PART 112           ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT OF SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS            ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico Health Care Authority - Child Support Services Division.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 71/2024]            SCOPE:  To the general public.  For use by the Title IV-D agency and recipients of Title IV-D services.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 1/1/2022]            STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  Public Assistance Act, Section 27-2-27 et. seq., NMSA 1978.  The health care authority (HCA) is designated as the single state agency for the enforcement of child and spousal support obligations pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act (42 USC 651 et. seq.).  Section 9-8-1 et seq. NMSA 1978 establishes the health care authority as a single, unified department to administer laws and exercise functions relating to health care facility licensure and health care purchasing and regulation.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 1/1/2022, A, 7/1/2024]            DURATION:  Permanent.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010]            EFFECTIVE DATE:  December 30, 2010, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010]            OBJECTIVE:  To provide regulations in accordance with federal and state law and regulations.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010]            DEFINITIONS:  [RESERVED]

[See NMAC]            PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT (LICENSE SUSPENSION):  The Title IV-D agency submits a certified list of support obligors who are 30 days or more delinquent on their monthly support obligation to the appropriate boards, commissions, courts, or agencies responsible for issuing drivers, professional, occupational, and recreational licenses as detailed in the Parental Responsibility Act, Sect. 40-5A-1 et seq., NMSA 1978.

               A.           Automated referral process:  The Title IV-D agency provides a certified list of all obligors who meet the referral criteria to various state licensing boards.  The licensing boards report back to the Title IV-D agency what action the board has taken in connection with the Parental Responsibility Act.  The Title IV-D automated system will refer cases that meet the following criteria:

                              (1)          the obligor is delinquent 30 days or more in payment of court ordered support;

                              (2)          a notice has been sent to the obligor’s last address of record with the Title IV-D agency notifying the obligor of the impending license suspension/revocation;

                              (3)          there is no court order prohibiting the referral; and

                              (4)          30 calendar days have elapsed since the notice was sent to the obligor and no request for hearing was submitted by the obligor.

               B.           Administrative hearings are conducted by the licensing boards:  If requested in writing by the licensing board, the Title IV-D agency will make available a witness to testify on the Title IV-D agency's behalf at an administrative hearing that may be held in connection with the Parental Responsibility Act.

               C.           Settlement:

                              (1)          In all cases, the Title IV-D agency must make every effort to obtain lump sum payments to satisfy all arrearages, including prior judgments, current delinquency, and accrued interest.

                              (2)          If an obligor has had his or her license suspended in multiple cases, the issuance of a certificate of compliance for one case will not release the license suspension(s) for obligor’s other case(s). The obligor will have to make satisfactory arrangements for each case in order to be eligible for license reinstatement.

               D.           Arrears only cases:  In an arrears only case, the monthly payment must be calculated using the current child support guidelines at Section 40-4-11.1 et seq., NMSA 1978, or a schedule that will fully pay the arrearages plus accumulated interest in 72 months or less.

               E.           Withdrawal of referral: If the obligor does not meet the minimum criteria for referral it will be withdrawn, and a certificate of compliance will be issued with a request to waive the reinstatement of fees.

               F.            Responsibilities of the obligor: The obligor must supply a valid mailing address for the processing of the certificate of compliance.  The obligor may elect to have the certificate of compliance sent to his/her attorney of record, but must also provide the Title IV-D agency with a current, valid mailing address and physical address for the obligor.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 7/1/2019; A, 1/1/2022]            CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES (CREDIT BUREAUS):

               A.           The Title IV-D agency is required by federal and state law to report periodically to consumer reporting agencies the name of any obligor who is delinquent in the payment of support and the amount of the overdue support.  The Title IV-D agency has procedures in place that ensure that overdue support is reported only:

                              (1)          after the obligor has been afforded due process required under state law, including notice and a reasonable opportunity to contest the accuracy of such information;

                              (2)          in cases where an appeal is made, after a determination by the administrative law judge

that finds that the information is accurate and

                              (3)          the information is reported only to an entity that has furnished satisfactory to the state that the entity is a legitimate consumer reporting agency.

