New Mexico Register / Volume XXXVI, Issue 4 / February 25, 2025





The Livestock Board gives Notice of a Minor, Nonsubstantive Correction to 21.30.4 NMAC.


Pursuant to the authority granted under State Rules Act, Subsection D of Section 14-4-3 NMSA 1978, please note that the following minor, non-substantive corrections to spelling, grammar and format have been made to all electronic copies of the above rule, as follows:


                In the emergency amendment explanatory statement, the incorrect rule citation “ NMAC” was corrected to the correct rule citation “20.30.4 NMAC”.  Second, there is mention that Section 11 has been amended.  Section 11 remains unchanged and unamended.  Lastly, the incorrect history notes for Section 13 was changed from “1/30/2025” to “2/11/2025”.


A copy of this Notification will be filed with the official version of the above rule.