17.10.640.1 ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
[17.10.640.1 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.2 SCOPE: This rule applies to all natural gas utilities subject to the commission’s jurisdiction.
[17.10.640.2 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY: NMSA 1978 Sections 8-8-15 and 62-8-7.
[17.10.640.3 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.4 DURATION: Permanent.
[17.10.640.4 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.5 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 15, 2004, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.
[17.10.640.5 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.6 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this rule is to establish a procedure by which a natural gas utility may propose a purchased gas adjustment clause (PGAC) that the commission will review pursuant to Subsection E of NMSA 1978 Section 62-8-7. The PGAC is intended to ensure the stability of the utility’s annual earnings consistent with the utility’s duty to provide adequate service at just and reasonable rates. The PGAC mechanism also is designed to aid in the levelization of the gas cost factor reflected in the PGAC component of the customer’s bill.
[17.10.640.6 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.7 DEFINITIONS: In addition to the definitions contained in
NMSA 1978 Section 62-3-3, as used in this rule, unless otherwise specified:
A. annual reconciliation factor means a computed surcharge or credit factor in the PGAC used to collect any revenue shortfall in the PGAC or to refund any excess revenue collected through the PGAC;
B. annual reconciliation factor implementation period means that twelve consecutive months comprising the period set forth in the utility’s PGAC for the implementation of its annual reconciliation factor;
C. annual reconciliation period means the historical period of twelve consecutive months used for purposes of determining the PGAC balancing account under-collection or over-collection;
D. annual reconciliation report
means a report setting out all costs and revenues applicable to the utility's
PGAC and including the calculation of the annual reconciliation factor;
E. attorney general means the attorney general of the state of New Mexico and the representatives and consultants of the attorney general's office;
F. balancing account means the account containing the current cumulative over-collected or under-collected gas costs or such other costs as ordered by the commission;
G. balancing account adjustment factor means a mechanism employed within the gas cost factor statement that allows the utility to make adjustments to the balancing account to manage the utility’s balancing account as necessary;
H. basic gas cost factor means an interim factor developed during the calculation of the gas cost factor statement that considers all of the normal, recurring gas cost elements;
I. billing cycle means a
regular periodic interval during which certain customers of the utility are
billed. For purposes of this rule, the
billing cycle shall be deemed to begin on the day of preparation of bills for
mailing for the utility’s first billing cycle in which the gas cost factor will
become effective;
J. billing factor means the gas cost factor applicable for a billing period;
K. billing period means that period of time that encompasses the date of the first billing cycle through the date of the last billing cycle;
L. gas costs mean those types of costs defined by the utility in its PGAC tariff as approved by the commission for recovery through the utility’s PGAC. No gas costs of customers of the utility not subject to the PGAC shall be included in the utility’s PGAC calculations;
M. gas cost factor means the gas
cost billing rate used in the utility’s billing process for recovery of gas
costs not included in the base rates;
N. gas cost factor statement (GCFS)
means the filing required by a utility before an adjustment can be made in its
gas cost factor;
O. gas supply plan means a planning report that sets forth the steps to provide a reliable gas supply at just and reasonable rates consistent with market conditions, regulatory requirements and other authorized purposes;
P. general service gas cost factor means the factor determined within the gas cost factor statement that is billed directly to sales service customers for gas costs. This factor is the sum of the basic gas cost factor, the balancing account adjustment factor, the producer/supplier surcharge or refund factor, the annual reconciliation factor, any other surcharge or refund factor authorized by the commission, and the factor for taxes and commission inspection and supervision fees, if applicable;
Q. lowest reasonable cost means gas supply procured at the lowest cost available at the time a gas contract is entered into or a purchase is made, consistent with supply reliability and operational needs of the utility;
R. month means a calendar month;
S. planning period means a period of twelve consecutive months or longer, beginning and ending in the months specified in the utility’s PGAC;
T. producer/supplier surcharge or refund factor means a factor utilized to return refunds collected from suppliers or to surcharge additional items billed by suppliers that are not recognized elsewhere in the gas cost factor statement;
U. purchased gas adjustment clause
(PGAC) means the mechanism that allows the utility to set gas cost billing
rates for the purpose of recovering gas costs on a continuing basis and allows
for levelization of the gas cost factor reflected in the PGAC component of the
customer’s bill;
V. sales customer means a customer of a utility who purchases gas from the utility rather than from a marketer, broker or other supplier;
W. staff
means all persons employed by or representing the utility division of the
X. tariff means the filed rate schedule, including rates, rules, and forms,
setting forth the obligations of the utility and its customers;
Y. verification period means
that time as established by this rule between the receipt of a gas cost factor
statement by the commission and the first day of the first billing cycle in
which the proposed gas cost factor will be placed in effect;
Z. transportation customer means a customer of the utility who purchases gas from a marketer, broker or supplier other than the utility and/or obtains only transmission and/or distribution services from the utility;
AA. year means a consecutive twelve-month period as defined in the utility’s PGAC.