               B.           At the request of a consumer reporting agency, and upon 30 day’s advance notice to the obligor at the obligor's last known address of record with the Title IV-D agency, the department may release information regarding the delinquency of an obligor.  The department may charge a reasonable fee to the consumer reporting agency, pursuant to Section 40-4A-15 et seq., NMSA 1978.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 1/1/2022]          FULL COLLECTION SERVICES BY THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY:  Cases may be referred for full collection services after reasonable efforts have been made to collect the support through available mechanisms and these efforts have failed.  When referring a case for full collection services by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Title IV-D agency shall comply with the provisions of 45 CFR § 303.71.  The obligor has 30 days from the date of mailing of the notification of a referral for federal full collection to notify the Title IV-D agency that he or she contests the referral.

[ NMAC - N, 1/1/2022]          COLLECTION OF PAST DUE SUPPORT BY FEDERAL TAX REFUND OFFSET:  Federal tax refund offset is utilized to pay support arrearages, including child support, medical support, and spousal support.  Cases meeting specific criteria are referred to the U.S. department of treasury's financial management service.

               A.           Criteria for federal income tax offset:  A Title IV-D case may be referred for federal income tax offset, regardless of whether the child(ren) are emancipated, so long as there is a child support delinquency or arrearage.  Title IV-D cases having spousal support delinquencies or arrearages will not be referred for federal income tax offset unless there is an ongoing child support obligation, delinquency, or arrearage.  Title IV-D cases that are solely for processing payments will not be referred.  Only Title IV-D cases that meet at least one of the criteria in 45 CFR § 303.72(a) are to be referred for federal income tax offset.

               B.           Periodic updates on referred obligors are sent by the Title IV-D agency to the treasury department.  Those updates may result in modifications up or down on the balance due or deletions from the referral.

               C.           Joint return:  The U. S. internal revenue service (IRS) will offset a refund from a joint income tax return to pay a past due support obligation if either tax filer is certified as being legally responsible for providing support.  Complaints, questions, and forms (i.e., injured spouse claim and allocation) concerning joint refund cases can only be addressed by the IRS.  If the obligor's spouse is not liable for the support debt, the IRS will issue a pro rata refund to the spouse (upon the filing of an IRS injured spouse claim and allocation form by the obligor's spouse) and the Title IV-D agency will be required to reimburse the IRS in the amount of the pro rata refund.  The federal government will advise the Title IV-D agency of any adjustments to Title IV-D collections.  The injured spouse may also agree to voluntarily release the claim of his or her portion of the joint refund to have it applied towards the child support obligation.  This will result in an immediate distribution of the refund amount to the Title IV-D case.  An injured spouse may request the release form from the Title IV-D agency, or may provide a notarized letter authorizing the release. The notarized letter shall set forth the injured spouse’s name, the name of the obligor, and the obligor’s CSED case number(s).

               D.           Bankruptcy cases:  The Title IV-D agency will review the non-custodial party’s bankruptcy case to determine what action, if any, the Title IV-D agency should take.

               E.           Notification of federal income tax offset:

                              (1)          Written advance notice is sent to inform an obligor that the amount of his or her past due support will be referred to the secretary of the U.S. treasury for collection by federal tax refund offset and that any amounts collected will be applied towards the obligor’s child support obligation.  The notice shall be sent to the obligor’s last address of record with the Title IV-D agency and shall inform the obligor:

                                             (a)          of the right to contest the department's determination that past due support is owed;

                                             (b)          of the right to contest the amount of past due support;

                                             (c)          of the right to request an administrative review;

                                             (d)          of the procedures and time frame for requesting an administrative review;

(e)          notice will be provided to any individual who filed a joint return with the

obligor, advising of the process for requesting the obligor’s share of the refund; and

                                             (f)           that the U.S. treasury will notify the obligor's spouse at the time of offset regarding steps to take to protect the share of the refund that may be payable to that spouse.

                              (2)          At the time the offset occurs, the secretary of the U.S. treasury will notify the obligor that the offset has been made.

