8.302.2.1              ISSUING AGENCY:  New Mexico Health Care Authority.

[8.302.2.1 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.1 NMAC, 10/1/2017; A, 7/1/2024


8.302.2.2              SCOPE:  The rule applies to the general public.

[8.302.2.2 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.2 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.3              STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  The New Mexico medicaid program and other health care programs are administered pursuant to regulations promulgated by the federal department of health and human services (HHS) under Title XIX of the Social Security Act as amended or by state statute.  See Section 27-1-12 et seq., NMSA 1978.  Section 9-8-1 et seq. NMSA 1978 establishes the health care authority (HCA) as a single, unified department to administer laws and exercise functions relating to health care facility licensure and health care purchasing and regulation.

[8.302.2.3 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.3 NMAC, 10/1/2017; A, 7/1/2024]


8.302.2.4              DURATION:  Permanent.

[8.302.2.4 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.4 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.5              EFFECTIVE DATE:  October 1, 2017, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.

[8.302.2.5 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.5 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.6              OBJECTIVE:  The objective of this rule is to provide instruction for the service portion of the New Mexico medical assistance programs (MAP).

[8.302.2.6 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.6 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.7              DEFINITIONS:

               A.           “Authorized representative” means the individual designated to represent and act on behalf of the eligible recipient or member’s behalf.  The member or authorized representative must provide formal documentation authorizing the named individual or individuals to access the identified case information for a specified purpose and time frame.  An authorized representative may be an attorney representing a person or household, a person acting under the authority of a valid power of attorney, a guardian, or any other individual or individuals designated in writing by the eligible recipient or member.

               B.           “Eligible recipient” means an individual who has met a medical assistance program (MAP) category of eligibility and receives his or her medical assistance division (MAD) services through the fee-for-service (FFS) program.

               C.           “Member” means a MAP eligible recipient and who receives his or her MAD services through a HSD contracted managed care organization (MCO).

               D.           “Co-payment” means a fixed dollar amount that a medicaid recipient must pay directly to a provider for a service, visit or item.  A co-payment is to be charged at the time of service or receipt of the item.

[8.302.2.7 NMAC – Rp, 8.302.7 NMAC, 10/1/2017; A, 1/1/2019]


8.302.2.8              [RESERVED]

[8.302.2.8 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.8 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.9              BILLING FOR MEDICAID SERVICES:  Health care for New Mexico medical assistance program MAP eligible recipients and members is furnished by a variety of providers and provider groups.  The reimbursement and billing for these services is administered by MAD.  Upon approval of a New Mexico MAD provider participation agreement (PPA) by MAD or its designee, licensed practitioners, facilities and other providers of services that meet applicable requirements are eligible to be reimbursed for furnishing covered services to eligible recipients.  A provider must be enrolled before submitting a claim for payment to the MAD claims processing contractors.  MAD makes available on the HSD website, on other program-specific websites, or in hard copy format, information necessary to participate in health care programs administered by HSD or its authorized agents, including program rules, billing instruction, service standards, utilization review (UR) instructions, and other pertinent material.  When enrolled, a provider receives instruction on how to access these documents.  It is the provider’s responsibility to access these instructions, to understand the information provided and to comply with the requirements.  MAD makes available on the HSD website, on other program specific websites, or in hard copy format, information necessary to participate in health care programs administered by HSD or its authorized agents, including program rules, billing instructions, service standards, UR instructions, and other pertinent material.  To be eligible for reimbursement, a provider must adhere to the provisions of the MAD PPA and all applicable statutes, regulations, rules, billing instructions, service standards, UR instructions, and executive orders.  MAD or its selected claims processing contractor issues payments to a provider using electronic funds transfer (EFT) only.  Providers must supply necessary information in order for payment to be made.  See 8.308.14 NMAC for additional MCO provider responsibilities.

[8.302.2.9 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.9 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.10            BILLING INFORMATION:

               A.           Billing for services:  MAD only makes payment to a provider or to the following individuals or organizations for services:

                              (1)          a government agency or third party with a court order, based on a valid provider payment assignment; see 42 CFR Section 447.10(d)(e); or

                              (2)          a business agent, such as billing service or accounting firm that provides statements and receives payment in the name of the provider; the agent’s compensation must be related to the cost of processing the claims and not based on a percentage of the amount that is billed or collected or dependent upon collection of the payment.

