17.9.589.1 ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico
Public Regulation Commission.
[17.9.589.1 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.2 SCOPE: This rule applies to all investor-owned electric public utilities subject to the jurisdiction of the commission.
[17.9.589.2 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Section
62-6-25 NMSA 1978; Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of Section 62-8-13 NMSA 1978;
Paragraph (3) of Subsection D of Section 62-9-1 NMSA 1978; Subsection E of
Section 62-9-3 NMSA 1978; Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of Section 62-16-4 NMSA
1978; and Subsection B of Section 62-16-6 NMSA 1978.
[17.9.589.3 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.4 DURATION: Permanent.
[17.9.589.4 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.5 EFFECTIVE DATE: September
24, 2024, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.
[17.9.589.5 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.6 OBJECTIVE: This rule is intended to promote electric service reliability by requiring investor-owned
electric utilities to report a variety of reliability metrics to the commission
on an annual basis with the goal of identifying, prioritizing, and meeting
reliability needs.
[17.9.589.6 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.7 DEFINITIONS: Unless otherwise
specified, as used in this rule:
A. Definitions
beginning with “A”: “average service
availability index” (ASAI) means the fraction of time (commonly converted to a
percentage) that a customer has received power during the defined reporting
period, as given in the following equation:
customer hours service availability divided by customer hours service
demand. This definition incorporates the
definition from IEEE-1366-2022.
B. Definitions
beginning with “B”: [RESERVED]
C. Definitions beginning with “C”:
(1) “commission” means the New Mexico public regulation commission;
(2) “customer average interruption duration
index” (CAIDI) means the average time required to restore service, as given in
the following equation: total customer minutes of interruption divided by total number of customers
interrupted. This definition incorporates the definition from
IEEE-1366-2022; and
(3) “customers experiencing long
interruption durations” (CELID) means the ratio of individual customers that experience interruptions with durations longer than or equal to a given time. That time is
either the duration
of a single interruption, or the total amount of time that a customer
has been interrupted during the reporting
period. This definition incorporates the
definition from IEEE-1366-2022.
D. Definitions beginning with “D”: [RESERVED]
E. Definitions beginning with “E”: [RESERVED]
F. Definitions beginning with “F”:
“feeder SAIFI” means the average number
of times that a
customer on a specific circuit is interrupted during the year, as given in the following equation: total number of customers interrupted on the circuit during the year divided by average number of customers served on the circuit
during the year.
G. Definitions beginning with “G”: [RESERVED]
H. Definitions beginning with “H”: [RESERVED]
I. Definitions beginning with “I”:
(1) “IEEE” means the institute of electrical and electronics
engineers; and
(2) “interruption” means the total loss of electric power on one or more
normally energized conductors to one or more customers connected to the
distribution portion of the system.
Interruption does not include any power quality issues such as sags,
swells, impulses, or harmonics. This
definition incorporates the definition from IEEE-1366-2022; and
(3) “interruption
cause code categories” incorporates the categories and sub-categories defined in IEEE-1782-2022
and additionally means the following categories used in reliability reports to
be filed by utilities in accordance with this Rule:
(a) equipment,
(b) lightning,
(c) planned,
(d) power
supply (transmission),
(e) public,
(f) vegetation,
(g) weather
(other than lightning),
(h) wildlife,
(i) unknown, and
(j) other
(please specify).
J. Definitions beginning with “J”: [RESERVED]
K. Definitions beginning with “K”: [RESERVED]
L. Definitions beginning with “L”: [RESERVED]
M. Definitions beginning with “M”: [RESERVED]
(1) “major events” means an
event that exceeds reasonable design or operational limits of the electric
power system. A major event includes at
least one major event day. This
definition incorporates the definition from IEEE-1366-2022;
(2) “major event day” (MED) means a day in which
the daily system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) exceeds a MED
threshold value. For the purposes of
calculating daily SAIDI, any interruption that spans multiple calendar days is
accrued to the day on which the interruption began. Statistically, days having a daily system
SAIDI greater than the MED threshold are days on which the energy delivery
system experienced stresses beyond that normally expected (such as during
severe weather). This definition incorporates
the definition from IEEE-1366-2022; and
(3) “momentary average interruption
frequency index” (MAIFI) means the
average frequency of momentary interruptions.
This definition incorporates the definition from IEEE-1366-2022.
