PART 3 ENGINEERING LICENSURE, DISCIPLINES, APPLICATIONS, EXAMS, PRACTICE, SEAL OF LICENSEE AND ENDORSEMENTS ISSUING AGENCY: State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors, 2550 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505, telephone no. (505) 476-4565.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.1, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 7/1/2015] SCOPE: Provisions for Part 3 apply to any person certified as an engineer intern, licensed as a professional engineer, or to anyone applying for certification as an engineer intern or licensure as a professional engineer in New Mexico.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.2, 1/01/2002] STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Subsection B of Section 61-23-10 NMSA 1978 prescribes that "the board shall have the power to adopt and amend all bylaws and rules of procedure consistent with the constitution and the laws of this state that may be reasonable for the proper performance of its duties and the regulation of its procedures, meeting records, examinations and the conduct thereof. The board shall adopt and promulgate rules of professional responsibility for professional engineers and professional surveyors that are not exclusive to the practice of engineering or exclusive to the practice of surveying. Subsection C of Section 61-23-10 NMSA 1978 states the professional engineering committee shall adopt and promulgate rules of professional responsibility exclusive to the practice of engineering. All such bylaws and rules shall be binding upon all persons licensed pursuant to the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act. Subsections A and B of Section 61-23-19 NMSA 1978 prescribe, "the board shall provide for the proper authentication of all documents. The board shall regulate the use of seals."
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.3, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 12/28/2017] DURATION: Permanent.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.4, 1/01/2002] EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2002, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.5, 1/01/2002] OBJECTIVE: The objective of Part 3 of Chapter 39 is to clearly define the procedure for granting licensure to practice engineering or certification as engineer interns, identify and provide procedures for engineering disciplines, applications and examinations, practice of engineering, seal of licensees and application by endorsement guidelines.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.6, 1/01/2002; A, 7/1/2015] DEFINITIONS:
A. “ABET” is defined as the accreditation board for engineering and technology.
B. “Board-approved, four - year curriculum in engineering” is defined as:
(1) engineering curriculum of at least four years that has been accredited by ABET within at least three years of the applicant’s graduation with a bachelor’s degree in engineering:
(2) curriculum not accredited by ABET but with the minimum number of engineering credits required for accreditation by ABET; and
(3) curriculum required for graduate degree (master or doctoral) in engineering from an engineering program with an ABET-accredited bachelor’s degree has successfully completed (as confirmed by letter from graduation committee) all requirements deficient to bachelor’s degree in engineering.
C. “Branch” refers to engineering disciplines as referred to in NMAC.
D. “Category” refers to the type of license such as professional engineer or professional surveyor as referred to in Subsections L and P of Sections 61-23-23 NMSA 1978.
E. “Electronic signature” means an electronic symbol or
process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or
adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.
F. “Engineering accreditation commission” is defined as the engineering accreditation commission of ABET, or any successor commission or organization.
G. “Engineering discipline” is defined as a designated area of proficiency and competence in the practice of engineering.
H. “Engineering experience” is defined as experience gained by the time of the application that includes demonstration of a knowledge of engineering mathematics, physical and applied science, properties of materials, and the fundamental principles of engineering design as well as demonstration of the application of engineering principles in the practical solution of engineering problems and is:
(1) progressive experience on engineering projects that demonstrates an increasing quality and responsibility;
(2) experience not associated with a graduate degree if that degree that is used to satisfy education requirements;
(3) experience obtained in compliance with the licensure act;
(4) experience gained in the armed services of a character equivalent to that which would have been gained in the civilian sector doing similar work;
(5) experience gained under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer;
(6) experience not gained under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer provided that an explanation is made to the satisfaction of the Board showing why the experience should be considered acceptable including the appropriate credentials of the unlicensed supervisor;
(7) sales experience demonstrating that engineering principles were required and used in gaining the experience;
(8) teaching experience in engineering or engineering-related courses at a junior-, senior-, or graduate-level in a college or university offering an engineering program of four years or more that is approved by the board;
(9) experience gained in engineering research and design projects by members of an engineering faculty where the program is approved by the board;
(10) experience gained in engineering research by industry or government employees; or
(11) experience in construction demonstrating the application of engineering principles.
