA, Standards of Performance for New Residential
Wood Heaters.
(2) 40 CFR 60, Subpart QQQQ, Standards of
Performance for New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced Air Furnaces.
C. Variances: The variance
provisions of 20.11.7 NMAC, Variance
Procedure, Revised Ordinances of Albuquerque 1994 Section 9-5-1-8,
Bernalillo County Ordinances Section 30-37, and Section 74-2-8 NMSA 1978 shall
not apply to 20.11.63 NMAC or the incorporated federal standards.
[1/1/2000; NMAC - Rn, 20 NMAC 11.63.2, 10/1/2002;
A, 1/1/2005; A, 1/1/2006; A, 1/15/2007; A, 2/16/2009; A, 12/12/2011; A, 2/10/2014;
A, 5/13/2017; A, 1/14/2025] INCORPORATION
Except as otherwise provided in 20.11.63 NMAC, the New Source
Performance Standards promulgated by the United States environmental protection
agency, and codified at 40 CFR Part 60, including Subpart A, General
Provisions thereto, as amended in the Federal Register
through [January 23, 2017] November 15, 2024, are hereby
incorporated into 20.11.63 NMAC.
[1/1/2000; NMAC - Rn, 20 NMAC 11.63.11, 10/1/2002;
A, 1/1/2005; A, 1/15/2007; A, 2/16/2009; A, 12/12/2011; A, 2/10/2014; A, 5/13/2017;
A, 1/14/2025]