PART 2                 DIVISION 100-GENERAL PROVISIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION               ISSUING AGENCY:  New Mexico Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico  87504-1149.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013]               SCOPE:  All agencies, the general public and highway construction contractors.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013]               STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  Sections 9-5-1, 13-1-99, 13-1-170, 13-1-174, 67-3-8, 67-3-11, and 67-3-43, NMSA 1978.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013; A, 1/1/2019]               DURATION:  Permanent.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013]               EFFECTIVE DATE:  May 31, 2013, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013]               OBJECTIVE:  The purpose of this regulation, Division 100-General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, is to implement and enforce Division 100 of the New Mexico department of transportation 2019 standard specifications for highway and bridge construction as replacement to the 2013 edition of the standard specifications for highway and bridge construction, and shall be controlling for all projects advertised and all contracts executed after the date this rule is promulgated by the New Mexico department of transportation and duly filed in the state records center.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013; A, 1/1/2019]               DEFINITIONS:  [RESERVED]

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013; Rp, 1/1/2019]               ADOPTION OF THE NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2019 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION:  This rule adopts by reference Division 100-General Provisions of the New Mexico department of transportation 2019 standard specifications for highway and bridge construction as replacement to the 2013 edition of standard specifications for highway and bridge construction.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/31/2013; A, 1/1/2019]



Pre-NMAC History:  The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records and Archives under:

SHC 70-1, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge construction, filed June 1, 1970; SHC 76-1, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, filed July 7, 1976; SHC 84-2, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, filed November 5, 1984; SHC Rule 85-3(L), New Mexico State Highway Department Construction contract Bidding Requirements and General Contract Provisions, filed July 26, 1985; SHC 86-2(L), New Mexico State Highway Department Construction Contract Bidding Requirements and General Contract Provisions, filed December 16, 1986; SHTD Rule 91-4, New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department Construction Contract Bidding Requirements and General Contract Provisions, filed November 15, 1991; and SHTD Rule 94-1, Division 100- General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, filed September 27, 1997.


History of Repealed Material:

18 NMAC 27.2, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 01/02/1998) and 18 NMAC 27.2, Division 100 General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 05/01/1998) both repealed February 14, 2000.

18 NMAC 27.2, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 02/02/2000) repealed 04/29/2005.

18.27.2 NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 4/13/2005) repealed 9/15/2005.

18.27.2 NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 9/01/2005) repealed 01/31/2008.

18.27.2 NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 12/13/2007) repealed 5/31/2013.


Other History:

SHTD Rule 94-1, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 09/27/1997) replaced by 18 NMAC 27.2 (emergency), Division 100 General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 01/15/1998 and 18 NMAC 27.2, Division 100 General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 05/15/1998.

18 NMAC 27.2 (emergency), Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 01/02/1998) and 18 NMAC 27.2, Division 100 General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 05/01/1998) both replaced by 18 NMAC 27.2, Division 100 General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 02/14/2000.

18 NMAC 27.2., Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 02/02/2000) replaced by 18 27.2 NMAC, Division 100 General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 04/29/2005.

18.27.2 NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 4/13/2005) replaced by 18.27.2, NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 09/15/2005.

18.27.2 NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 9/15/2005) replaced by 18.27.2, NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 01/31/2008.

18.27.2 NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (filed 12/13/2007) replaced by 18.27.2, NMAC, Division 100 - General Provisions Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, effective 5/31/2013.