I. “FE exam” refers to the fundamentals of engineering exam.
J. “NCEES” refers to the national council of examiners for engineering and surveying.
K. “PE exam” refers to the principles and practice of engineering exam.
L. “Signature”
means a physical or digital representation of the name of the person who
applied it.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.7, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 1/01/2007; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017; A, 3/12/2022] ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES:
A. Licensure is granted as a professional engineer and shall be so stated on the certificate. Although the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act makes no specific designation as to the disciplines of engineering practice on the certificates as issued by the board, the records and roster of the board shall indicate the discipline(s) in which the licensee is competent to practice in accordance with this section. Only the discipline(s) of engineering for which the applicant has successfully been examined or approved by the professional engineering committee will be recorded.
B. Requests for engineering disciplines will be accepted from the following list; and the board's records and roster will be annotated with the corresponding alphabetical code:
(1) architectural A
(2) aeronautical B
(3) civil C
(4) agricultural D
(5) electrical and computer E
(6) network engineer F
(7) geological/geotechnical G
(8) chemical H
(9) industrial I
(10) mechanical M
(11) mining/mineral N
(12) metallurgical/materials NN
(13) petroleum P
(14) control systems Q
(15) structural R
(16) nuclear T
(17) fire protection U
(18) environmental V
(19) construction W
(20) naval architecture and marine Nm
(21) software Sw
C. Other disciplines may be considered as reviewed and approved by the board.
D. A licensee may be listed in no more than three disciplines of engineering. Subsequent to initial licensure, a licensee may apply for licensure in another discipline of engineering. The licensee shall demonstrate competence in that discipline and may be required to appear before the board. Demonstration of competence may be accomplished by presenting evidence as follows:
(1) the licensee shall file a separate application for the additional discipline requested and pay an application fee for the additional application; and
(2) complete the application forms to indicate clearly the education, experience, and three acceptable personal references which will substantiate proficiency in the discipline for which the licensee is applying; experience and personal references must be stated;
(3) an applicant for licensure by endorsement may initially apply for up to three disciplines, provided substantial evidence is presented to the board to demonstrate competence for each requested discipline.
E. Structural discipline - except for an applicant with a B.S. degree with a structural option and a minimum of four years of post-baccalaureate structural engineering experience, listing as a structural engineer may be obtained by having gained an acceptable engineering degree which included a minimum of six hours of structural design; having licensure as a professional engineer; and having four years of structural experience gained after licensure and acceptable to the board.
(1) Passing the NCEES structural tests part I & II may be substituted for two years of the required experience.
(2) A master’s degree in structures may be substituted for one year of the required experience.
(3) An applicant for licensure as a structural engineer by endorsement shall meet the requirements of Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection D of NMAC.
F. Specialty sub-disciplines - The professional engineering committee of the board may determine that the special practice of engineering within one or more of the engineering disciplines in Subsection B of NMAC requires unique training/education and experience to adequately protect the public safety and health, and the professional engineering committee of the board shall declare this special practice of engineering to be a specialty sub-discipline. The declaration of a specialty sub-discipline shall be based on a need identified by the state or any of its political subdivisions, availability of appropriate and timely training/education within the state of New Mexico, and the ability of the identification of a specialty sub-discipline to inform the public of the needed special practice of engineering. If the professional engineering committee of the board declares a specialty sub-discipline, after a rules hearing, the requirements for the special practice of engineering shall be included in Title 16, Chapter 39 of the New Mexico administrative code for engineering and surveying:
(1) the specialty sub-discipline rules shall specify the training/education and experience requirements to obtain certification for the special engineering practice, including provisions for equivalent training when a particular course of training/education is specified; in anticipation that more than one discipline identified in Subsection B of NMAC will qualify for the specialty sub-discipline, the rules shall identify which engineering disciplines in Subsection B of NMAC, are most likely to qualify for the specialty sub-discipline;
(2) the board shall maintain a list of engineers who have been certified as meeting the requirements for the specialty sub-discipline; the list shall be available to the public upon request and pursuant to the inspection of public records; the professional engineering committee of the board shall establish a form for the application to obtain a certification for the specialty sub-discipline; upon approval by the professional engineering committee of the board, the qualified licensee’s name shall be added to the list of licensees having the specialty sub-discipline;
