ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS                 ISSUING AGENCY:  Public Education Department (PED).

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 SCOPE:  Chapter 69, Part 7 governs performance evaluation system requirements for principals and assistant principals.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  Sections 22-2-1, 22-2-2, 22-10A-1-11(E) and 22-10A-19(A), et seq., NMSA 1978.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 DURATION:  Permanent.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 EFFECTIVE DATE:  July 1, 2008, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section. 

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 OBJECTIVE:  This rule governs the requirements for a high objective statewide standard of evaluation for principals and assistant principals in five leadership domains:  instructional leadership, communication, professional development, operations management, and scope of responsibility in secondary schools.  This rule identifies the specific evaluation competencies standards with indicators and procedural requirements for a competency-based evaluation system for principals and assistant principals.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 DEFINITIONS:

                A.            "Accountability literacy" means the ability to interpret and use data and to negotiate support for education in political, professional, and community settings.

                B.            "Assistant principal" means an associate to the chief instructional leader and administrative head of a public or charter school.

                C.            "Competency" means the job-related performance expectations of a principal or assistant principal.

                D.            "Indicator" means a specific behavior associated with a competency that exemplifies an acceptable standard of performance.

                E.             "Leadership domain" means a major area of responsibility of a principal or assistant principal.

                F.             "Principal" means the chief instructional leader and administrative head of a public or charter school.

                G.            "Professional development plan" means a collaborative enterprise involving the principal and supervisor in establishing a yearly plan for professional learning goals, activities, and measurable objectives based on the principal competencies and the goals of the district and school educational plan for student success.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 REQUIREMENTS:

                A.            Every public and charter school principal and assistant principal must have an annual performance evaluation based on an annual professional development plan that meets the requirements of the state's high objective uniform statewide standard of evaluation.  The format for this evaluation shall be established by the PED and shall be uniform throughout the state in all public school districts and charter schools.

                B.            No later than October 15, 2008, each public school district and charter school shall adopt policies, guidelines, and procedures for annual principal and assistant principal performance evaluation that meets the requirements of this rule.

                C.            No later than forty school days after the principal or assistant principal commences his or her duties each school year, each principal and assistant principal and his or her supervisor shall establish a professional development plan for the principal or assistant principal, with measurable objectives, for the coming year based on, among other things:

                    (1)     the PED's principal competencies and indicators in NMAC, which pertain to the duties of the principal or assistant principal;

                    (2)     the goals of the district/school educational plan for student success;

                    (3)     the previous year's annual evaluation, if applicable; and

                    (4)     assurance that the principal or assistant principal is appropriately licensed by the PED for his or her assignment.

                D.            The supervisor shall formally observe each principal or assistant principal's professional practice at least twice annually to determine the principal or assistant principal's ability to demonstrate state adopted competencies and indicators.

                E.             The supervisor and the principal or assistant principal shall hold a mid-year conference annually to assess progress toward meeting the objectives of the professional development plan.

                F.             Principals and assistant principals shall reflect on their professional practice and ability to demonstrate the principal and assistant principal competencies by providing their supervisor with a written reflection document at least once annually.

                G.            Annual performance evaluations shall be based on, among other things, how well the professional development plan was carried out and the extent to which progress was made toward achieving the measurable objectives.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]                 COMPETENCIES AND INDICATORS:

                A.            The principal/assistant principal promotes the success of all students by maintaining a culture that supports student achievement, high quality instruction, and professional development to meet the diverse learning needs of the school community:

                    (1)     works with all members of the school community to make quality instruction a prime focus;

                    (2)     uses accountability literacy in making decisions about student success and achievement;

                    (3)     evaluates teachers using the three-tiered licensure performance evaluation system to promote high quality teaching and professional learning; and

                    (4)     incorporates the diversity of the student population and history of the school community in making curricular and school policy decisions.

                B.            The principal/assistant principal uses communication and relationship-building skills to engage the larger community in the knowledge of, and advocacy for, equity in meeting the diverse needs of the school community:

                    (1)     engages in honest and respectful interactions with all stake holders to make thoughtful and objective decisions that demonstrate sensitivity and integrity;

                    (2)    builds and sustains relationships through team development and mediation skills to promote a climate of cooperation and student success;

                    (3)     supports an environment of inclusion and respect;

                    (4)     communicates with others objectively, sensitively, fairly and ethically;

                    (5)     supports relationships that promote teaching and learning in the school community through communication skills such as speaking, writing, and active listening;

                    (6)     communicates with all school and community stakeholders concerning current school issues and student achievement; and

                    (7)     maintains a continuous dialogue with decision makers who affect the school community.

                C.            The principal/assistant principal organizes and coordinates ongoing professional learning opportunities that are aligned with the New Mexico professional development framework in 6.65.2 NMAC, and supports the diverse learning needs of the school community:

                    (1)     identifies and assesses student and staff performance to inform professional development needs;

                    (2)     uses relevant professional literature and knowledge, collaborates with key partners, and uses technology to create professional development programs;

                    (3)     implements comprehensive, integrated and systematic ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty and community; and

                    (4)     supports reflection, sustained mentoring, and coaching as critical processes for professional growth.

                D.            The principal/assistant principal manages the school campus, budget, and daily operations to equitably meet the diverse learning needs of the school community:

                    (1)     manages the school campus to ensure that the environment is safe and clean for students and staff;

                    (2)     manages the school budget to ensure that resources are maximized for student success;

                    (3)     manages the day to day operations to maximize the efficiency of the school; and

                    (4)    complies with federal and state initiatives to maximize use of services and programs for which students are eligible.

                E.             The middle school and high school principal/assistant principal develops, supports, encourages, and supervises programs that lead to increased student retention and achievement resulting in college readiness and work skills:

                    (1)     supervises co-curricular and extracurricular activities to engage all students;

                    (2)     develops 21st century skills through out the curriculum; and

                    (3)     creates a student centered school environment and strengthens relationships among all stakeholders to improve student performance.

[ NMAC - N, 07-01-08]