               B.           Billing for services from group practitioners or employers of practitioners:  MAD may make payments to a group practice and to an employer of an individual practitioner if the practitioner is required to turn over his fees to the employer as a condition of employment.  See 42 CFR 447.10(g) (2) (3).  MAD may make payments to a facility where the services are furnished or to a foundation, plan, or similar organization operating as an organized health care delivery system if the facility, foundation, plan, or organization is required by contract to submit claims for an individual practitioner.

               C.           Billing for referral services:  A referring provider must submit to the provider receiving the referral, specimen, image, or other record, all information necessary for the provider rendering the service to bill MAD within specified time limits.  An eligible recipient or their authorized representative or MAD is not responsible for payment if the provider rendering the service fails to obtain this information from the referring provider.  Ordering, referring, prescribing, rendering and attending providers must participate in a MCO or the MAD (FFS) program, or otherwise be identifiable as a participating, out-of-network, or in-network provider for services, as determined by MAD.

               D.           Hospital-based services:  For services that are hospital based, the hospital must provide MAP recipient eligibility and billing information to providers of services within the hospital, including professional components, hospital emergency room (ER) physicians, hospital anesthesiologists, and other practitioners for whom the hospital performs admission, patient registration, or the patient intake process.  An eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative, or MAD is not responsible for payment if the hospital-based provider does not obtain this information from the hospital as necessary to bill within the specified time limits.

               E.           Coordinated service contractors:  Some MAD services are managed by a coordinated service contractor.  Contracted services may include behavioral health services, dental services, physical health services, transportation, pharmacy or other benefits as designated by the MAD.  The coordinated service contractor may be responsible for any or all aspects of program management, prior authorization, (UR), claims processing, and issuance of remittance advices and payments.  A provider must submit claims to the appropriate coordinated service contractor as directed by MAD.

               F.            Reporting of service units:  A provider must correctly report service units.

                              (1)          For current procedural terminology (CPT) codes or healthcare common procedural coding system (HCPCS) codes that describe how units associated with time should be billed, providers are to follow those instructions.

                              (2)          For CPT or HCPCS for services for which the provider is to bill 1 unit per 15 minute or per hour of service, the provider must follow the chart below when the time spent is not exactly 15 minutes or one hour.

time spent

number of 15-minute units that may be billed

number of 1-hour units that may be billed

Less than 8 minutes


services that are in their entirety less than 8 minutes cannot be billed.


services that are in their entirety less than 8 minutes cannot be billed

8 minutes  through 22 minutes



23 minutes  through 37 minutes



38 minutes  through 52 minutes



53 minutes  through 67 minutes



68 minutes  through 82 minutes



83 minutes  through 97 minutes



                              (3)          Only time spent directly working with an eligible recipient or member to deliver treatment services is counted toward the time codes.

                              (4)          Total time spent delivering each service using a timed code must be recorded in the medical record of each eligible recipient or member.  If services provided are appropriately described by using more than one CPT or HCPCS code within a single calendar day, then the total number of units that can be billed is limited to the total treatment time.  Providers must assign the most units to the treatment that took the most time.

                              (5)          The units for codes do not take precedence over centers for medicare and medicaid services (CMS) national correct coding initiative (NCCI).

                              (6)          Anesthesia units must be billed according to 8.310.3 NMAC.

                              (7)          Units billed by a home and community-based services waiver provider, a behavioral health provider, an early intervention provider, and all rehabilitation services providers must also follow the requirements of this section unless exceptions are specifically stated in published MAD program rules or provider billing instructions.

               G.           MAD requires co-payments for specific services under the medicaid managed care program.  The rules for medicaid managed care co-payments, including the co-payment amounts, co-payment exemptions, provider responsibilities, and member rights and responsibilities, are detailed at 8.308.14 NMAC.

               H.           Billing state gross receipts tax:  For providers subject and registered to pay, gross receipts tax, the provider may include gross receipt tax in the billed amount when the tax applies to the item or service.  The provider may only bill tax to the extent the tax is also charged to the general public.  A provider may not include gross receipts tax in the billed amount when the provider is not obligated to pay gross receipts tax to the state.

[8.302.2.10 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.10 NMAC, 10/1/2017; A, 1/1/2019]



               A.           Claims must be received within the MAD filing limits as determined by the date of receipt by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.