[17.10.640.7 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
A. Any gas utility without an approved PGAC that requests to use a PGAC for the recovery of gas costs must file an initial application with the commission. The filing requirements for the initial application are set forth in this section and in 17.10.640.12 NMAC.
(1) The utility’s initial application for use of a PGAC shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) a detailed description and justification of the gas cost factor calculation methodology the utility proposes to use as a basis for the PGAC;
(b) proposed PGAC tariff provisions, which shall contain the specific methodology for calculation of the gas cost factor as provided for in 17.10.64012 NMAC;
(c) identification of the specific months in which the utility proposes to begin and end its annual reconciliation period, as provided for in Subsection C of 17.10.640.13 NMAC, identification of the specific months in which the utility proposes to begin and end its annual reconciliation factor implementation period, as provided for in Subsection E of 17.10.640.13 NMAC, and identification of the annual date proposed for the filing of the utility’s gas supply plan and the beginning and ending months proposed for the utility’s planning period, as provided for in Subsections B and D of this section;
(d) sufficient financial and other necessary information and data to identify and justify the inclusion and recovery of allowable gas costs through the utility’s PGAC, including a demonstration that no amounts to be recovered under the operation of the PGAC are included in other tariffs or charges for service; and
(e) an initial gas supply plan, as provided for in Subsection B of this section.
(2) Sworn testimony and exhibits explaining the utility's proposal and demonstrating that its proposed PGAC complies with this rule shall accompany an initial application for approval to use a PGAC.
(3) The utility may submit portions of its gas supply plan and initial application under seal as provided for in Paragraph 3 of Subsection B of this section.
B. Any gas utility seeking commission approval to use a PGAC shall file with its initial application pursuant to Subsections A and C of this section a gas supply plan that describes the utility's plans to meet customer demands for supply and transportation services throughout its service area and shows that its procurement policies are designed to ensure that gas supplies are purchased at the lowest reasonable cost. Any utility intending to continue using its approved PGAC shall file a gas supply plan annually pursuant to Subsection D of this section.
(1) The utility’s gas supply plan shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) for the utility’s planning period, information on the utility’s procurement related plans, including supply sources, projected significant system modifications or improvements, types and durations of contracts, generic pricing provisions, storage arrangements, and arrangements for processing, gathering, and transportation by others of utility-owned gas supply;
(b) for the utility’s planning period, information on projected demands for sales and transportation services;
(c) a description of foreseeable market or regulatory developments that may affect the plans described in the gas supply plan; and
(d) any other matters as may be ordered by the commission.
(2) An officer of the utility shall verify the gas supply plan.
(3) The utility may submit under seal any portions of its gas supply plan that reveal its contracted portfolio, its major suppliers, transportation volumes, or its contract pricing, on a contract-by-contract basis, to the extent the utility deems specific information to be confidential. The utility also may seek a protective order under Subsection B of NMAC for other portions of its gas supply plan it considers confidential, but the utility shall have the burden of proving its right to such protection. Any information submitted under seal pursuant to this Paragraph shall remain under seal for a period of two (2) years, after which time it shall become public unless the utility seeks and obtains further protection from the commission. Information submitted under seal shall be available for review by the commission and its designated representatives and by any person who has entered into a confidentiality agreement with the utility in a form approved by commission order.
