New Mexico Register / Volume XXXVI, Issue 4 / February 25, 2025





The Health Care Authority (HCA) through Income Support Division (ISD) is proposing amendments to the following rules:


Section 7 of 8.102.100 NMAC

·                     adding the following language: (8) Compacts of Free Association: is an individual who is Compact of Free Association (COFA) migrant, also referred to as compact citizen.  COFA is an agreement between the United States and the three Pacific Island sovereign states of federated states of Micronesia, the republic of the Marshall Islands, and the republic of Palau known as freely associated states.

·                     Updated the number sequence (8) thru (10) only.

·                     No other sections in 8.102.100 are under review at this time.


Section 10 of 8.102.410 NMAC

·                     adding the following language to subsection C: (9) an individual who lawfully resides in the United States in accordance with the Compact of Free Association (COFA) migrant, who is also referred to as compact citizen.

·                     adding the following language to subsection E: (8) an individual who lawfully resides in the United States in accordance with the Compact of Free Association (COFA) migrant, who is also referred to as compact citizen.

·                     Updated the number sequence (8) and (9) only.

·                     No other sections in 8.102.410 are under review at this time


Section 7 of 8.139.100 NMAC

·                     adding the following language: (9) Compacts of Free Association: is an individual who is Compact of Free Association (COFA) migrant, also referred to as compact citizen.  COFA is an agreement between the United States and the three Pacific Island sovereign states of federated states of Micronesia, the republic of the Marshall Islands, and the republic of Palau known as freely associated states.

·                     Updated the number sequence (9) and (10) only.

·                     No other sections in 8.139.100 are under review at this time.


Section 9 of 8.139.410 NMAC

·                     adding the following language to: (i) an individual who lawfully resides in the United States in accordance with the Compact of Free Association (COFA) migrant, who is also referred to as compact citizen.

·                     Adding the following language to: (j) are identified as COFA

·                     No other sections in 8.139.410 are under review at this time.


These amendments are due to the “Consolidated Act, 2024 (P.L. 118-42, Division G, Title II, §201, the “Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2024” signed in to law which revised eligibility of citizens of freely associated states (i.e., Federated states of Micronesia, the republic of the Marshall Islands, and the republic of Palau) who lawfully reside in the United States they are included in the definition of qualified immigrants and are eligible for certain Federal public benefit programs, including SNAP and TANF.


A hybrid public hearing to receive testimony on this proposed rule will be held, pursuant to Section 14-4-5.6 NMSA 1978, on Monday, March 31, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm. You may join in person, virtually, or by phone.


You may join in person at:

HCA Income Support Division Office at 4363 Jager Dr NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144.


You may join virtually from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Microsoft Teams:

Meeting ID: 225 455 120 628

Passcode: hk2Gs6rG

Dial in by phone

+1 505-312-4308,,970511538# United States, Albuquerque

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 970 511 538#

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: Join the meeting now


If you are a person with a disability and you require this information in an alternative format, or you require a special accommodation to participate in any HSD public hearing, program, or service, please contact the American Disabilities Act Coordinator, at Office-505-709-5468, Fax-505-827-6286 or through the New Mexico Relay system, toll free at #711.  The Authority requests at least a 10-day advance notice to provide the requested alternative formats and special accommodations.


Written comment may be dropped off during the scheduled hearing time at the HCA Income Support Division Office at 4363 Jager Dr NE, Rio Rancho NM 87144.  All written comments will be posted on the agency website within 3 days of receipt.


Individuals wishing to testify may contact the Income Support Division (ISD), P.O. Box 2348, Santa Fe, NM 87504-2348, or by calling (505) 819-8118.


Individuals who do not wish to attend the hearing may submit written or recorded comments.  Written or recorded comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the date of the hearing, March 31, 2025.  Please send comments to:


Income Support Division

P.O. Box 2348

Santa Fe, NM 87504-2348


Recorded comments may be left at (505) 819-8118.  You may send comments electronically to:  Written and recorded comments will be given the same consideration as oral testimony made at the public hearing.