This rule was filed as 2 NMAC 81.2.


TITLE 2                 PUBLIC FINANCE


PART 2                 COMMUNITY RELATIONS                 ISSUING AGENCY:  NM Retiree Health Care Authority ("NMRHCA")

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 SCOPE:  This rule applies to all citizens interested in the NMRHCA program of providing retiree, spouse and dependent health care coverages and other benefits to eligible retired employees, eligible spouses and eligible dependents.

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  This rule is promulgated pursuant to the New Mexico Retiree Health Care Act (the "Act"), Sections 10-7C-1 et seq. NMSA 1978.

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 DURATION:  Permanent.

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 EFFECTIVE DATE:  June 15, 1998 [unless a later date is cited at the end of a section].

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 OBJECTIVE:  The objective of this rule is to establish guidelines to encourage interaction with state agencies, school districts, educational entities, independent public employers, municipalities, counties, institutions of higher education and other public entities and residents of New Mexico to better inform them of the operations of the NMRHCA and to learn of their needs and concerns.

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 DEFINITIONS:  [RESERVED]

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC:  The board recognizes its responsibility to the public to provide information concerning its actions, its policies, and details of its educational and business operations. in recognition of this responsibility the board shall endeavor to:

                A.            Meetings open to public:  Open all regular, special and emergency meetings of the board of directors of the NMRHCA to the public with notice publicly made in advance consistent with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act and the NMRHCA's open meetings resolution then in effect and adopted by the board for governing open meetings.

                B.            Hold annual budget hearing:  Hold an annual budget hearing each spring, open to the public and publicly announced in advance, for the purpose of adopting the budget for the forthcoming fiscal year.

                C.            Submission of third party administrators annual report:  Require that the third party administrators submit an annual report of financial and operational activities to the board. Such report shall be circulated to NMRHCA participating employers as defined in the act for retention as a public record by those employers and for use by them in providing the information to the public, their employees and retirees.

                D.            Informing the public:  Inform the public of NMRHCA matters through appropriate public news media and authority publications.

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]                 PARTICIPATION BY THE PUBLIC:  The board recognizes that constructive study, discussion, and active participation by citizens are necessary to promote the best possible programs of insurance in the community. To encourage this participation, the board shall endeavor to:

                A.            Invite participating entities to assist:  Invite participating entities to assist individually or in groups in matters of concern to the NMRHCA.

                B.            Encourage participation by others:  Encourage participation by employees and retirees of participating entities.

                C.            Coordination with state agencies.  The board shall endeavor to communicate with the risk management division of the general services department, the department of insurance of the state and the municipal league and county associations insurance programs.

[6/15/98; Recompiled 10/01/01]


History OF 2.81.2 NMAC:

Pre-NMAC History:  The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center and Archives under:

RHCA Rule 90-2, Community Relations, 7/10/90.


History of Repealed Material:  [RESERVED]