PART 10               PUBLICATIONS: FILING, DISTRIBUTION, FORMAT AND STYLE               ISSUING AGENCY:  State Commission of Public Records - State Records Center and Archives and the State Library Division of the Cultural Affairs Department

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               SCOPE:  All state agencies

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               STATUTORY AUTHORITY:

                A.            Section 14-3-21 NMSA 1978 directs the state commission of public records to adopt and promulgate uniform standards of style and format for official reports of state agencies required by law.

                B.            Section 14-3-22 NMSA 1978 directs agencies to follow the uniform standards of style and format for certain publications prescribed by the state commission of public records.

                C.            Section 14-4-4 NMSA 1978 directs agencies to file five copies of any publication issued by that agency with the state records center and archives.

                D.            Section 18-2-4 NMSA 1978 directs the state librarian to establish and administer a library depository system for state documents and publications.

                E.             Section 18-2-4.1 NMSA 1978 directs agencies to deposit at least 25 copies of all publications issued by that agency with the state documents depository clearinghouse at the state library.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               DURATION:  Permanent

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               EFFECTIVE DATE:  July 15, 2010, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               OBJECTIVE:  To establish standards and procedures for filing, preserving and providing access to state publications and to reduce unnecessary expense to the taxpayers in connection with publications designed primarily for the purpose of reporting to, or informing, the governor, the legislature, other state agencies or the political subdivisions of this state.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               DEFINITIONS:

                A.            Agency” means any agency, authority, board, bureau, commission, committee, department, institution or officer of state government except the judicial and legislative branches of state government.

                B.            Depositories” means those libraries designated by the state library division to receive publications.

                C.            “Digital preservation” means policies, strategies and actions taken to ensure access to digitized and born digital content and the accurate rendering of authenticated content over time.

                D.            “Firewall” means computer hardware or software that prevents unauthorized access to private data by outside computer users.

                E.             List of optional items” means that list generated by the state library division to identify those publications which have no retention requirements for depositories.

                F.             Memorandum of agreement” means the official agreement between the state library and the library selected to be a depository.

                G.            “Memorandum of understanding” means an official agreement between the state library and any state agency.

                H.            “Metadata” means “data about data”; it is information that describes another set of data.  Metadata is descriptive information that facilitates the management of and access to other information.  Metadata may be generated automatically or created manually and it may be internal or external to the digital object itself.  Regardless of how it is created or stored, maintaining accurate and reliable metadata is essential to the long-term preservation of electronic state publications.

                I.              Publication” means any information published as an individual document at government expense or as required by law that is intended for public distribution.  Such publications include but are not limited to pamphlets, reports, directories, catalogs, bibliographies, brochures or periodicals.

                J.             Publications officer” means the person(s) designated to be responsible for distributing the publications of that agency to the state library division.

                K.            “Robots.txt file” means a text file that stops search engines from crawling the website, selected pages in the site, or selected file types in the site.

                L.            “URL” means “uniform resource locator” or the address that servers connect to through the internet.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               FILING PUBLICATIONS:  State agencies are required to deposit copies of all state publications intended for public distribution with the state library division within 30 days of publication.  Publications may be deposited in any one of three formats: paper (Subsection A), electronic (Subsection B) or through an agency’s website (Subsection C).

                A.            Paper publications shall meet the minimum style and format requirements outlined in Subsection A of NMAC.  State agencies shall deposit 30 copies of each publication.

                B.            Electronic publications shall meet the minimum style and format requirements outlined in Subsections A and B of NMAC.  State agencies shall deposit an electronic copy in an approved format.  The electronic copy shall be submitted to the state library division via one of the following approved delivery mechanisms:

                    (1)     e-mail;

                    (2)     optical storage media; or

                    (3)     file transfer protocol (FTP).

                C.            Internet publications shall meet the minimum style and format requirements outlined in Subsections A and B of NMAC.  State agencies that elect to publish through the internet shall:

                     (1)     enter into a memorandum of understanding with the state library specifying the terms and conditions in which state publications will be retrieved from the internet for digital preservation and to ensure the minimum standards for internet publications are met;

                     (2)     designate an appropriate contact person to be responsible for electronic state publications and to act as liaison with the state library;

                     (3)     provide the state library with guaranteed access, at no charge, to the agency's internet publications; if a “robots.txt” file or similar device is used to prevent harvesting of a state agency site then that file shall include an exception for harvesting by state library's designated harvesting system;

                     (4)     meet the metadata standards specified in Subsection E of NMAC;

                     (5)     provide access to publications by providing a link or series of links from the agency's primary URL; for publications accessible only by database searching or similar means, an alternative path such as a hidden link to a comprehensive site map shall be provided;

                     (6)     meet the internet publishing requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended; and

                     (7)     leave the publication in its original format at a location on the agency's website for six months after its initial release to ensure that the publication has been collected by the state library.