C. An initial PGAC application shall be filed with the commission and shall be reviewed and approved as provided herein.
(1) A utility filing an initial PGAC application shall contemporaneously with such filing mail a copy of such application to the attorney general and notification of its filing to the intervenors in the utility’s most recent general rate case.
(2) A utility’s initial PGAC application and proposed PGAC shall be deemed approved thirty (30) days after the filing of the application unless otherwise ordered by the commission.
(3) Any person or staff may file a request for a hearing on an initial PGAC application no later than twenty (20) days after the filing of the application. The request for hearing shall set forth clearly the grounds for requiring a hearing and shall indicate whether the proposed hearing shall be limited to specific issues. Upon receipt of a request for hearing, or upon its own motion, the commission may order a hearing, upon reasonable notice, on the initial PGAC application and may suspend the operation of the PGAC proposed in the application, pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 62-8-7.
(4) The commission may approve all or part of the initial PGAC application. Approval of the application shall constitute approval of the utility’s use of the proposed PGAC unless otherwise provided in the commission’s order.
(5) A utility operating with an approved PGAC shall continue to use its approved PGAC until the commission orders otherwise.
D. A utility operating with an approved PGAC shall file an annual gas supply plan pursuant to Subsection B of this section on or before the date specified for such filing pursuant to Subsection A of this section and Paragraph 5 of Subsection A of 17.10.640.12 NMAC. If the utility fails to timely file its annual gas supply plan as required by this subsection, the commission may terminate the utility’s PGAC and the utility automatically shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with NMSA 1978 Sections 62-12-4 through 62-12-6.
(1) A utility filing an annual gas supply plan shall contemporaneously with such filing mail a copy of the report to the attorney general.
(2) An annual gas supply plan filed pursuant to this rule shall not be deemed approved by the commission.
(3) Staff, the attorney general, or any other interested party may file a request for a hearing no later than twenty (20) days after the filing of the annual gas supply plan. The request for hearing shall set forth clearly the grounds for requiring a hearing and shall indicate whether the proposed hearing shall be limited to specific issues. Upon receipt of a request for hearing or upon its own motion, the commission may order a hearing, upon reasonable notice, on any or all of the issues identified and on continued use of the PGAC, and may suspend the operation of any changes to the utility’s procurement program as described in the gas supply plan, pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 62-8-7.
E. If a utility determines that a deviation from its most recently filed gas supply plan is required to achieve its portfolio’s purposes or the objectives of this rule, the utility shall file an update with the commission which explains the deviation from the plan. Such deviation shall be subject to the hearing provisions set forth in Subsection D of this section.
[17.10.640.9 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.10 AFFILIATE TRANSACTIONS: Any utility intending to include a transaction with an affiliate in its PGAC shall comply with the requirements of 17.6.450 NMAC, Affiliate Transactions.
[17.10.640.10 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.11 CONTINUATION
A. Each utility operating with a PGAC as part of its tariff shall file an application for continued use of its PGAC at intervals of no more than four (4) years. The application must address the considerations described in Paragraphs (1) through (4) of Subsection E of NMSA 1978 Section 62-8-7. A utility may elect to satisfy this requirement by presenting evidence and testimony either in a rate case or in a discrete filing.
B. If the utility fails to timely file its continuation filing as required by Subsection A of this section, the commission may terminate the utility’s PGAC and the utility automatically shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with NMSA 1978 Sections 62-12-4 through 62-12-6.
[17.10.640.11 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.12 PGAC
A. Tariff filing. The information required by Paragraphs 3 through 6 of Subsection A of this section may be included in a utility-specific rule or rate. Each utility shall file a tariff, subject to commission approval, that includes at a minimum the following:
(1) a general description of the PGAC and its applicability to customers;
(2) a provision that rate changes shall be effectuated through the filing of a gas cost factor statement as provided for in Subsection B of this section;
(3) the detailed methodology for the calculation of the gas cost factor, including the accounting methodology used to ensure that the effects that transportation imbalances may have on PGAC gas costs are substantially neutralized;
(4) specific identification and definition of all terms applicable to sales customers utilized in the calculation of the gas cost factor, including but not limited to the recovery of unaccounted for gas and any fuel and power used in connection with the transportation and processing of gas;
(5) identification of the annual date for the filing of the gas supply plan as provided for in Subsections B and D of 17.10.640.9 NMAC and of the beginning and ending months of the planning period as defined in Subsection S of 17.10.640.7 NMAC; and
(6) identification of the annual reconciliation period as provided for in Subsection C of 17.10.640.13 NMAC and the annual reconciliation factor implementation period as provided in Subsection E of 17.10.640.13 NMAC.
