PART 8                 COMPETENCIES FOR ENTRY-LEVEL LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALISTS                 ISSUING AGENCY:  Public Education Department (PED)

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01; A, 06-30-06; A, 10-31-07]                 SCOPE:  Chapter 64, Part 8, governs the competencies that will be used by New Mexico institutions of higher education to establish a curriculum for persons seeking an endorsement in library media to a New Mexico educator license.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01]                 STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  Sections 22-2-1, 22-2-2, and 22-10A-3, NMSA 1978.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01; A, 09-30-03]                 DURATION:  Permanent

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01]                 EFFECTIVE DATE:  July 15, 1999, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section or paragraph.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01]                 OBJECTIVE:  This rule is adopted by the (PED) for the purpose of establishing entry-level library media competencies that are based on what beginning librarian-teachers must know and be able to do to provide effective library media programs in New Mexico schools.  The competencies were developed to ensure alignment with the New Mexico’s content standards and benchmarks and with the national standards of the American library association and the American association of school librarians.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01; A, 06-30-06; A, 10-31-07]                 DEFINITIONS:

                A.            Bibliographic records:  A collection of data that identifies/describes a particular published item.  Examples of collections of bibliographic records are:  catalogs, databases, indexes.

                B.            Information:  “All print, oral, visual, electronic systems inclusive of both factual and literary materials.” (NM library and information literacy task force, “Library and information literacy: Changing curriculum with an expanding universe of ‘literacies,” January 1996.)

                C.            Information literacy:  “The ability to access, evaluate, and use information from a variety of sources” (California media and library educators association.  From library skills to information literacy: A handbook for the 21st century.  1994)

                    (1)     “The ability to use information to acquire both core and advanced knowledge, to become an independent, lifelong learner who contributes responsibly and productively to the learning community.”  (AASL/AECT national guidelines vision committee.  Information literacy standards for student learning, 1997)

                    (2)     “The term being applied to the skills of information problem solving.” (AASL position statement “information literacy: a position paper on information problem solving,” Emergency librarian, 23:20, Nov.- Dec. 1995).

                D.            Library/information literacy:  “Library/ Information Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, use, produce, and appreciate all types of information, utilizing a wide range of media formats.  Literacy also implies the ethical and responsible use of information and information technologies.”  (NM Task Force, Ibid, 1996).

                E.             Intellectual freedom:  “The right of the individual to freely select from many different types of materials expressing many viewpoints, or the right of free access to many different sources.” (Davies, Ruth A. the school library media center: A force for educational excellence, 2d ed., 1974.)

                    (1)     “The freedom to view, along with the freedom to speak, to hear, and to read, is protected by the first amendment to the constitution of the United States.  In a free society, there is no place for censorship of any medium or expression.”  (educational film library association, American library association, association of educational communications and technology, “freedom to view,” 1979).

                    (2)     “intellectual freedom, the essence of equitable library services, provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause, or movement may be explored.”  ALA council.  “diversity in collection development, ” July 1982/ January 1990.

                F.             Library media center (LMC):  “A central access point to information resources and to the instruction on their use.” (NM Task Force, Ibidem, 1996).

                G.            Library media programs:  “The role of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.  The library media program supports curricular and recreational needs of students by providing adequate resources, services and training.  It facilitates the independent use of information.  The library media program that is truly integrated into the school’s curriculum is central to helping students master information literacy skills.” (Emergency Librarian, Ibidem, p. 21)

                H.            Library media specialist (LMS):  The library media specialist serves as the leader in developing and promoting the information literacy component of the school curriculum, and serves as the supervisor/ director of the library media program in the school.  Minimum requirements include a bachelor’s degree and teacher certification with an LMS endorsement.  The library media specialist is considered a professional teacher.

                I.              Library media technician:  The library media technician serves as a paraprofessional in one or more areas of focus, such as operations and maintenance of circulation, of collections, of equipment, or provision of production services.  Minimum requirements include two years of post-secondary training (college, A. A. degree or other post-secondary training programs), with courses in the above areas.  The Library Media Technician is not considered to be part of the professional teaching staff.

