PART 8                 NOTIFICATION OF INTERNET PROTOCOL ADDRESSES                 ISSUING AGENCY.  Information Technology Commission.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]                 SCOPE.  This rule applies to all state agencies, boards, and commissions to whom the General Services Department provides Internet access.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]                 STATUTORY AUTHORITY.  NMSA 1978 Section 15-1C-5.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]                 DURATION.  Permanent.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]                 EFFECTIVE DATE.  March 15, 2002 unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.

[ MAC - N, 03-15-02]                 OBJECTIVE.  The purpose of this rule is to provide the underlying data necessary to provide Internet security for state agencies, boards and commissions.

[ MAC - N, 03-15-02]                 DEFINITIONS.  As used in this rule: 

                A.            access protocols means the standard set of protocols and ports for all types of access as defined by the Internet Architecture Board of the Internet Society International Board; including, but not limited to: http, https, remote terminal (telnet), simple mail transport protocol (SMTP), and file transfer protocol (FTP).

                B.            internet means a decentralized, global network of computers linked through the use of common communications protocols. The Internet allows users worldwide to exchange messages, data, and images.

                C.            internet protocol (IP) means the set of conventions that govern the interaction among processes, devices and components of the Internet.

                D.            internet protocol (IP) number means a unique number consisting of four (4) parts separated by dots. Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP number.

                E.             ISD-OC means the General Services Department, Information Systems Division, Office of Communications.

                F.             network devices means all servers, workstations, and peripheral devices that are connected to the Internet.

                G.            protocol means a set of rules and formats, semantic and syntactic, that  govern the interaction among processes, devices and components, and allow information systems to exchange information with one another.

                H.            Security and Privacy Advisory Committee means the standing committee of the Commission.

                I.              threat means an activity, deliberate or unintentional, with the potential for causing harm to an automated information system or activity.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]                 RESPONSIBILITIES OF STATE AGENCIES. 

                A.            Agencies shall submit to the Director of ISD-OC and the CIO a written listing (preferably in an Excel spreadsheet) of all agency IP addresses and the access protocols of all network devices that allow access to the public Internet.

                B.            Agencies shall inform the Director of ISD-OC and the CIO in writing of all new IP addresses, their devices and their access protocols within three (3) working days of implementation.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]                 RESPONSIBILITIES OF ISD-OC.  ISD-OC will deny access from and to the public Internet for access protocols not specifically reported to ISD-OC and the CIO.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]               RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CIO. 

                A.            The CIO will maintain a listing of all IP addresses and access protocols by agency.

                B.            The listing will be protected as confidential information.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]               REPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMISSION.  The Security and Privacy Advisory Committee will recommend to the Commission for their approval access protocols, in addition to those defined in NMAC, subject to this rule.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]               NOTICE OF ADDITIONAL ACCESS PROTOCOLS.  Except in response to an active threat, within five (5) working days of approval by the Commission of additional access protocols subject to this rule, the Office shall:

                A.            post a notice of approved access protocols subject to this rule on the Internet at its internet address;

                B.            notify all persons on the electronic distribution list of approved access protocols subject to this rule; and

                C.            mail or fax a hard copy of the approved access protocols subject to this rule to any person requesting them in writing or by telephone.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]               EXEMPTION.  There are no exemptions from this rule.

[ NMAC - N, 03-15-02]


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