                              (1)          Claims for services must be received within 90 calendar days of the date of service unless an alternative filing limit is stated within this section.

                              (2)          Inpatient hospital and other inpatient facility claims must be received within 90 calendar days of the date of the eligible recipient or member’s discharge, transfer, or otherwise leaving the facility.

                              (3)          When the provider can document that a claim was filed with another primary payer including medicare, a HSD contracted MCO, medicare replacement plans, or another insurer, the claim must be received within 90 calendar days of the date the other payer paid or denied the claim as reported on the explanation of benefits or remittance advice of the other payer, not to exceed 210 calendar days from the date of service.  It is the provider’s responsibility to submit the claim to another primary payer within a sufficient timeframe to reasonably allow the primary payer to complete the processing of the claim and also meet the MAD timely filing limit.  Denials by the primary payer due to the provider not meeting administrative requirements in filing the claim must be appealed by the provider to the primary payer.  MAD only considers payment for a claim denied by the other primary payer when under the primary payer’s plan the eligible recipient or member is not eligible, the diagnosis, service or item is not within the scope of the benefits, benefits are exhausted, pre-existing conditions are not covered, or out-of-pocket expenses or the deductibles have not been met.  MAD will evaluate a claim for further payment including payment toward a deductible, co-insurance, co-payment or other patient responsibility.  Claims for payment towards a deductible, co-insurance, co-payment or other patient responsibility also must be received within 90 calendar days of the date of the other payer’s payment, not to exceed 210 calendar days from the date of service.

                              (4)          For an eligible recipient or member for whom MAD benefits were not established at the time of service but retroactive eligibility has subsequently been established, claims must be received within 90 calendar days of the date the eligibility was added to the eligibility record of MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.

                              (5)          For a provider of services not enrolled as a MAD provider at the time the services were rendered, including a provider that is in the process of purchasing an enrolled MAD provider entity such as a practice or facility, claims must be received within 90 calendar days of the date the provider is notified of the MAD approval of the PPA, not to exceed 210 calendar days from the date of service.  It is the provider’s responsibility to submit a PPA within a sufficient timeframe to allow completion of the provider enrollment process and submission of the claim within the MAD timely filing limit.

                              (6)          For claims that were originally paid by a HSD contracted MCO from which the capitation payment is recouped resulting in recoupment of a provider’s claim by the MCO, the claim must be received within 90 calendar days of the recoupment from the provider.

                              (7)          For claims that were originally paid by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor and subsequently recouped by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor due to certain claims conflicts such as overlapping duplicate claims, a corrected claim subsequently submitted by the provider must be received within 90 calendar days of the recoupment.

               B.           The provider is responsible for submitting the claim timely, for tracking the status of the claim and determining the need to resubmit the claim.

                              (1)          Filing limits are not waived by MAD due to the providers inadequate understanding of the filing limit requirements or insufficient staff to file the claim timely or failure to track pending claims, returns, denials, and payments in order to resubmit the claim or request an adjustment within the specified timely filing limitation.

                              (2)          A provider must follow up on claims that have been transmitted electronically or hard copy in sufficient time to resubmit a claim within the filing limit in the event that a claim is not received by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.  It is the provider’s responsibility to re-file an apparently missing claim within the applicable filing limit.

                              (3)          In the event the provider’s claim or part of the claim is returned, denied, or paid at an incorrect amount, the provider must resubmit the claim or an adjustment request within 90 calendar days of the date of the return, denial or payment of an incorrect amount, that was submitted in the initial timely filing period.  This additional 90 calendar day period is a one-time grace period following the return, denial or mis-payment for a claim that was filed in the initial timely filing period and is based on the remittance advice date or return notice.  Additional 90 calendar day grace periods are not allowed.  However, within the 90 calendar day grace period the provider may continue to resubmit the claim or adjustment requests until the 90 calendar day grace period has expired.

                              (4)          Adjustments to claims for which the provider feels additional payment is due, or for which the provider desires to change information previously submitted on the claim, the claim or adjustment request with any necessary explanations must be received by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor with the provider using a MAD-approved adjustment format and supplying all necessary information to process the claim within the one-time 90 calendar day allowed grace period.

               C.           The eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative is responsible for notifying the provider of MAP eligibility or pending eligibility and when retroactive MAP eligibility is received.  When any provider including an enrolled provider, a non-enrolled provider, a MCO provider, and an out-of-network provider is informed of a recipient’s MAP eligibility, the circumstances under which an eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative can be billed by the provider are limited.