N. Definitions beginning with “N”: [RESERVED]
O. Definitions beginning with “O”: [RESERVED]
P. Definitions beginning with “P”: “planned
interruption” means the loss of electric power to one or more customers as a result of a planned interruption. Planned interruptions derive from
transmission and distribution applications and do not apply to generation
interruptions. The key test to determine
if an interruption should be classified as a planned or unplanned interruption
is as follows: if it is possible to defer the interruption, then the
interruption is a planned interruption; otherwise, the interruption is an
unplanned interruption. This definition incorporates the
definition from IEEE-1366-2022.
Q. Definitions beginning with “Q”: [RESERVED]
R. Definitions beginning with “R”: [RESERVED]
S. Definitions
beginning with “S”:
(1) “system average interruption duration index” (SAIDI) means the total duration of interruption for the average
customer during a specified period of time, measured
in minutes of interruption, as given in the following equation: total customer minutes of interruption divided by total
number of customers served. This
definition incorporates the definition from IEEE-1366-2022;
(2) “system
average interruption frequency index” (SAIFI) means how
often the average customer experiences a sustained interruption over a
predefined period of time, as given in the following equation: total number of customers
interrupted divided by total number of customers served. This definition incorporates the definition from
IEEE-1366-2022; and
(3) “sustained interruptions” means an interruption that lasts more than five
minutes. This definition incorporates
the definition from IEEE-1366-2022.
T. Definitions beginning with “T”: [RESERVED]
U. Definitions beginning with “U”: “utility” means an investor-owned electric public utility subject to
the requirements of this Rule.
V. Definitions beginning with “V”: [RESERVED]
W. Definitions beginning with “W”: [RESERVED]
X. Definitions beginning with “X”: [RESERVED]
Y. Definitions beginning with “Y”: [RESERVED]
Z. Definitions beginning with “Z”: [RESERVED]
17.9.589.7 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.8 General
Reliability Metrics Reporting Requirements:
A. A utility shall file, no later
than March 15 of each year, a report in the commission’s reliability reporting
compliance docket pursuant to the report outline provided in Appendix A.
B. The report shall contain an
affidavit with an attestation made by the employee of the utility who prepared
the report.
C. The utility
shall serve the report upon the commissioners, the commissioners’
advisors, utility division staff, and all persons and entities listed on the certificate of service for the utility’s
last base rate case.
D. Utility division staff shall file, within 45 days of a report’s
filing, staff’s assessment of the report. Staff’s assessment shall include a statement of compliance with this rule,
detailing areas of non-compliance.
E. After the utility’s second annual
filing, the report shall include
an analysis of trends, a comparison of previous years, and
a recommendation for future distribution investments.
F. The utility shall present, no later than June 1 of each year, its report to the commission at an open
meeting, which shall include all requirements contained in Appendix A plus a
linkage between the reliability metrics and the utility’s distribution
[17.9.589.8 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
17.9.589.9 Specific
Reliability Metrics Reporting Requirements:
A. MAIFI is not required to be reported
unless the utility has installed the necessary technology and has usage data
for at least six months across eighty percent of its electric system.
B. Activities that occur
on MEDs should be separately analyzed and reported.
C. A utility that provides electric
service in more than one state may:
(1) identify major events based on
the reliability events experienced by the combined service territories; and
(2) illustrate the effect of
identifying major events based on reliability events experienced only in the
New Mexico service territory.
D. A utility may categorize interruptions into more detailed interruption
cause categories that are subsets of the defined interruption cause code
categories. The utility shall:
(1) list sub-causes when weather is the primary interruption cause code;
(2) list sub-equipment components when using the equipment interruption cause
(3) include planned interruptions; and
(4) include the utility’s methodology of how it classifies interruptions.
[17.9.589.9 NMAC - N, 9/24/2024]
Required Sections of Annual
Reliability Metric Report
Filed Pursuant to Sections 8 and 9 of 17.9.589 NMAC
Executive Summary:
Please provide a narrative
to illustrate the current state of
distribution reliability and major trends.
How the Utility Measures Reliability:
Please provide a narrative that describes, in general terms, how the utility’s measures
and documents reliability matters, including examples of metrics that
are most useful.
Utility’s Service Territory Map with Districts:
Maps should show how the utility
operations are divided into geographic regional/divisions. Color coding
may be useful to identify
districts with above or
below average reliability outcomes.