               F.            Contesting referral for federal offset:  The obligor has 30 days from the date of mailing of the notification of a referral for federal tax intercept to notify the Title IV-D agency that he or she contests the referral.  The notification issued by the Title IV-D agency provides the obligor with the address and telephone number to request a hearing to contest the referral.

                              (1)          Upon receipt of an appeal request from the obligor, a notice is generated by the administrative law judge and sent to the obligor and the Title IV-D agency.

                              (2)          The notice shall set forth the time and place of the administrative hearing.  The hearing is conducted in accordance with 8.50.130 NMAC.

                              (3)          If the appeal request concerns a joint tax refund that has not yet been intercepted, the obligor is informed that the secretary of the U.S. treasury will notify the obligor's spouse at the time of offset regarding steps to take to secure his or her proper share of the refund.

                              (4)          If the appeal concerns a joint tax refund which has already been offset, the obligor will be referred to the secretary of the U.S. treasury to address the refund due to the obligor’s spouse.

                              (5)          If the hearing decision results in a deletion or decrease in the amount referred for offset, the federal office of child support enforcement will be notified.

                              (6)          If an amount which has already been offset is found to have exceeded the amount of past due support owed, steps to refund the excess amount to the obligor will be promptly taken.

               G.           Interstate cases:  The following applies to the New Mexico Title IV-D agency when it is the state that submits a case for federal income tax offset.  The obligor shall request an administrative review be conducted by the New Mexico Title IV-D agency.  If the underlying order upon which the referral for federal income tax offset is based has not been issued by a New Mexico district court, within 10 days of the receipt of the obligor's request for administrative review, the New Mexico Title IV-D agency must notify the Title IV-D agency in the state that referred the case to New Mexico of the obligor's request for administrative review.  Within 45 days of receipt of the request for administrative review from the New Mexico Title IV-D agency, the Title IV-D agency in the state that referred the case to New Mexico should:

                              (1)          Send notice to all appropriate parties setting forth the time and place of the administrative

review; and

                              (2)          Conduct the review and render a decision.  If the administrative review conducted by the

Title IV-D agency in the other state results in a reduction or elimination of the amount referred for offset, the Title IV-D agency that conducted the administrative review should inform the New Mexico Title IV-D agency and the OCSE of the decision.  The New Mexico Title IV-D agency shall be bound by the determination of the Title IV-D agency in the state that conducted the review.

               H.           Distribution of collections from federal income tax offset:  Single filer federal tax refund offsets will be placed on hold for 30 days and joint filer federal tax refund offsets will be split in half and the obligor’s portion will be placed on hold for 30 days and the injured spouse’s portion will be placed on hold for six months.  Past-due support amounts collected as a result of the federal income tax refund offset shall be distributed pursuant to NMAC after the appropriate holds have elapsed.  The obligor shall receive full credit for the entire amount of tax intercept that is applied to his or her case(s), including fees.  Distribution of tax intercept money for obligors with multiple Title IV-D cases shall be in accordance with federal and state laws.  If an offset is made to satisfy non-TANF past due support from a refund based upon a joint return, the Title IV-D agency may delay distribution until notified that the injured spouse's proper share of the refund has been paid or for a period not to exceed six months from notification of offset, whichever is shorter.

               I.            Fees:  A non-TANF custodial party who has applied for Title IV-D services is assessed fees for the federal income tax refund.  The fees are deducted from the tax refund when it is intercepted but are credited to the obligor’s support payment.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 1/1/2022]          COLLECTION OF PAST DUE SUPPORT BY NEW MEXICO TAXATION AND REVENUE DEPARTMENT BY STATE TAX REFUND OFFSET:  New Mexico law allows for the interception (offset) of an obligor's tax refund to pay child support.

               A.           Criteria for state income tax offset:  Cases submitted for tax refund offset to the New Mexico taxation and revenue department (TRD) must meet federal tax refund offset criteria.  In interstate cases, if New Mexico is the responding state, obligors are referred to TRD only, not to IRS.

