New Mexico Register / Volume XXXVI, Issue 4 / February 25, 2025



This is an amendment to 8.139.400 NMAC Section 8, effective 3/1/2025.



                A.            Households:  The basic assistance unit of the food stamp program is the household.  A household is composed of an individual or a group of individuals who customarily purchase and prepare meals together for home consumption.  There can be more than one household living in one place.

                B.            Verification of information:

                                (1)           Identity:  It is mandatory that the applicant's identity be verified.  Identity may be established through readily available documentary evidence, or, if this is not possible, through a collateral contact or home visit.  Acceptable documentary evidence includes, but is not limited to, driver's license; work or school ID; school records; ID for health benefits or for another assistance or social services program; voter registration card; wage stubs or marriage certificate.  Any document that reasonably establishes the applicant's identity must be accepted.  No requirement for a specific type of document, such as a birth certificate, may be imposed.

                                (2)           Household composition:  Information regarding household composition must be verified before certification, recertification, or when a change is reported. If household size or composition becomes questionable, the income support specialist (ISS) must request verification. Findings must be documented in the case file.

                C.            Household composition:  A food stamp household may be composed of any of the following:

                                (1)           an individual living alone;

                                (2)           an individual living with others who customarily purchases food and prepares meals for home consumption separate and apart from the others;

                                (3)           a group of individuals who live together and who customarily purchase food and prepare meals together for home consumption;

                                (4)           an individual 60 years of age or older (and the spouse of such individual) who lives with others and cannot purchase and prepare food because they suffer from a disability considered permanent under the Social Security Act or suffers from a non disease-related, severe, permanent disability; the income of the others with whom such an individual resides (excluding the income of the individual and spouse) cannot exceed [one hundred sixty-five] two hundred percent of the poverty line [(Subsection E of 8.139.500.8 NMAC)] (8.139.500.8 NMAC);

                                (5)           separate status may be granted on a case-by-case basis to other individuals or groups of individuals who have customarily purchased and prepared food apart from the individual(s) with whom they are now living.

[8.139.400.8 NMAC - Rp 8.139.400.8 NMAC, 7/16/2024; A, 3/1/2025]