                              (1)          When the provider is unwilling to accept the eligible recipient as a (FFS) eligible recipient or a MCO member, the provider must provide the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative written notification that they have the right to seek treatment with another provider that does accept a FFS eligible recipient or a MCO member.  It is the provider’s responsibility to have the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative receive and sign a statement that they are aware the proposed service may be covered by MAD if rendered by an approved MAD or MCO provider and that by authorizing a non-approved provider to render the service, they agree to be held financially responsible for any payment to that provider.  A provider may only bill or accept payment for services from an eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative if all the following requirements are satisfied:

                                             (a)          The eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative is advised by the provider before services are furnished that he or she does not accept patients whose medical services are paid for by MAD.

                                             (b)          The eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative is advised by the provider regarding the necessity, options, and the estimated charges for the service, and of the option of going to a provider who accepts MAD payment.

                              (2)          The eligible recipient or member is financially responsible for payment if a provider’s claims are denied because of the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative’s failure to notify the provider of established eligibility or retroactive eligibility in a timely manner sufficient to allow the provider to meet the filing limit for the claim.

                              (3)          When a provider is informed of MAP eligibility or pending eligibility prior to rendering a benefit, the provider cannot bill the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative for the benefit even if the claim is denied by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor unless the denial is due to the recipient not being eligible for the MAP category of eligibility or the benefit, or item is not a MAD benefit.  In order to bill the eligible recipient or member for an item or benefit that is not a MAD benefit, prior to rendering the benefit or providing the item the provider must inform the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative the benefit is not covered by MAD and obtain a signed statement from the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative acknowledging such notice.  It is the provider’s responsibility to understand or confirm the eligible recipient or member’s MAD benefits and to inform the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative when the benefit is not a MAD benefit and to inform the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative.

                              (4)          The provider must accept MAD payment as payment in full and cannot bill a remaining balance to the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative other than a MAD allowed co-payment, coinsurance or deductible.

                              (5)          If the provider claim is denied, the provider cannot use a statement signed by the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative to accept responsibility for payment unless such billing is allowed by MAD rules.  It is the responsibility of the provider to meet the MAD program requirements for timely filing and other administrative requirements, to provide information to MAD or its selected claims processing contractor regarding payment issues on a claim, and to accept the decision of MAD or its selected claims processing contractor for a claim.  The eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative does not become financially responsible when the provider has failed to meet the timely filing and other administrative requirements in filing a claim.  The eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative does not become financially responsible for payment for services or items solely because MAD or its selected claims processing contractor denies payment for a claim.

                              (6)          When a provider has been informed of MAP eligibility or pending eligibility of a recipient, the provider cannot turn an account over to collections or to any other entity intending to collect from the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative.  If a provider has turned an account over for collection, it is the provider’s responsibility to retrieve that account from the collection agency and to accept the decision on payment of the claim by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor and to notify the eligible recipient or member.

               D.           The filing limit does not apply to overpayments or money being returned to MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.

                              (1)          If a provider receives payment from another source, such as any insurance plan, or other responsible third party, after receiving payment from MAD, an amount equal to the lower of either the insurance payment or the amount paid through MAD must be remitted to MAD or its selected claims processing contractor third party liability unit, properly identifying the claim to which the refund applies.

                              (2)          For claims for which an over-payment was made to the provider, the provider must return the overpayment to MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.  For more details see 8.351.2 NMAC.  The timely filing provisions for payments and adjustments to claims do not apply when the provider is attempting to return an overpayment.

               E.           MAD or its selected claims processing contractor may waive the filing limit requirement in the following situations:

                              (1)          An error or delay on the part of MAD or its selected claims processing contractor prevented the claim from being filed correctly within the filing limit period.  In considering waiver of a filing limit for a claim for this situation, MAD or its selected claims processing contractor will consider the efforts made by the provider to initially file the claim in a timely manner and the follow up efforts made to secure payment in a timely manner from the other payer.

                              (2)          The claim was filed within the filing limit period but the claim is being reprocessed or adjusted for issues not related to the filing limit.

