New Mexico Register / Volume XXXVI, Issue 5 / March 11, 2025





The Gaming Control Board hereby gives notice that the Board, at a Regular Board Meeting open to the public, will consider public comments received and determine whether to adopt the described rules below.


The Regular Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 beginning at 9:00 am at the Gaming Control Board, 4900 Alameda Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113.  Interested individuals may also attend via Zoom as follows:

Meeting ID: 859 0930 2122

Passcode: 8Bh6th


The public comment period for this rulemaking closed with the public comment hearing which occurred on January 13, 2025.


Subsections D and E of NMAC Compulsive Gambling Assistance Plan:


Purpose:  Amend rule to make it more current and applicable.


Summary of Full Text:  Changing mandate for board to establish minimum standards for a compulsive gambling assistance plan, because it has already been done, to requiring applicants for gaming operator licenses to comply with those requirements.  Reference to NMAC added as requested at the public comment hearing and recommended by the hearing officer.  Also capitalizes “Department of Health” NMAC - Application Fees:


Purpose:  Amends rule to update requirements concerning applications and application fees.


Summary of Full Text:  Updates application fee amounts that have not been changed since the inception of the agency and removes the requirement that the board must immediately issue an order denying an applicant for a gaming license at any time in the application process should they be deemed not qualified.


Subsection D of NMAC - Definitions


Purpose:  Repeal current Rule and replace with corrections of spelling/grammatical errors.


Summary:  Changing “building’s” to “buildings” in definition of “premises”.


Subsection B of NMAC - Minimum Standards for Compulsive Gambling Assistance


Purpose: Repeal and replace current rule to update it.


Summary:  Capitalizes “Department of Health” and makes it the responsibility of the Gaming Control Board’s Responsible Gaming Coordinator to evaluate and made a recommendation to the Board as to a Compulsive Gambling Assistance Plan.


Authority:  Section 60-2E-7 NMSA 1978 and Section 60-2E-8 NMSA 1978.


All written public comments are posted on the website throughout the written comment period at:


Any person with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing should contact (505) 841-9700.