                D.            State agencies digitizing older publications previously issued in paper shall provide a digitized copy in an approved format to the state library; the state library shall deliver a copy to the state records center and archives via an approved delivery mechanism.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]               STYLE AND FORMAT:

                A.            State publications in all formats shall display at the beginning of the publication the title of the publication, name of the agency, publication date, physical address, email address and website URL.

                B.            Pages shall be numbered for identification.

                C.            Paper publications shall be printed on both sides of pages, back to back, head to head, and of a method which shall be at a minimum cost that is verifiable.

                D.            For publications available in electronic format, the approved electronic formats and their preferred order are:

                    (1)     portable document format (PDF);

                    (2)     PDF/A;

                    (3)     hypertext markup language (HTML); and

                    (4)     extensible markup language (XML).

                E.             State publications made available by internet connection shall include the following descriptive metadata:

                    (1)     name of the agency;

                    (2)     publication date;

                    (3)     title of the publication;

                    (4)     a narrative description of the publication, and

                    (5)     keyword, subject or selected terms from within the publication.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]             DESIGNATION OF PUBLICATIONS OFFICER:  Section 18-2-4.1 NMSA 1978 directs agencies to deposit copies of all publications issued by that agency with the state documents depository clearinghouse at the state library.

                A.            State agencies must have an approved publications officer on file with the state library.  A publications officer shall be designated by the statutory head of the agency to distribute the publications of that agency to the state library division.  If a memorandum of understanding exists between the state library division and a state agency, the publications officer(s) is responsible for complying with all terms of the memorandum of understanding.

                B.            The publications officer shall be re-appointed annually by the statutory head of the agency, using a form approved by the state librarian.

                C.            The form shall include but is not limited to the following:  name and signature of the statutory head (agency head or cabinet secretary); name and signature of the publications officer; division or bureau (if acceptable); agency code; agency name and mailing address; fiscal year of designation; phone number; fax number and e-mail address.

                D.            If a publications officer leaves the employment of an agency or is released from these duties, the agency shall immediately notify the state library division regarding the change, and the agency head shall appoint a new publications officer.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]             DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES:  Subsection J of Section 18-2-4 NMSA 1978 directs the state librarian to establish and administer a library depository system for state documents and publications.

                A.            Depositories shall provide sufficient space in a public area to adequately house the state publications.

                B.            Depositories shall provide training to their staff to enable patrons to find and use publications.

                C.            Depositories shall provide access to the publications by author/agency, title, and subject.

                D.            Depositories shall provide appropriate technology to use publications regardless of physical format or characteristics.

                E.             Retention of publications by depositories shall be for at least five years from date of receipt, except as noted on the list of optional items.  Disposal of optional items is up to the discretion of each depository.

                F.             Depositories shall accept all state publications entered into the depository system and sent to them.

                G.            Six months written notice is required for either the state library division or the depository library to terminate the memorandum or agreement.

                H.            Upon termination of depository status, depositories shall return all publications no longer desired to the state library division or to another depository, as specified by the state library division.

                I.              Failure to comply with Subsections A through G of NMAC shall result in cancellation of depository status.

[ NMAC - Rp, 1 NMAC, 7/15/2010]



Pre-NMAC History:  The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the Commission of Public Records - State Records Center and Archives:

SRC Rule 72-1, Style and Format for Official Reports, filed 3/15/1972, by Commission of Public Records.

SRC Rule 77-3, State Records Center and Archives, Style and Format for Certain Publications; filed 9/1/1977, by Commission of Public Records.

NMSL Rule 79-1A, State Documents Depository Clearinghouse, February 1, 1979; filed 2/14/1979, by New Mexico State Library.

SRC Rule No. 88-1, State Documents Depository Clearinghouse, filed 5/18/1988, by New Mexico State Library.


History of Repealed Material:

1 NMAC 3.4.10, Publications:  Filing, Distribution, Format and Style Requirements, filed jointly 4/18/1997 by Commission of Public Records and New Mexico State Library - Repealed effective 7/15/2010 and replaced by 1.25.10 NMAC, Publications: Filing, Distribution, Format and Style, effective 7/15/2010.


NMAC History:

1 NMAC 3.40, Publications: Filing, Distribution, Format and Style Requirements, filed 3/1/1995, replaced by

1 NMAC 3.4.10, Publications: Filing, Distribution, Format and Style Requirements, filed 4/18/1997 for NMAC renumbering purposes.