                              (3)          The claim could not be filed timely by the provider because another payer or responsible party could not or did not process the claim timely or provide other information necessary to file the claim timely.  In considering a waiver of the filing limit for a claim for this situation, MAD or its selected claims processing contractor will consider the efforts made by the provider to initially file the claim and to follow up on the payment from another payer or responsible party in order to attempt to meet the MAD filing limit.

                              (4)          An eligible recipient or member for whom MAP or medicare eligibility was established by hearing, appeal, or court order.  In considering a waiver of the filing limit for a claim for this situation, MAD or its selected claims processing contractor will consider the efforts made by the provider to file the claim timely after the hearing or court decision.

                              (5)          The claim is being reprocessed by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor for issues not related to the provider’s submission of the claim.  These circumstances may include when MAD is implementing retroactive price changes, or reprocessing the claim for accounting purposes.

                              (6)          The claim was originally paid but recouped by another primary payer.  In considering a waiver of the filing limit for a claim for this situation, MAD or its selected claims processing contractor will consider the efforts made by the provider to file the claim timely after the recoupment.

                              (7)          The claim is from a federal IHS facility operating within HHS which is responsible for native American health care or is a PL 93-638 tribally operated hospital and clinic which must be finalized within two years of the date of service.

                              (8)          The claim is from a MAD school-based service program when providing services to an a eligible recipient or member through an individualized education plan or an individualized family service plan to which an initial filing limit of 90 calendar days is applied.

               F.            MAD is jointly funded through state and federal sources.  Claims will not be processed when the federal standards are not met, thereby precluding federal financial participation in payment of the claim.

               G.           A provider may not bill an eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative for a service or item when a claim is denied due to provider error in filing the claim or failing to meet the timely filing requirements.  It is the provider’s responsibility to understand or verify the specific MAP category of eligibility in which an eligible recipient or member is enrolled, the covered or non-covered status of a service or item, the need for prior authorization for a service or item, and to bill the claim correctly and supply required documentation.  The eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative cannot be billed by the provider when a claim is denied because these administrative requirements have not been met.

                              (1)          The provider cannot bill the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative for a service or item in the event of a denial of the claim unless the denial is due to the recipient not being eligible for the MAD service; or if the service is not a MAD benefit, prior to rendering the service the provider informed the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative that the specific service is not covered by MAD and obtained a signed statement from the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative acknowledging such.

                              (2)          The provider cannot bill the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative for the service in the event that a payment is recouped by another primary payer and MAD or its selected claims processing contractor determines that the claim will not be reimbursed by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.

                              (3)          The provider cannot turn an account over to collections or to any other factor intending to collect from the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative.  If a provider has turned an account over to a collection agency, it is the provider’s responsibility to retrieve that account back from the collection agency and to accept the decision on payment of the claim by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.

                              (4)          The provider cannot bill the eligible recipient, or member or his or her authorized representative for office tasks such as billing claims, checking eligibility, making referrals calls, in the form of either routine charges or as penalties including missed appointments, failure to cancel an appointment, failure to show eligibility card or similar charges unless specifically allowed by MAD rules.

               H.           When documentation is required to show the provider met applicable filing limits, the date a claim is received by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor will be documented by the date on the claim transaction control number (TCN) as assigned by MAD or its selected claims processing contractor.  Documentation of timely filing when another third party payer, including medicare, is involved will be accepted as documented on explanation of benefits payment dates and reason codes from the third party.  Documentation may be required to be submitted with the claim.

[8.302.2.11 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.11 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.12            BILLING FOR DUAL-ELIGIBLE MEDICAID RECIPIENTS:  To receive payment for services furnished to an eligible recipient or member who is also entitled to medicare, a provider must first bill the appropriate medicare payer.  The medicare payer pays the medicare covered portion of the bill.  After medicare payment, MAD pays the amount the medicare payer determines is owed for co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles, subject to MAD reimbursement limitations.  If a medically necessary service is excluded from medicare and it is a MAD covered benefit, MAD will pay for service.  When the medicare payment amount exceeds the amount that MAD would have allowed for the service, no further payment is made for the coinsurance, deductible, or co-payment.  The claim is considered paid in full.  The provider may not collect any remaining portion of the medicare coinsurance, deductible, or co-payment from the eligible recipient or their authorized representative.  For behavioral health professional services for which medicare part B applies to a “psych reduction” to the provider payment and increases the eligible recipient or member coinsurance rate, medicare coinsurance and deductible amounts are paid at an amount that allows the provider to receive eighty percent of the medicare allowed amount even if such amount exceeds the MAD allowed amount for the service.  A provider must accept assignment on medicare claims for MAD eligible recipients and members.  A provider who chooses not to participate in medicare or accept assignment on a medicare claim must inform the MAD eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative that the provider is not a medicare provider or will not accept assignment; and because of those provider choices, MAD cannot pay for the service.  Additionally, the provider must inform the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative of the estimated amount for which the eligible recipient or member will be responsible, that service is available from other providers who will accept assignment on a medicare claim, and identify an alternative provider to whom the eligible recipient or member may seek services.  The provider cannot bill a dually eligible MAP recipient or member for a service that medicare cannot pay because the provider chooses not to participate in medicare, or which MAD cannot pay because the provider chooses not to accept assignment on a claim, without the expressed consent of the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative even when the medicare eligibility is established retro-actively and covers the date of service.