                J.             Library assistant:  The library assistant serves as a paraprofessional who is responsible for clerical service(s) in the school library media center, such as checking materials in and out, shelving materials, etc.  With only on-the-job training, the library assistant is not considered to be a part of the professional teaching staff.

                K.            Selection/ deselection:

                    (1)     Selection:  Use of both professional knowledge of collection development and knowledge about the needs and interests of the client, the community, and the school’s curriculum to choose the most appropriate materials/resources.

                    (2)     Deselection:  “Continuous review and evaluation of library materials is necessary as a means of maintaining an active library collection of current interest to users.  Evaluation of the usefulness of the current collection and removal of no-longer-relevant materials is called ‘weeding’, ‘re-evaluating the collection’, or ‘deselection.’  This does not include removal of materials to avoid controversy.” (ALA council. “evaluating library collections,” 1981.)

                L.             Technology:  “Educational technology involves the array of modern tools that support learning and teaching.  These interactive tools include: computers, calculators, interactive video, telecommunications, satellite conferencing, design technology, instructional television, music synthesis, and other media.  These tools must be combined with effective teaching strategies in order to optimize student success in learning.”  (NM State department of education.  Resource notebook for educational technology planning, 1995, p.15) “technology includes...tools used in the educational process that constitute learning resources and may include closed circuit television systems, educational television and radio broadcasting, cable television, satellite, copper and fiber optic transmission, computer, video and audio laser, and CD ROM discs, video and audio tapes, and other technologies; and the training, maintenance, equipment and computer infrastructure, techniques and tools, used to implement technology in classrooms and library media centers.”  (New Mexico state legislature.  Technology for Education Act, 1994)

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01]                                 REQUIREMENTS:

                A.            Beginning librarian-teachers seeking an endorsement in library/media to an initial level 1 New Mexico teaching license, must satisfy all of the requirements of the license as provided in PED rule for that license, which includes, among other requirements, completing an academic major in library/media.

                B.            Teachers seeking to add an endorsement in library/media to an existing New Mexico teaching license of any level shall meet one of the following requirements:

                    (1)     pass the content knowledge test(s) of the New Mexico teacher assessments if provided in NMAC, or predecessor New Mexico teacher licensure examination or accepted comparable licensure test(s) from another state, if available, in library/media; or

                    (2)     successfully complete an undergraduate academic major (24-36 semester hours), or coursework equivalent to an undergraduate major in library media or a graduate degree in library/media; or

                    (3)     obtain certification in library/media for the appropriate grade level of New Mexico licensure from the national board for professional teaching standards.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01; A, 09-30-03; A, 06-30-06; A, 10-31-07]                 COMPETENCIES FOR ENTRY-LEVEL LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALISTS:

                A.            Professionalism (ethics, professional development, and advocacy):

                    (1)     Understands the ethics and principles of librarianship and leadership in the profession.

                    (2)     Demonstrates a nonjudgmental attitude towards patrons and their requests.

                    (3)     Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for cultural diversity and diverse learning styles.

                    (4)     Preserves confidentiality in interchanges with patrons.

                    (5)     Ensures that patrons have full and equitable access to library materials, resources, and services.

                    (6)     Applies and supports the principles and procedures of intellectual freedom in providing access for students to materials and information, and in providing instruction regarding their use.

                    (7)     Upholds and models appropriate behavior regarding copyright laws in both use of materials and in instruction regarding their use.

                    (8)     Demonstrates knowledge of and practices contemporary self-assessment techniques for personal professional growth.

                    (9)     Practices self-directed learning for professional growth to ensure awareness of current trends and issues.

                    (10)     Demonstrates awareness of professional organizations and interest in professional participation.

                    (11)     Advocates and promotes awareness of, and support for, students’ educational and other informational needs to the school and the larger community.

                    (12)     Includes a wide range of input from local and school communities in development and evaluation of library services.

                    (13)     Works collaboratively and cooperatively with other libraries and agencies serving students.

                B.            Communication and collaboration:

                    (1)     Communicates effectively with students, faculty, staff, administrators, parents, other colleagues and the general public.

                    (2)     Maintains an effective teaching and learning climate in the school library media center.