Reliability Indices
IEEE 1366 for the Last
10 years (Excluding Planned Interruptions):
Tables are
required. Charts to illustrate the data would
be helpful. Distribution includes distribution lines; substation includes
distribution substations; and transmission includes transmission substations
and lines.
Table 4.1: Prior
Calendar Year Reliability Data
System |
Including MEDs |
MEDs |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Table 4.2: 10 Year History of SAIDI
Including MEDs
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
*“YEAR” means the prior calendar year. “YR-1” to “YR-9”
means the nine incremental years prior to YEAR.
Excluding MEDs
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Table 4.3: 10 Year History
Including MEDs
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Excluding MEDs
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Table 4.4: 10 Year History of CAIDI
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Excluding MEDs
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Table 4.5: 10 Year
History of MAIFI
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Excluding MEDs
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Distribution |
Substation |
Transmission |
Total |
Table 4.6: Summary YEAR System Reliability for Each District
By Districts |
Including MEDs |
Excluding MEDs |
District 1 |
District 2 |
District 3 |
District 4 |
District 5 |
District 6 |
District 7 |
Add as needed |
Table 4.7: Individual Tables of Reliability Measures
for Each Utility
District with 10 Year History (where available)
District 1 |
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Including MEDs |
Excluding MEDs |
Repeat table above for subsequent districts
Performing Feeders:
Threshold based on Feeder SAIDI or Feeder SAIFI >= Distribution
System SAIDI or SAIFI + 300%. Highlighted feeders over threshold for two
consecutive years. Minimum 10 customers on feeder.
Table 5.1: YEAR
Feeders Above SAIDI Threshold
YEAR Distribution system SAIDI: x Feeder SAIDI threshold: y Total Feeders: z
YEAR SAIDI Ranking |
YR-1 SAIDI Ranking |
Substation |
Feeder ID |
Location |
Customers on Feeder |
Reason Above Threshold |
Table 5.2: YR-1 Feeders
Above SAIDI Threshold
YR-1 Distribution system SAIDI: x Feeder SAIDI threshold: y Total Feeders: z
YR-1 SAIDI Ranking |
YR-2 SAIDI Ranking |
Substation |
Feeder ID |
Location |
Customers on Feeder |
YR-1 SAIDI Value |
Reason Above Threshold |
Table 5.3: YR-2
Feeders Above SAIDI Threshold
Please use Table 5.2 as a template for creating Table 5.3,
which will focus on [YR-2] feeders above SAIDI threshold, while showing the
SAIDI ranking of those same feeders the previous year.
Table 5.4: YR-3
Feeders Above SAIDI Threshold
Please use Table 5.2 as a template for creating Table 5.4,
which will focus on [YR-3] feeders above SAIDI threshold, while showing the
SAIDI ranking of those same feeders the previous year.
Table 5.5: YR-4
Feeders Above SAIDI Threshold
Please use Table 5.2 as a template for creating Table 5.5,
which will focus on [YR-4] feeders above SAIDI threshold, while showing the
SAIDI ranking of those same feeders the previous year.
Table 5.6: YEAR
Feeders Above SAIFI Threshold
YEAR Distribution system SAIFI: x Feeder SAIFI threshold: y Total Feeders: z
YEAR SAIFI Ranking |
YR-1 SAIFI Ranking |
Substation |
Feeder ID |
Location |
Customers on Feeder |
Reason Above Threshold |
Table 5.7: YR-1
Feeders Above SAIFI Threshold
YR-1 Distribution system SAIFI: x Feeder SAIFI threshold: y Total Feeders: z
YR-1 SAIFI Ranking |
YR-2 SAIFI Ranking |
Substation |
Feeder ID |
Location |
Customers on Feeder |
YR-1 SAIFI Value |
Reason Above Threshold |
Table 5.8: YR-2
Feeders Above SAIFI Threshold
Please use Table 5.7 as a template for creating Table 5.8, which
will focus on YR-2 feeders above SAIFI threshold, while showing the SAIFI
ranking of those same feeders the previous year.
Table 5.9: YR-3
Feeders Above SAIFI Threshold
Please use Table 5.7 as a template for creating Table 5.9,
which will focus on YR-3 feeders above SAIFI threshold, while showing the SAIFI
ranking of those same feeders the previous year.
Table 5.10: YR-4
Feeders Above SAIFI Threshold
Please use Table 5.7 as a template for creating Table 5.10,
which will focus on YR-4 feeders above SAIFI threshold, while showing the SAIFI
ranking of those same feeders the previous year.