               A.           Claim crossover:  If there is sufficient information for medicare to identify an individual as an eligible recipient or member, medicare may send payment information directly to the MAD claims processing contractor in a form known as a “cross-over claim”.  In all cases where claims fail to crossover automatically to MAD, a provider must bill the appropriate MAD claims processing contractor directly, supplying the medicare payment and medicare “explanation of benefits” (EOB) information and meet the MAD filing limit.

               B.           Medicare replacement plan or other health maintenance organization (HMO) plan:  When an eligible recipient or member belongs to a medicare replacement plan or HMO, MAD pays the amount the payer determines is owed for co-payment, coinsurance or deductible, subject to MAD reimbursement limitations.  When the payer payment amount exceeds the amount that MAD would have allowed for the service, no further payment is made for the co-payment, coinsurance or deductible.  The claim is considered paid in full.  The provider may not collect any remaining portion of the payer co-payment, coinsurance or deductible from the eligible recipient, member or his or her authorized representative.  For behavioral health services for which medicare part B applies to a “psych reduction” to the provider payment and increases the eligible recipient or member coinsurance rate, medicare coinsurance and deductible amounts are paid at the amount that allows the provider to receive up to eighty percent of the payer amount allowed even if the amount exceeds the MAD allowed amount for the services.

               C.           All other HMO and medicare replacement plan requirements, including provider network restrictions must be met for MAD to make payment on a claim.

[8.302.2.12 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.12 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.13            BILLING FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES:  MAD only makes payment to a provider who actually rendered the services.  However, in the following instances a MAD provider can bill and be paid for covered contracted services.

               A.           A provider is reimbursed at encounter rates or other all-inclusive rates that may have some contracted services built into those rates.  These providers include NF, ICF-IDD, residential treatment centers, a group home, a hospice agency, a federally qualified health center, a rural health clinic, and an IHS or tribal 638 facility.

               B.           A practitioner group, a clinic, an institutional professional component, and providers of professional services may bill for services furnished by practitioners under contract when the provider applications are approved by MAD, and the following apply:

                              (1)          the MAD provider participation applications are completed by the billing entity and the practitioner rendering the service or in their employ; and

                              (2)          the practitioner is listed as the rendering provider on the claim form.

               C.           Transportation providers may bill for contracted personnel, equipment or vehicles.

               D.           A provider may bill MAD directly for contracted services for the construction or assembly of equipment or prosthetic devices, construction of dental devices and prosthetics, hearing and vision prosthesis, orthotics, and repairs, when:

                              (1)          the provider customarily uses the dental laboratory, optical supplier, hearing aid supplier, prosthetic or orthotic supplier equipment dealer, or manufacturer to do work; and

                              (2)          the contractor doing the work does not qualify as an eligible provider in his or her own right.

               E.           For all other contracted services not specified above, written prior approval must be obtained from MAD or its designee before the provision of services.

               F.            Billing rates for contracted services:  All services provided by a contractor and billed through a participating MAD provider must be billed at a rate based on direct and indirect costs, plus a reasonable administrative charge.  The billing provider must ensure all MAD requirements are met by the contractor furnishing the service, including prior approval requirements, if applicable.  Reimbursement for contracted services is included in the fee paid to the provider.  For example, the amount paid to a dentist for a crown includes the dentist’s work fitting the crown and the dental lab fees for making the crown.