               B.           Pre-offset notices/final notices:  Within 10 days after receiving notification of an offset from TRD, the Title IV-D agency will send a notice to the obligor at his or her last known address of record with the Title IV-D agency.  The notice will include:

                              (1)          a statement that an offset will be made and that the Title IV-D agency intends to apply the amount of the offset against a claimed debt;

                              (2)          the amount of the debt asserted;

                              (3)          the name, address, and telephone number of the Title IV-D agency to request a hearing;

                              (4)          the amount of refund to be offset against the debt asserted;

                              (5)          a statement that the obligor has 30 days from the date indicated on the notice to contest the offset and request a hearing; and

                              (6)          a statement that failure of the obligor to request a hearing within 30 days will be deemed a waiver of the opportunity to contest the offset.

               C.           If the refund against which a debt is intended to be offset results from a joint return, within 10 days after receiving the notification from TRD, the Title IV-D agency will send a notice to the obligor's spouse (injured spouse) as identified on the return, to the obligor’s last known address of record with the Title IV-D agency.  The notice to the injured spouse will contain the following information:

                              (1)          a statement that an offset may be made and the Title IV-D agency intends to apply the amount of the offset against a claimed debt;

                              (2)          the total amount of the refund and the amount of each claimed debt;

                              (3)          the name, address, and telephone number of the Title IV-D agency;

                              (4)          a statement that no debt is claimed against the injured spouse and that the he or she may be entitled to receive all or part of the refund, regardless of the claimed debt against the obligor;

                              (5)          a statement that to assert a claim to all or part of the refund, the injured spouse must notify the Title IV-D agency within 30 days from the date indicated on the notice of the injured spouse’s intention to seek his or her portion of the refund; and

                              (6)          a statement that failure of the injured spouse to notify the Title IV-D agency regarding his or her claim to all or part of the refund within 30 days may be deemed a waiver of any claim.

               D.           Upon the transfer of money from TRD to the Title IV-D account, the Title IV-D agency will notify the obligor of the final determination of the offset.  The notice includes:

                              (1)          the amount of the TRD refund to which the obligor was entitled prior to intercept;

                              (2)          the offset amount and balance, if any, of the debt still due; and

                              (3)          the amount of refund in excess of the debt due and owed to the obligor, if any.

               E.           Contesting referral for state tax offset:  The appeal procedures are the same as for federal tax refund offset with some exceptions.

                              (1)          When the injured spouse contacts the Title IV-D agency within the time required, no tax intercept hearing is held.  Upon verification, the injured spouse’s portion will be refunded as soon as the TRD money is posted to the case, and the obligor will not be given credit for the injured spouse's portion of the payment that is refunded.

                              (2)          If the obligor's spouse files "married, but separated" the state taxation and revenue department does not honor this filing status for offset purposes and will offset the obligor's spouse's refund.  In this instance, the injured spouse may contact the Title IV-D agency.  Upon notification, the Title IV-D tax intercept unit will contact TRD to obtain verification and, upon obtaining verification, the Title IV-D agency will refund the spouse's portion of the offset to the injured spouse.

                              (3)          If the injured spouse determines that he or she is entitled to more than one-half of the offset, he or she must notify the Title IV-D agency within 30 days of the date of mailing of the notice of offset that he or she wants an administrative hearing regarding the claim to a larger portion of the offset.

               F.            Distribution of collections from state income tax offset:  State income tax offset collections will be placed on hold for 30 days.  After the 30 day hold, the state income tax offset monies will be applied as a regular payment and distributed as outlined in NMAC.  The obligor shall receive full credit for the entire amount of tax intercept that is applied to his or her case(s) including fees.  Distribution of tax intercept money for obligors with multiple Title IV-D cases shall be in accordance with federal and state laws.  If an offset is made to satisfy non-TANF past due support from a refund based upon a joint return, the Title IV-D agency may delay distribution of the injured spouse’s share until notified that the refund has been paid because of the injured spouse signed a release, or for a period not to exceed six months from notification of offset, whichever is shorter.