(3) a licensee’s name may be removed from the list of persons certified for the specialty sub-discipline, upon determination by the professional engineering committee of the board that the licensee no longer qualifies for the certification specialty sub-discipline; such removal shall be only after the appropriate process/hearing by the professional engineering committee of the board;
(4) the failure to obtain certification for the specialty sub-discipline shall not limit the practice of engineering within any of the engineering disciplines identified in Subsection B of NMAC, and the failure to obtain certification in the specialty sub-discipline shall not constitute practice outside the licensee’s area of competence; however, the failure to obtain certification for a specialty sub-discipline and a determination by the professional engineering committee of the board of inappropriate practice of engineering within the engineering specialty may be cause for determination that the engineering practice is not within the licensee’s authorized discipline, and that appropriate disciplinary action can be taken;
(5) the certification of a specialty sub-discipline shall be for a period established by the professional engineering committee of the board, but not less than two years or more than six years; renewal of the specialty sub-discipline shall be concurrent with license renewal;
(6) the professional engineering committee of the board may remove the specialty sub-discipline from the rules for engineering and surveying, after a rules hearing, upon the finding that the training/education is no longer available or that the designation of the specialty sub-discipline in no longer needed to protect the public safety and health.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.8, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 1/01/2007; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017; A, 12/16/2022] APPLICATION - ENGINEERING INTERN AND PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER:
A. Types of applications- licensure as a professional engineer or certification as an engineer intern require that an applicant present his or her qualifications on forms prescribed by the board.
B. Any application, to be complete, must include acceptable replies from references, official transcripts provided directly from the colleges or universities attended; and if applicable, verification of prior examinations taken in other states.
C. Board members shall not be used as references.
D. Applications for engineering intern certification will be accepted after applicant has passed the fundamentals of engineering exam and graduated from a board-approved, four - year engineering curriculum; or graduated from a four - year engineering technology program that is accredited by the technical accreditation commission of the ABET, augmented by at least two years of board-approved, post graduate engineering experience. Applications to take the fundamentals of engineering exam administered by the NCEES will not be required from the state board. Successful passing of the fundamentals of engineering exam does not ensure certification as an engineer intern.
E. Applicants
for the principles and practices of engineering examination must have
certification as an engineer intern and have successfully completed an ABET
accredited engineering curriculum of four years or more from a program that
fulfills the required content of the engineering education standard as defined
by NCEES and shall have a minimum of two years of post-baccalaureate experience
acceptable to the professional engineering committee at the date of application
and shall have passed the fundamentals of engineering examination. Applicants with an ABET accredited
engineering technology degree shall have a minimum or four years of
post-baccalaureate experience acceptable to the board at the date of
application and shall have passed the fundamentals of engineering examination.
F. No applicant will be eligible to take the professional engineering examination whose application for eligibility has not been completed, reviewed and approved by the board, as set forth in NMAC.
G. Applicants for the professional engineering license will be accepted after applicant has passed the professional engineering exam and has fulfilled the education and experience requirements. Successful passing of the professional engineering exam does not ensure licensure as a professional engineer. To satisfy the statutory requirement for board-approved engineering experience prior to licensure, a candidate with an ABET accredited engineering curriculum of four years or more or a program that fulfills the required content of the engineering education standard as defined by NCEES and shall have four years of post-baccalaureate experience acceptable to the professional engineering committee, and a candidate with an ABET accredited engineering technology degree shall have six years of post-baccalaureate experience acceptable to the professional engineering committee. After successfully completing the professional engineering examination, an applicant, if necessary to meet the licensing requirements in the New Mexico Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, shall update the application as provided by Subsection H of NMAC.
H. To update a professional engineer (PE) application file in relation to experience, the applicant must complete the appropriate portions of the application form and provide references acceptable to the professional engineering committee to verify each additional experience record.
I. Applications for licensure or certification by examination or comity/endorsement which have been approved by the professional engineering committee shall remain valid for two years from the date of approval.
