This rule was filed as NMSL Rule 85-3.
TO RESIDENTS OF INSTITUTIONS ISSUING AGENCY: Office of Cultural Affairs, Library Division.
[Recompiled 10/31/01] SCOPE: [RESERVED]
[Recompiled 10/31/01] DURATION: [Permanent.]
[Recompiled 10/31/01] EFFECTIVE DATE: [Filed February 28, 1985]
[Recompiled 10/31/01] OBJECTIVE: This grants program is funded through Title I of the Library Services and Construction Act. Its purpose is to provide incentive for the development of the public library aspect of programs and collections for residents in state-supported institutions. Grant funds are awarded to institutions to encourage and supplement programs that:
A. support library service to the unserved or inadequately served, i.e. to those who are confined to institutions;
B. support each instituion's rehabilitative, educational and correctional programs through the development of library services to the residents;
C. meet the needs of residents for recreational, informational, personal, and educational development in a manner comparable to public library services that exist outside the institution.
[Recompiled 10/31/01] DEFINITIONS: [RESERVED]
[Recompiled 10/31/01] ELIGIBILITY: Institutions will be judged eligible for funding on the basis of the following criteria:
A. The institution must be state-supported. At least 51 percent of the institution's operating budget must be supported by state funds.
B. The library must have written long-range plans, based on agency goals and objectives, which reflect nationally-accepted professional library standards for the various institutions. A copy of these plans must be filed with the library development bureau of the state library.
C. A staff member of the institution must be assigned to direct and supervise library service to residents.
D. Each institution shall have a written collection development policy which shall be on file with the library development bureau of the state library.
E. There shall be an area dedicated to library use which includes the following:
(1) central location within the institution, i.e. easily accessible to the greatest number of residents;
(2) space enough to accommodate collections, programs and users comfortably;
(3) good lighting, climate control and comfortable furnishings.
F. Each institution library shall have a budget, drawn from institution funds, which supports its library programs and operations. The budget shall include salary for library personnel and for collection development.
G. The institution must agree to meet all Federal LSCA, Title I requirements and have fulfilled all accountability requirements pertaining to previous LSCA I grants received.
H. The institution must file an annual report and application with the library development bureau of the state library.
[Recompiled 10/31/01] DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS: Grants will be awarded on the basis of information provided by the institutional librarian in an application and the annual report for the previous year. Grant amounts will be determined according to the following formula:
A. Basic award - $1,000.00;
B. Per capita award for each resident of the institution (average daily population) - $1.00;
C. Any increase in local materials expenditures above that of the previous year will be matched up to a limit to be determined each year by the state library - amount varies;
D. Specific need award to those institutions having qualified staff who are able to fulfill that need - amount varies.
[Recompiled 10/31/01] ALLOWABLE EXPENDITURES: LSCA I funds may be used for books and periodicals; audio-visual materials; non-print library materials; and library equipment.
[Recompiled 10/31/01]
Pre-NMAC History: The material in this Part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center and Archives:
NMSL 77-3, Resident Library Grant Program, NM State Institutions, Guidelines for Submission of Project Proposals, FY 1977-78, 2-23-77.
NMSL 78-2, Grants Program for Library Service to Residents of Institutions, 3-7-78.
NMSL 79-6, Grants Program: Library Service to Residents of Institutions, Rules and Regulations, 7-27-79.
NMSL 81-6, Grants Program: Library Service to Residents of Institutions, Rules and Regulations, 5-12-81.
NMSL Rule 85-3, Grants Program: Library Service to Residents of Institutions, Rules and Regulations, 2-28-85.
History of Repealed Material: [RESERVED]