               A.           Referral for passport denial:  The Title IV-D agency submits the names of obligors who owe support arrears in excess of $2,500 for inclusion in the OCSE database which is then sent to the U.S. department of state.  The U. S. department of state denies passports to individuals whose name appears on the certified OCSE database of the OSCE as owing more than $2,500 in arrears.  Once the department of state identifies a passport applicant as owing money for child support, the applicant will be notified by letter that the issuance or renewal of the passport has been denied, pending satisfactory payment of money owed to the Title IV-D agency.  After the applicant makes satisfactory payment arrangements with the Title IV-D agency, the IV-D agency shall request that OCSE remove the applicant's name from its database.  The Title IV-D agency makes every effort in its negotiations to obtain a lump sum payment sufficient to satisfy the entire delinquency and arrears balances, including accrued interest.

               B.           Contesting referral for passport denial:  The obligor has 30 days from the date of the notification of a referral for passport denial to notify the Title IV-D agency that he or she contests the referral. The notification sent to the obligor provides the address and telephone number for the obligor to contact the Title IV-D agency to request a hearing to appeal the referral.

                              (1)          Upon receipt of an appeal request from the obligor, a notice is generated by the administrative law judge and sent to the obligor and the Title IV-D agency.

                              (2)          The notice shall set forth the time and place of the administrative hearing.  The hearing is conducted in accordance with 8.50.130 NMAC.

                              (3)          If the case is a non-IV-A case, the Title IV-D agency shall send a copy of the notice to the custodial party.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 1/1/2022]          LOTTERY:  The Title IV-D agency and the lottery commission work cooperatively to intercept lottery winnings for debts collected by the Title IV-D agency.

               A.           State law authorizes the Title IV-D agency to place a lien on lottery winnings owed by delinquent child support obligors.  Lists of delinquent obligors are provided by the Title IV-D agency to the lottery commission who then compares the list with lottery winners claiming prizes of more than $600.  The lottery commission then notifies the Title IV-D agency of any matches.  The Title IV-D agency must provide the lottery commission with verification of the support lien within five business days. The verification of the support lien will include a notice of administrative lien requesting the lottery commission retain the funds for 90 days or until such time the administrative process is completed, so long as the process is completed within 90 days.  If no delinquency exists, the notification will be a release of lien.

               B.           If the lottery winner is verified by the Title IV-D agency as owing a debt collected by the agency, the Title IV-D agency has 90 days to initiate an administrative action against the winner.  The Title IV-D agency will notify the winner by mailing a copy of the notice of administrative lien to the obligor at the last known address of record with the Title IV-D agency via registered mail.  The notice of administrative lien will notify the obligor that he or she has 15 days from the date of the notice to contest or appeal the administrative lien.  The notification sent to the obligor provides the address and telephone number for the obligor to contact the Title IV-D agency to request a hearing to appeal the referral.  If the obligor does not contest the notice of administrative lien within the required timeframe, a notice for release of funds to the Title IV-D agency is mailed to the lottery commission instructing it to forward the lottery winnings to the Title IV-D agency.  If the obligor contests the notice of administrative lien and timely requests a hearing, an administrative hearing will be conducted in accordance with 8.50.130 NMAC.

               C.           If an administrative seizure proceeding is not initiated with the 90-day period, the Lottery Commission shall release the prize payment to the winner. Section 6-24-22 et seq., NMSA 1978.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/30/2010; A, 1/1/2022]          GAMING:  The Title IV-D agency and the gaming board work cooperatively to intercept racetrack and/or gaming machine payouts for debts collected by the Title IV-D agency.

               A.           State law authorizes the Title IV-D agency to place a lien on delinquent obligor’s gaming machine payout.  Lists of delinquent obligors are provided by the Title IV-D agency to the gaming control board on a monthly basis.  The racetrack licensees research the names of winners of $1,200 or more per payout against the list provided to the gaming control board by the Title IV-D agency.  The racetrack licensee then notifies the Title IV-D agency of any matches.  The Title IV-D agency must notify the racetrack licensee within seven business days (excluding weekends and state holidays) and provide verification of the support lien.  If no delinquency exists, the Title IV-D agency will notify the racetrack licensee with a release of lien.  If a delinquency exits, the verification of the support lien shall include a notice of administrative lien requesting the racetrack licensee to retain the gaming machine payout for 90 days or until such time as the administrative process is completed, so long as the process is completed within 90 days.