J. An applicant with foreign credentials requesting licensure by examination or endorsement shall provide to the professional engineering committee’s satisfaction, evidence that the applicants’ qualifications are equal to, or exceed those in New Mexico, including review and fulfilment of the required content of the engineering standard as defined by NCEES.
K. All
applicants for PE licensure shall also show proficiency in the English language
and shall have a minimum of four years experience
working in the United States or for a United States corporation under the
direction of a professional engineer who will attest to the applicant’s ability
and knowledge as a competent engineer.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.9, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017] EXAMINATIONS--ENGINEERING INTERN AND PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER:
A. Regularly scheduled examinations shall be held in accordance with NCEES examination schedules.
B. Any applicant that fails an examination will be notified by NCEES.
C. An applicant that has not achieved a passing score on the principles and practice of engineering examination after three unsuccessful attempts, shall only be eligible to take the next scheduled examination after waiting a period of twelve months. The applicant shall provide documentation to the board of further study in preparation of the exam. If an applicant has not achieved a passing score on the principles and practice of engineering examination within the two year application period, the applicant shall only be eligible to take the next scheduled examination after re-submitting a new application and providing detailed documentation to the board of further study in preparation of the exam.
D. The type of examination will be disclosed to the examinee at a time to be set by the NCEES. The examination type will be one of the following:
(1) an "open book" examination shall be an examination during which the examinee may use reference material as specified by the national council of examiners for engineering and surveying;
(2) a "closed book" examination shall mean that absolutely no reference material of any shape or form may be used by the examinee except as provided by the board during the examination; or
(3) a “computer based” examination.
E. Only calculators specified by the NCEES shall be admitted in the examination room during the administration of the licensing examinations.
F. Questions regarding the completed fundamentals of engineering examination or the principles and practice of engineering examination shall be directed to NCEES.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.10, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017] PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING:
A. Neither a person nor a business entity shall advertise, accept work or offer to practice engineering work in a discipline of engineering unless the person or a member of the organization has been approved by the professional engineering committee in the appropriate discipline and who is legally able to bind that business entity by contract.
B. Neither persons nor business entities shall circumvent these rules. Licensees or business entities may advertise for work only in those disciplines of engineering in which they are approved by the professional engineering committee to practice. Nothing in this section is intended to prevent the existence of an association of professionals in different disciplines.
C. In the event a question arises as to the competence of a licensee in a specific technical field which cannot be otherwise resolved to the board's satisfaction, the board shall, either upon request of the licensee or of its own volition, require the licensee to pass an appropriate examination.
D. The professional engineering committee will consider the use of the terms, "engineer," "engineering," or any modification or derivative of such terms, in the title of a firm or business entity to constitute the offering of engineering. The board will also consider the use of these terms or any modification or derivative of such terms in a corporation’s name or its articles of incorporation or in a foreign corporation’s certificate of authority as published by the New Mexico secretary of state to constitute the offering of engineering services.
E. In the case of practice through a business entity offering or providing services or work involving the practice of engineering, an authorized company officer and the professional engineer who is employed by the business entity and in responsible charge shall place on file with the board within 30 days a signed affidavit, as prescribed by board rule. The affidavit shall be kept current, and, if there is any change in the professional engineer or authorized company officer, the affidavit shall be revised within 30 days and resubmitted to the board.
F. The board shall recognize that there may be occasions when engineers need to obtain supplemental survey information for the planning and design of an engineering project. An engineer may densify, augment and enhance previously performed survey work by a surveyor for a project as defined in Subsection U of Section 61-23-3 NMSA 1978 of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act.
G. In the case of an employee of a business entity who performs only the engineering services involved in the operation of the business entity’s business, the extent to which the engineering services can be provided without licensure is limited to only the legal boundaries of the property owned or leased by that business. Practice beyond this extent or within off-premises easements is considered within public space and is subject to the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.11, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017; A, 3/12/2022] SEAL OF LICENSEE:
A. Each licensed professional engineer shall obtain a seal/stamp, which shall appear on all final engineering design drawings, the certification page of all specifications and engineering reports prepared by the licensee in responsible charge. Adjacent to the seal/stamp shall appear the original signature of the licensee along with the date the signature was applied. Rubber stamps signatures are not acceptable. Electronic signatures as provided by law and board’s policy shall be acceptable.