B. Gas cost factor statement. The format for a utility’s gas cost factor statement, including definitions, shall be submitted with its application for approval of a PGAC as provided in Section 9 of 17.10.640 NMAC. The GCFS shall include all data necessary for the commission to review and verify the calculation of the resulting commodity billing factor. Each factor or term used, not previously described in this rule, shall be specifically defined in each utility's PGAC. The time period over which gas usage shall be billed using the requested rate shall be specified in the GCFS. Each GCFS filed shall be certified by an officer of the utility. The GCFS shall include, if applicable, calculations of the following:
(1) an actual or estimated basic gas cost factor;
(2) a producer/supplier surcharge or refund factor;
(3) a balancing account adjustment factor;
(4) an annual reconciliation factor;
(5) any other surcharge or refund factor authorized by the commission;
(6) a factor for inspection and supervision fees and taxes to be applied to revenues generated by the resulting billing factor;
(7) a general service gas cost factor resulting from the summation of the above components; and
(8) the amount and the duration of such refund or surcharge, if an optional methodology for passing refunds or surcharges through the PGAC as authorized by Subsection C of this section is implemented by the utility.
C. Tariff revisions. At any time that the commission orders changes in the utility's PGAC or the utility proposes changes in its PGAC, the utility shall file a revised tariff as provided for in Subsection A of this section, to the extent that the utility's approved tariff provisions require revisions. The utility's revised tariff shall be deemed approved thirty (30) days after the filing of the revised tariff unless the commission orders otherwise.
D. Filing verification and factor effective date. The utility shall file a gas cost factor statement as provided for herein to begin a verification period which shall be no less than fifteen (15) calendar days unless otherwise directed by the commission. The effective date for the new general service gas cost factor shall be deemed to be the first day of the first billing cycle containing the first day of the month in the subsequent calendar month. Unless otherwise directed by the commission, no change in the utility’s general service gas cost factor shall be made except at the beginning of a billing cycle. General service gas cost factors will be applied to calendar month consumption. Calendar month consumption may be determined and applied on a pro rata basis if a utility employs a billing cycle application whereby a billing cycle covers portions of two (2) or more months. The commission shall act upon a utility’s gas cost factor statement filing within the fifteen (15) day verification period, otherwise the filing is deemed approved.
E. Gas cost factor hearings. Staff or any interested party may file a complaint or challenge to the propriety of any costs and revenues included in the utility's PGAC within sixty (60) days of any filing by the utility made pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 62-10-1. Upon receipt of a complaint or challenge, or upon its own motion pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 62-10-1, the commission may direct the utility to respond within thirty (30) days. Upon receipt of the utility's response, the commission may require a formal hearing. Pending a hearing, the commission may allow the costs to be placed into the PGAC subject to refund, suspend the inclusion of costs in the PGAC, or take any other reasonable action designed to protect the interests identified in NMSA 1978 Section 62-3-1. To the extent allowed by law, the commission in its discretion may order refunds of amounts collected or surcharges for amounts not collected under the provisions of this rule to the customers of a gas utility when the commission determines, after notice and hearing, that the utility over-collected or under-collected such amounts. Unless otherwise ordered by the commission, formal hearings will not be held prior to the effective date of any adjustment determined in accordance with the provisions of an approved PGAC.
F. Circumstances materially impacting the cost of gas. The utility shall describe and explain any circumstances that materially impact its cost of gas in its gas cost factor statement. Unless specifically approved by the commission, the utility shall justify the reasonableness of any costs incurred due to these circumstances prior to the inclusion of any gas costs in their PGAC. If the commission determines to hold a hearing, it shall provide five (5) days’ prior notice to the utility, public, attorney general, and intervenors of record in the utility’s most recently filed general rate case.