               G.           Recipient freedom of choice:  A provider cannot enter into contracts that are used to restrict an eligible recipient or member’s freedom of choice.  Some restrictions to this freedom of choice may apply to the purchases of medical devices and laboratory and radiology tests, and transportation 42 CFR Section 431.54(e), or for providers whose enrollment is under a moratorium as identified or approved by the secretary of the federal HHS or by CMS.

[8.302.2.13 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.13 NMAC, 10/1/2017]



               A.           Payment not allowed:  MAD does not pay factors either directly or by power of attorney 42 CFR Section 447.10(h).  A factor is an individual or an organization, such as a collection agency or service bureau.

               B.           No reimbursement for the discharge day:  An institutional or other residential provider, such as a NF, a hospital, an ICF-IID, and a provider of treatment foster care services are reimbursed for services furnished to an eligible recipient or member on the day of admission but are not reimbursed for services furnished on day of discharge.

               C.           No payment made for wrong services:  A provider shall not bill MAD for:

                              (1)          services provided to the wrong patient;

                              (2)          a service performed on the wrong body part of an eligible recipient or member; and

                              (3)          an incorrect procedure performed on an eligible recipient or member.

               D.           Payments for acquired conditions:  MAD may deny or limit payment on claims for services to treat an eligible recipient or member for a condition acquired during the course of a facility stay or in the rendering of other services.

[8.302.2.14 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.14 NMAC, 10/1/2017]


8.302.2.15            INTEREST RATES ON COST SETTLEMENTS:  MAD charges interest on overpayments and pays interest on underpayments as a result of year-end cost settlements, unless waived.

               A.           Interest periods:  Interest accrues from the date of the final determination of costs or from a date required by a subsequent administrative reversal.  Interest is charged on the overpayment balance or paid on the underpayment balance for each 30 calendar day period that payment is delayed.

                              (1)          For purposes of this provision, a final determination is considered to occur when:

                                             (a)          MAD, the MAD selected claims processing contractor, or the MAD audit contractor makes a written demand for payment or a written determination of underpayment; or

                                             (b)          a cost report which was filed in a timely manner indicates that an amount is due MAD and the amount due is not included with the report.

                              (2)          The date of final determination for an additional overpayment or underpayment, as determined by the MAD audit contractor, is considered to occur if any of the previously mentioned events occur.

                              (3)          The date of final determination for an unfiled cost report occurs the day after the date the cost report was due.  A single extension of time not to exceed 30 calendar days is granted for good cause. A written request for the time extension must be received and approved by MAD before the cost report due date.  When the cost report is filed, a second final determination date is calculated based on the occurrence of either of the aforementioned events.

               B.           Interest rates:  The interest rate on overpayments and underpayments is based on the prevailing rate specified in bulletins issued under article 8020.20 of the treasury fiscal requirement manual.  When a provider signs a repayment agreement with MAD for an overpayment, the following provisions apply:

                              (1)          the rate of interest specified in the agreement is binding unless a default in the agreement occurs; or

                              (2)          the rate of interest on the balance may change to the prevailing rate if the provider or supplier defaults on an installment and the prevailing rate in effect on the date the installment becomes overdue is higher than the rate specified in the agreement.

               C.           Accrual of interest:  Even though a filed cost report does not show an overpayment, interest begins to accrue on the date of final determination, if MAD, the MAD audit contractor, or the MAD selected claims processing contractor determines that providers have been overpaid.

                              (1)          Interest continues to accrue during administrative or judicial appeals and until final disposition of claims.

                              (2)          If a cost report is filed which indicates that an amount is due MAD, interest on the amount due accrues from the date the cost report is filed unless:

                                             (a)          the full payment on the amount due accompanies the cost report; or

                                             (b)          the provider and the MAD audit contractor agree in advance to liquidate the overpayment through a reduction in interim payments over the next 30 calendar day period.

                              (3)          If the MAD audit contractor determines that a further overpayment exists, interest accrues from the date of final determination.

                              (4)          If the cost report is not filed, interest accrues from the day following the date the report was due, plus a single extension of time not to exceed 30 calendar days if granted for good cause, until the time the cost report is filed.  Written requests for time extensions must be received for approval by MAD before cost reports due dates.

                              (5)          Interest accrues on an underpayment owed by MAD to a provider beginning 30 calendar days from the date of MAD’s notification of the underpayment by the MAD audit contractor.