B. The seal/stamp shall be the impression type seal, the rubber type, or a computer-generated facsimile. Computer generated seals shall be bona fide copies of the actual seal/stamp specific to the work being presented.
C. The design of the seal/stamp shall consist of either:
(1) three concentric circles, the
outermost circle being one and one-half inches in diameter, the middle circle
being one inch in diameter, and the innermost circle being one-half inch in
diameter. The outer ring shall contain
the words, "professional engineer"
and the licensee's name. The inner ring
shall contain the words "New Mexico". The center circle shall contain the license
number issued by the board. Any border
pattern used by the manufacturer is acceptable; or
(2) a design approved by the board which contains the words "professional engineer", the licensee's name, "New Mexico", and the license number issued by the board each in text no less than 0.1 inches in height.
D. Professional engineers who were licensed prior to the enactment of these current rules and who have maintained that license without lapse, may retain and use the seals, stamps, and wall certificates previously approved.
E. For the purposes of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, a licensee of this board has "responsible charge of the work" as defined in Subsection O of Section 61-23-3 NMSA 1978 and may sign, date and seal/stamp plans, specifications, drawings or reports which the licensee did not personally prepare when plans, specifications, drawings or reports have been sealed only by another licensed engineer, and the licensee or persons directly under his personal supervision have reviewed the plans, specifications, drawings or reports and have made tests, calculations or changes in the work as necessary to determine that the work has been completed in a proper and professional manner.
F. The seal and signature shall be placed on work only when it is under the licensee’s responsible charge. The licensee shall sign and seal only work within the licensee’s area of discipline.
G. When the document contains more than one sheet, the first or title page shall be sealed and signed by the licensee who was in responsible charge. Two or more licensees may affix their signatures and seals provided it is designated by a note under the seal specific subject matter for which each is responsible. In addition, each sheet shall be sealed and signed by the licensee or licensees responsible for that sheet. When a firm performs the work, each sheet shall be sealed and signed by the licensee or licensees who were in responsible charge of that sheet and, in the case of multiple licensees, explicitly identify the portion of work attributable to each licensee.
H. An
electronic signature, as an option to a permanently legible signature, is
acceptable for professional documents.
The licensee shall provide adequate security regarding the use of the
seal and signature. If the document contains more than one licensee and is
electronically transmitted as specified under the preceding paragraph, each
signature must contain an independent electronic signature.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.12, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017; A, 3/12/2022; A, 12/16/2022] ENDORSEMENTS: For the purpose of New Mexico licensees by endorsement from other states, or possessions, the professional engineering committee will only recognize licensure granted by those authorities when the professional engineering committee has determined that the applicant possesses qualifications which "do not conflict with the provisions of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act and are of standard not lower than that specified in Sections 61-23-14 and 61-23-14.1, NMSA 1978". Conditions establishing eligibility for licensure by endorsement shall have been met at the time of initial licensure. Additionally, the applicant must have a current license in another state, the district of Columbia, a territory or a possession of the United States, or in a foreign country. Conditions for endorsement for licensure as a professional engineer shall be as follows:
A. has been actively licensed for the contiguous 10 years immediately preceding application to New Mexico, and has not received any form of disciplinary action related to the practice of engineering or professional conduct from any jurisdiction within the five years preceding application to New Mexico, and has not had the applicant's professional license suspended or revoked at any time from any jurisdiction; (2019 law);
B. graduation from an approved engineering curriculum that fulfills the required content of the engineering education standard as defined by NCEES, four years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and passing of the eight - hour fundamentals and eight - hour professional examinations; (2017 law);
C. graduation from an ABET accredited engineering technology program, six years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and passing of the eight - hour fundamentals examination and eight - hour professional examination (1993 law);
D. graduation from an approved engineering curriculum, four years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and passing of the eight hour fundamentals and eight - hour professional examinations; (1979 law and 1987 law);