[17.10.640.12 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.13 ANNUAL
A. Annual reconciliation. Each utility filing an application for a PGAC or operating with a PGAC under the terms of this rule shall provide for an annual reconciliation of allowable gas costs incurred to billed gas costs as recorded on the books and records of the utility. A utility’s proposal for the annual reconciliation shall be consistent with the general provisions described below.
B. Purpose. The purpose of the annual reconciliation report is to:
(1) substantiate the appropriateness of the amount of the over-collected or under-collected PGAC dollars remaining in the PGAC balancing account at the end of the annual reconciliation period; and
(2) to establish the annual reconciliation factor for refunding or surcharging customers for that period’s PGAC balancing account amount, unless the utility utilizes another commission-approved method for refunding or surcharging customers.
C. Reconciliation methodology. In general, the PGAC balancing account amount shall consist of the difference between allowable gas costs incurred during the annual reconciliation period and gas costs billed during the same period. The PGAC balancing account amount shall also contain all applicable amounts included by order of the commission. The reconciliation process shall substantiate the PGAC balancing account amount and shall be performed utilizing the amounts recorded on the books and records of the utility applicable to the annual reconciliation period. The annual reconciliation shall cover a period of twelve (12) consecutive historical months. The specific period that comprises the annual reconciliation period shall be applied for in the utility’s initial application filing for a PGAC. The specific period may be changed by commission order.
D. Annual reconciliation report. An annual reconciliation report shall be filed with the commission no later than four (4) months following the end of the annual reconciliation period. The annual reconciliation report shall be certified by an officer of the company to be true, correct, and in compliance with the reconciliation methodology determined herein. The annual reconciliation report shall generally consist of, but not be limited to, the following.
(1) Agreed-upon procedures. A report by an independent auditor, who shall perform agreed-upon procedures pursuant to Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 10 and No. 11 , or successor auditing standards, shall be submitted with the annual reconciliation report. The auditor’s report shall set forth the procedures and findings of the review.
(2) Schedule of gas purchases by account number. A summary schedule shall be submitted detailing all applicable gas purchase dollars and volumes expensed for the annual reconciliation period by account number as prescribed in the applicable uniform system of accounts. The schedule shall also include, but not be limited to, expenses associated with gas storage-related transactions, exchange transactions, and transactions related to the transportation of PGAC-related gas purchases.
(3) Schedule of gas purchases by supplier. A summary schedule shall be submitted detailing all applicable gas purchase dollars and volumes expensed for the annual reconciliation period by supplier. Purchases from suppliers totaling less than 3% of total purchase costs for the period shall be summed in an “All Others” category.
(4) Schedules of PGAC revenues. Schedules shall be submitted summarizing gas sales dollars and volumes billed and other PGAC revenues collected and attributable to the annual reconciliation period.
(5) Schedule of costs and revenues billed. A schedule shall be submitted summarizing the above schedules of costs and billed revenues, gas related taxes, reconciling items, and other applicable amounts for the annual reconciliation period resulting in the total amount under-collected or over-collected from customers. This over-collected or under-collected amount shall include an interest charge or credit at the rate specified by NMSA 1978 Section 62-13-13, or at such other rate as may be approved by the commission.
(6) Calculation of the annual or other commission-approved reconciliation methodology. A schedule shall be submitted detailing the calculation of the factor to be utilized in refunding or surcharging the over-collected or under-collected amount.
E. Untimely filing of annual reconciliation report. If the utility fails to timely file its annual reconciliation report as required by Subsection D of this section, the commission may terminate the utility’s PGAC and the utility automatically shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with NMSA 1978 Sections 62-12-4 through 62-12-6.
F. Annual reconciliation factor. The annual reconciliation factor shall be calculated by dividing the over-collection or under-collection amount by the estimated sales volumes in the annual reconciliation factor implementation period. The specific period of time that comprises the annual reconciliation factor implementation period shall be applied for in the utility’s initial application filing for a PGAC, and the specific period may be changed by commission order.