               B.           If the gaming machine winner is an obligor verified by the Title IV-D agency as owing a debt to or collected by the Title IV-D agency, the Title IV-D agency has 90 days to complete an administrative action against the winner, unless the winner agrees to an extension of the time or the administrative law judge extends the time.  The Title IV-D agency shall notify the winner by mailing a copy of the notice of administrative lien to the obligor at the last known address of record with the Title IV-D agency via registered mail.  The notice of administrative lien shall notify the obligor that the obligor has 15 days from the date of the receipt of the notice to contest or appeal the administrative lien.  The notification sent to the obligor provides the address and telephone number to contact the Title IV-D agency to request an appeal.  If the obligor does not contest the notice of administrative lien within the required timeframe, a notice for release of funds is mailed to the racetrack licensee within five business days after the expiration of the obligor’s deadline to request a timely hearing, instructing the racetrack licensee to forward the gaming machine payout to the Title IV-D agency.  If the obligor contests the notice of administrative lien and timely requests a hearing, an administrative hearing will be conducted in accordance with 8.50.130 NMAC.  The Title IV-D agency shall notify the racetrack licensee within five business days of the ruling of any hearing held in accordance with this section.


               A.           Referral for administrative offset:  federal administrative offset is utilized for payment of support arrearages, including child support, medical support, and, if appropriate, spousal support.  Cases meeting specific criteria are referred to the U.S. department of treasury’s financial management service.  When referring a case for administrative offset by the secretary of the treasury, the Title IV-D agency shall comply with the provisions of 31 CFR § 285.1.

               B.           Notification of administrative offset:  Prior to submitting a referral, written advance notice is sent to the obligor to inform the obligor that due to the amount of the obligor’s past due support the obligor will be referred to the secretary of the U.S. treasury for collection by administrative offset.  The notice shall be sent to the obligor’s last address of record with the Title IV-D agency.  The Title IV-D agency shall inform the obligor:

                              (1)          of the right to contest the department’s determination that past due support is owed;

                              (2)          of the right to contest the amount of the past due support;

                              (3)          of the right to request an administrative review 30 days from the date of the notification; and

                              (4)          of the procedures for requesting an administrative review.

               C.           Contesting referral for administrative offset:  The obligor has 30 days from the date of notification of a referral for administrative offset to notify the IV-D agency that he or she contests the referral.  The notification issued by the IV-D agency shall provide the address and telephone number for the obligor to request a hearing to contest the referral.

                              (1)          Upon receipt of an appeal request from the obligor, a notice is generated by the administrative law judge and sent to the obligor and the Title IV-D agency.

                              (2)          The notice shall set forth the time and place of the administrative hearing.  The hearing is conducted in accordance with 8.50.130 NMAC.

[ NMAC - N, 7/1/2019; A, 1/1/2022]


History of 8.50.112 NMAC:

Pre-NMAC History:  The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center and Archives:

ISD CSEB 501.1100, State and Local Requirements, 6/23/1980.

ISD CSEB 501.1100, State and Local Requirements, 6/23/1980.

ISD CSEB 561.0000, Procedures for Enforcement, 6/23/1980.

ISD CSEB 564.0000, Collection by IRS, 6/23/1980.

ISD CSEB 564.0000, Collection by IRS, 3/7/1984.

ISD CSEB 565.0000, U.S. District Court Enforcement, 6/23/1980.

ISD CSEB 566.0000, Voluntary Wage Allotments of Federal Employees and Processing of Garnishment Orders for Child Support and/or Alimony, 11/3/1981.


NMAC History:

8 NMAC 5.CSE.000 through 8 NMAC 5.CSE.970, 12/30/1994.


History of Repealed Material:

8 NMAC 5.CSE, Child Support Enforcement - Repealed 5/31/2001.

8.50.112 NMAC, Administrative Enforcement of Support Obligations, filed 5/14/2001 - Repealed effective 11/13/2009.

8.50.112 NMAC, Administrative Enforcement of Support Obligations, filed 11/2/2009 - Repealed effective 12/30/2010.