E. licensure prior to July 1, 2002, graduation from an ABET accredited engineering technology program or from an engineering or related science curriculum approved by the committee, six years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and passing of the eight -hour fundamentals and eight -hour professional examination (1993 law);
F. licensure prior to July 1, 1993, by graduation from an engineering or related science curriculum other than the ones approved by the committee, eight years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and passing of the eight -hour fundamentals and eight -hour professional examination (1979 law and 1987 law);
G. licensure prior to July 1, 1993, by graduation from an engineering or related science curriculum, 20-years experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and passing the eight -hour professional examination (1979 law and 1987 law);
H. licensure prior to July 1, 1940, by 12 years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee (1934 law);
I. licensure prior to July 1, 1957, by graduation from an approved curriculum, and four years or more of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee (1935 law);
J. licensure prior to July 1, 1957, by passing a written and oral examination designed to show knowledge and skill approximating that attained through graduation from an approved curriculum, and four years or more of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee (1952 law);
K. licensure prior to July 1, 1967, by 24 years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and by passing an oral examination (1957 law);
L. licensure prior to July 1, 1967, by graduation from an approved curriculum prior to July 1, 1957, and passing the eight - hour professional examination (1957 law);
M. licensure prior to July 1, 1979, by eight years of experience satisfactory to the professional engineering committee, and by having passed the eight - hour fundamentals and eight - hour professional examinations (1969 law);
N. licensure prior to July 1, 1979, by 30 years of experience, the last 12 years of which must have been of outstanding nature and by having been nationally eminent among his peers (1967 law);
O. for the purposes of endorsement, an approved engineering curriculum shall be an ABET accredited engineering curriculum of four years or more or equivalent as determined by the board.
[ NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 39.3.13, 1/01/2002; A, 7/01/2006; A, 7/1/2015; A, 12/28/2017; A, 3/12/2022]
Pre-NMAC History: The material in part is derived from that previously filed with the state records center & archives under: PELS 67-1 New Mexico Engineering Practice Act, filed 6/22/1967; PELS 79-1 New Mexico Engineering and Land Surveying Practice Act, filed 10/29/1979; PELS 67-2 By-Laws of State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, filed 6/22/1967; PELS 68-1 By-Laws of State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, filed 10/7/1968; PELS 69-1 By-Laws of State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, filed 7/3/1969; PELS 71-1 Rules of Procedure Manual, filed 1/14/1971; PELS 73-1 Rules of Procedure Manual, filed 1/4/1973; PELS 75-1 Rules of Procedure Manual, filed 12/15/1975; PELS 80-1 Regulations and Rules of Procedure, filed 1/28/1980; PE/PS Rule No. 89-1 Regulations and Rules of Procedure, filed 8/15/1989; Rule No. 200.1 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Engineering Disciplines, filed 10/28/1994; Rule No. 200.2 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Application - Engineering Intern and Professional Engineer, filed 10/28/1994; Rule No. 200.3 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Examinations - Engineering Intern and Professional Engineer, filed 10/28/1994; Rule No. 200.4 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Practice of Engineering, filed 10/28/1994; Rule No. 200.5 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Seals of Registrant licensee, filed 10/28/1994; Rule No. 200.6 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Endorsements, filed 10/28/1994.
History Repealed Material:
16 NMAC 39.3 (filed 03/31/1998) repealed 01/01/2002).
Other History:
Rule No. 200.1 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Engineering Disciplines (filed 10/28/1994); Rule No. 200.2 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Application - Engineering Intern and Professional Engineer (filed 10/28/1994); Rule No. 200.3 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Examinations - Engineering Intern and Professional Engineer (filed 10/28/1994); Rule No. 200.4 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Practice of Engineering (filed 10/28/1994); Rule No. 200.5 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Seals of Registrant licensee (filed 10/28/1994); and Rule No. 200.6 Regulations and Rules of Procedure - Endorsements (filed 10-28-94) were all renumbered, reformatted and replaced by 16 NMAC 39.3, Engineering--Certificates of Registration, Disciplines, Applications, Exams, Practice, Seal of Registrant and Endorsements, effective 04/15/1998.
16 NMAC 39.3, Engineering--Certificates of Registration, Disciplines, Applications, Exams, Practice, Seal of Registrant and Endorsements was renumbered, reformatted and replaced by 16.39.3 NMAC, Engineering--Certificates of Licensure, Disciplines, Applications, Exams, Practice, Seal of Registrant and Endorsements, effective 1/01/2002.