                    (3)     Listens and responds to information requests in a manner that encourages further patron inquiry.

                    (4)     Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum and exhibits communication skills necessary for collaborative planning of curriculum and lessons with teachers.

                    (5)     Develops and implements an effective public relations program that communicates to the local and educational community the vital contribution of the school library media program.

                    (6)     Works effectively with the school library media advisory committee that includes administrators, teachers, students, parents, and other representatives of the community.

                C.            Collection development and management:

                    (1)     Applies basic principles of evaluating and selecting resources to develop and maintain collections that support and enhance the school’s curriculum.

                    (2)     Develops, implements, monitors, and revises individual school library selection policies, which reflect the district collection development policy.

                    (3)     Identifies and applies criteria appropriate for evaluating resources in all formats and for all grade levels.

                    (4)     Applies appropriate collection development techniques such as needs analysis, evaluating, selecting and de-selecting resources.

                    (5)     Develops collections to support the personal, developmental, vocational, recreational and cultural needs of patrons to ensure unrestricted access to information and ideas.

                D.            Shared instructional leadership:

                    (1)     Serves as a learning facilitator within the school to support the development of effective strategies for teaching and learning.

                    (2)     Participates as an equal partner with faculty in the curriculum development process at school and district levels.

                    (3)     Anticipates the need for resources and specific information identified in the curriculum development process.

                    (4)     Participates as an equal partner with classroom teachers in designing, implementing, evaluating, and modifying learning activities, and in assessing student mastery of these activities.

                    (5)     Cooperatively plans with faculty and others to ensure that information literacy skills are integrated into the curriculum.

                    (6)     Promotes appropriate interdisciplinary learning.

                    (7)     Provides support to staff for teaching and professional growth.

                    (8)     Motivates and guides students in appreciating literature.

                    (9)     Plans and implements instruction in the use and evaluation of resources, with particular focus on information literacy.

                E.             Technology information management:

                    (1)     Assists patrons in the optimal use of evolving technologies.

                    (2)     Applies criteria to determine the appropriateness of various applications, materials, services, and formats to support and enhance curricular needs.

                    (3)     Coordinates the use of technology with administrators, faculty and staff.

                    (4)     Provides technical support and training on information literacy to administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

                    (5)     Monitors, assesses, and employs existing and emerging technologies for possible applications to the library/instructional program.

                F.             Organization:

                    (1)     Develops and implements effective policies and procedures relating to the overall organization and management of the collection(s), to include selection, acquisitions, cataloging, processing, accessing, and maintaining materials and equipment.

                    (2)     Coordinates all aspects of the selection and acquisition processes for print and non-print media.

                    (3)     Provides and maintains bibliographic records for all media/materials according to standardized classification systems.

                    (4)     Selects, manages, and evaluates an integrated, automated library system that maximizes access and facilitates use of the collection.

                    (5)     Establishes and implements circulation policies and procedures based on users’ needs, to promote access and ensure confidentiality.

                    (6)     Implements policies and procedures for ongoing maintenance of equipment and inventory.

                    (7)     Promotes and expands information access to collections and databases beyond the school through resource sharing, on-line networks and links, consortia, and cooperative agreements such as interlibrary loan, delivery systems.

                G.            Administration:

                    (1)     Develops, implements, and evaluates school library media programs which facilitate the achievement of educational goals, including the management of personnel, resources, and facilities.

                    (2)     Collaborates with school personnel and other professionals to develop annual and long-range goals.

                    (3)     Prepares, justifies, and administers the school library media program budget.

                    (4)     Develops and disseminates annual plans and reports to meet program and school goals.

                    (5)     Assigns, instructs, supervises, and evaluates support staff, volunteers, and student assistants.

                    (6)     Participates in planning, arranging, and using school library media facilities to support the instructional program.

                    (7)     Knows and applies appropriate research principles and findings to improve teaching and learning.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01]               IMPLEMENTATION:  Institutions of higher education that prepare teachers shall deliver the competencies in a PED approved endorsement program within a range of twenty-four (24) to thirty-six (36) semester hours of credit twelve (12) semester hours of which must be upper division credit.

[07-15-99; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC, 10-31-01; A, 06-30-06]