Top Five
Causes of Interruptions (Interruption Cause Code Categories):
Table 6.1: Five Year
Trend of Top Causes by SAIDI Minutes (interruption codes)
Cause |
#1 cause |
#2 cause |
#3 cause |
#4 cause |
#5 cause |
Cause |
#1 cause |
#2 cause |
#3 cause |
#4 cause |
#5 cause |
Cause |
#1 cause |
#2 cause |
#3 cause |
#4 cause |
#5 cause |
Cause |
#1 cause |
#2 cause |
#3 cause |
#4 cause |
#5 cause |
Cause |
#1 cause |
#2 cause |
#3 cause |
#4 cause |
#5 cause |
Figure 6.1: Five Year
Trend of Top Causes by SAIDI Minutes (present the data from Table 6.1 in
graphic form)
Please provide a narrative pertaining to top causes of
Table of Major Events
(MED) and Top 5 Non-MED Events:
Table 7.1: Major
Index Contribution |
Start Time |
Customers Affected |
% Customers Restored in 24 hours |
Time All Customers Restored |
Cause |
Brief Event Narrative |
Table 7.2: Top 5 Non-MED
Index Contribution |
Start Time |
Customers Affected |
% Customers Restored in 24 hours |
Time All Customers Restored |
Cause |
Brief Event Narrative |
Please provide a narrative pertaining to MED and non-MED
Customers Experiencing Extended Interruptions:
Table 8.1: CELID 12
and 24 Hours Including and
Excluding MEDs
YEAR Customers Experiencing Long
Interruption Duration (CELID)
CELID-12 (>= 12 hrs) |
CELID-24 (>= 24 hrs) |
No. of Customers |
% of all Customers |
No. of Customers |
% of all Customers |
Including MEDs |
Excluding MEDs |
Please provide a narrative pertaining to customers
experiencing extended interruptions.
Narrative on Customer Complaints to the Utility About Interruptions:
narrative shall provide the total number of customer complaints received by the
utility about interruptions, as well as an overview of the types of those
complaints. Reporting regarding the
complaints shall be disaggregated by customer class or voltage level (large
customers, residential, etc.) to the extent possible while not identifying
individual customer data or disclosing confidential customer information. The narrative is not required to discuss
individual customer complaints and what was done to resolve them; however, the
utility may choose to include this information for illustrative purposes.
Trends of Investment in
Transmission and Distribution System (CapEx and O&M) Over 10 Years of Spending on Reliability
Please clarify whether all of your
transmission is considered part of the bulk electric system as defined by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. If
a portion of your transmission system is not considered a part of the bulk
electric system, expenditures for each portion of the transmission system
should be reported separately.
Table 10.1: Total Transmission O&M and Capital
Transmission Expenditures |
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Capex - (000) USD |
O&M - (000) USD |
Table 10.2: Total Distribution O&M and Capital
Distribution |
YR-9 |
YR-8 |
YR-7 |
YR-6 |
YR-5 |
YR-4 |
YR-3 |
YR-2 |
YR-1 |
Capex spend - (000) USD |
O&M spend - (000) USD |
Dist. line miles at year end |
Dist. customers at year end |
Table 10.3 Major Event and Storm Restoration Expenditures in Prior Year
for Events Listed in Section 7.
and Replacements
Table 11.1: Distribution Pole Inspections/Replacement
Year |
Poles |
Inspected |
Replaced |
YR-1 |
YR-2 |
YR-3 |
YR-4 |
Table 11.2: Underground Circuits
Year |
Total Miles |
Total Miles evaluated |
Total Repaired/Replaced |
YR-1 |
YR-2 |
YR-3 |
YR-4 |
Table 11.3: Vegetation Management (add activities as needed)
Year |
Total Overhead Line Length (miles) |
Length of Overhead Line Cleared (miles) |
Total Cost to Clear (USD) |
Other |
YR-1 |
YR-2 |
YR-3 |
YR-4 |
Narrative on
Other Work Planned to Improve
Please provide a general
Summary of
Planned and Unplanned Electric Interruptions Due to Wildfire Risk:
Please provide a
narrative with selected charts/graphs to illustrate any planned interruptions
or de-energization due to wildfire risk including the interruption area, number
of customers impacted (identified by customer class or voltage level), duration
of the interruption, and the utility’s efforts and plans to notify customers of
the interruption.