[17.10.640.13 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.14 EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES: Notwithstanding
the provisions of this rule and specifically Subsection C of
17.10.640.12 NMAC, the commission may
direct the utility to alter its collections through the PGAC as provided
A. Under-collection or over-collection situation. The utility may apply to the commission or the commission may order a hearing on its own motion whenever the utility or the commission has good reason to believe, on the basis of information available to it at the time, that the presently effective gas cost factor or the gas cost factor adjustment proposed in any gas cost factor statement filed pursuant to Subsection D of 17.10.640.12 NMAC would result in a substantial under-collection or over-collection of revenue.
B. Substantial gas cost factor adjustments. The utility may apply to the commission or the commission may order a hearing on its own motion whenever the utility or the commission becomes aware of an extraordinary circumstance under which the gas cost factor adjustment calculated in accordance with this rule will result in a substantial change in the level of the PGAC in the following billing period and excessive fluctuations in the gas cost factor adjustments for future billing periods.
C. Mitigation of concerns. After notice and hearing, the commission may order the utility to place in effect, for such period of time as the commission may direct, a specified increase or decrease in the amount of the gas cost factor or take any other action appropriate to the public interest to mitigate the concerns identified in Subsections A and B of this section.
[17.10.640.14 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.15 EXEMPTION
A. A utility may file a written application for an exemption or variance from this rule or its approved PGAC, which shall be verified by an officer of the utility. The utility’s application for an exemption or variance shall:
(1) describe the need for a variance;
(2) set out the effect of complying with this rule or the approved PGAC on the utility and its customers as a result of the condition;
(3) identify any section of this rule or the approved PGAC for which the exemption or variance is requested;
(4) define the result which the request will have if granted;
(5) state how the exemption or variance will meet the objectives of this rule; and
(6) state why the requested relief is a reasonable alternative.
B. A utility filing an application for an exemption or variance shall contemporaneously with such filing mail copies of such application to the attorney general and the intervenors in the utility’s most recent general rate case.
C. An application by any utility for an exemption or a variance shall stay the application of the affected portion of this rule or its PGAC for that utility for a period of sixty (60) days from the filing of the request, during which time the commission may grant or deny the exemption or variance, require that the utility file additional information in support of the request, or set the matter for hearing. The stay shall be extended automatically if the commission has not taken the above‑noted action within sixty (60) days after the filing of the application for variance or exemption.
[17.10.640.15 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
17.10.640.16 TERMINATION OF PGAC: If the commission orders termination of the PGAC, the utility shall perform an annual reconciliation in accordance with the methodology prescribed in 17.10.640.13 NMAC for the period of time between the end of the period included in its last annual reconciliation report and the date of termination of the PGAC. The utility shall file with the commission a final reconciliation report consistent with the requirements of the annual reconciliation report under Subsection D of 17.10.640.13 NMAC and shall calculate and collect or refund a final reconciliation factor consistent with the requirements of Subsection E of 17.10.640.13 NMAC.
[17.10.640.16 NMAC - N, 3-15-04]
HISTORY OF 17.10.640 NMAC:
Pre-NMAC history: The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the state records center and archives.
PSC - GO 36 (General Order No. 36) Rules and Regulations Governing Natural Gas Utilities Purchased Gas Adjustment Clauses, filed 12-24-80.
NMPSC Rule 640, Purchased Gas Adjustment Clauses For Gas Utilities, (NMPSC Case No. 2086), filed 6-30-88.
NMPSC Rule 640, Purchased Gas
Adjustment Clauses For Gas Utilities, (NMPSC Case No. 2360), filed 9-2-92.
History of repealed material:
NMPSC Rule 640, Purchased Gas
Adjustment Clauses For Gas Utilities, (NMPSC Case No. 2360), repealed 3-15-04.
Other history:
NMPSC Rule 640, Purchased Gas Adjustment Clauses For Gas Utilities, (NMPSC Case No. 2360), filed 9-2-92, replaced by 17.10.640 NMAC, Purchased Gas Adjustment Clauses For Gas Utilities, effective 3-15-04.