               D.           Interest charge waivers:  MAD may waive the interest charges when:

                              (1)          the overpayment is liquidated within 30 calendar days from the date of the final determination; or

                              (2)          MAD determines that the administrative cost of collection exceeds the interest charges; interest is not waived for the period of time during which cost reports are due but remain unfiled for more than 30 calendar days.

               E.           Interest charges with installment or partial payments:  If an overpayment is repaid in installments or recouped by withholding from several payments due to a billing provider, the amounts are applied in the following manner:

                              (1)          each payment or recoupment is applied first to accrued interest and then to the principle; and

                              (2)          after each payment or recoupment, interest accrues on the remaining unpaid balance; if an overpayment or an underpayment determination is reversed following an administrative hearing, appropriate adjustments are made on the overpayment or underpayment and the amount of interest charged.

               F.            Allowable interest cost:  Allowable interest cost is the necessary and proper interest on both current and capital indebtedness.  An interest cost is not allowable if it is one of the following:

                              (1)          an interest assessment on a determined overpayment; or

                              (2)          interest on funds borrowed to repay an overpayment; following an administrative review and favorable provider decision, interest paid on funds borrowed to repay an overpayment or the interest assessed on an overpayment becomes an allowable cost.

[8.302.2.15 NMAC - Rp, 8.302.2.15 NMAC, 10/1/2017]



Pre-NMAC History:  The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center:

SP-004.1902, Methods and Standards of Establishing Payment Rates - Other Types of Care, filed 3/5/1981.

SP-004.2000, Section 4, General Program Administration Direct Payments to Certain Recipients for Physician’s or Dentist’s Services, filed 3/5/1981.

SP-004.2100, Section 4, General Program Administration Prohibition Against Reassignment of Provider Claims, filed 3/5/1981.

SP-006.0100, Section 6, Financial Administration Fiscal Policies and Accountability, filed 3/5/1981.

SP-006.0200, Section 6, Financial Administration Cost Allocation, filed 3/5/1981.

SP-006.0300, Section 6, Financial Administration State Financial Participation, filed 3/5/1981.

SP-004.1905, Definition of Timely Payment Requirement for the State of New Mexico, filed 6/10/1981.

ISD 304.1000, Provider Reimbursement Responsibility, filed 1/7/1980.

ISD 304.1000, Provider Reimbursement Responsibility, filed 9/9/1981.

ISD 304.2000, Recipient Reimbursement Responsibility, filed 1/9/1980.

ISD 304.3000, Reimbursement Limitations, filed 1/7/1980.

ISD 304.3000, Reimbursement Limitations, filed 9/9/1981.

ISD 304.3000, Reimbursement Limitations, filed 12/17/1985.

ISD 304.4000, Billing Limitations, filed 1/7/1980.

ISD 304.4000, Billing Limitations, filed 9/9/1981.

ISD 304.7000, Reimbursement To Out-of-State Providers, filed 1/7/1980.

ISD 304.7000, Reimbursement To Out-of-State Providers, filed 9/9/1981.

ISD 304.8000, Third Party Liability, filed 1/7/1980.

ISD 304.8000, Third Party Liability, filed 9/9/1981.

ISD 304.9000, Usual and Customary, filed 1/7/1980.

ISD 304.9000, Reasonable Charge Pricing, filed 9/9/1981.

ISD Rule 304.9000, Reasonable Charge Pricing, filed 2/17/1984.

ISD Rule 304.9000, Reasonable Charge Price, filed 3/30/1984.

MAD Rule 304.9, Reimbursement, filed 12/15/1987.

MAD Rule 304.9, Reimbursement, filed 8/11/1988.

MAD Rule 304, Billing and Reimbursement, filed 11/8/1989.

MAD Rule 304, Billing and Reimbursement, filed 4/21/1992.


History of Repealed Material:

MAD Rule 304, Billing And Reimbursement, filed 4/21/1992 - Repealed effective 2/1/1995.

8.302.2 NMAC, Billing for Medicaid Services, filed 4/16/2004 - Repealed effective 1/1/2014.

8.302.2 NMAC, Billing for Medicaid Services filed 12/17/2013 - Repealed effective 10/1/2017.


NMAC History: 8.302.2 NMAC, Billing for Medicaid Services filed 12/17/2013 was replaced by 8.302.2 NMAC, Billing for Medicaid Services effective 10/1/2017.