This rule was filed as: 18 NMAC 31.2.
BYWAYS PROGRAM ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department, Post Office Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1149 (505) 827-5515.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] SCOPE: Application and acceptance procedures for sponsors participating in the Scenic and Historic Byways Program.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] STATUTORY AUTHORITY: NMSA 1978, Sections 67-3-11 and 67-3-14. NMSA 1978, Sections 67-3-11, 67-3-14, 67-12-12, and 67-12-14.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] DURATION: Permanent.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] EFFECTIVE DATE: July 31, 1998, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section or paragraph.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] OBJECTIVE: This Rule has been prepared to provide information on and establish procedures for the State Highway and Transportation Department Scenic and Historic Byways Program ("Program").
[Recompiled 11/16/01] DEFINITIONS:
A. "Corridor" means the road or highway right-of-way and the adjacent area that is visible from and extending along the byway. The distance the corridor extends from the byway could vary with the different intrinsic qualities.
B. "Corridor management plan (CMP)" means a written document that specifies the actions, procedures, controls, operational practices, and administrative strategies to maintain the intrinsic qualities of the byway.
C. "Intrinsic quality" means scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archeological, or natural features that are considered representative, unique, irreplaceable, or distinctly characteristic of an area. [
D. "Local commitment" means assurance provided by communities along the byway that they will undertake actions, such as zoning and other protective measures, to preserve the intrinsic qualities of the byway and the adjacent area as identified in the CMP.
E. "Regional significance" means characteristics that are representative of a geographic area encompassing two or more states.
F. "Scenic byway" means a public road having special intrinsic qualities that have been recognized as such through legislation or some other official declaration. The term road and highway are synonymous. They are not meant to define higher or lower functional classifications or wider or narrower cross-sections. Moreover, the term scenic byway refers not only to the road or highway itself but also to the corridor through which it passes.
G. Scenic byways agency" means the SHTD, which is responsible for administering the States scenic and historic byways program, as recognized in the administration of Title 23, United States Code.
H. "SHTD" means the State Highway and Transportation Department.
I. "Sponsor" means a local historical society, cultural organization, government agency, chamber of commerce or other similar group that serves as a focal point for originating and developing route nominations or project proposals.
J. "State scenic byway" means a road or highway under State, Federal, or local ownership that has been designated as a scenic byway for the purposes of this Program.
A. Introduction:
(1) The Scenic and Historic Byways Program began as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) initiated in 1991. The SHTD administers the Program with funds provided by the Federal Highway Administration for the purpose of protecting the scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, natural and archaeological integrity of New Mexico's highways and adjacent areas.
(2) The national funding level for the Program is established by Congress for a number of years. States compete for grant monies, annually. Funding is available each year for safety improvements, construction of pedestrian-use facilities, highway improvements to enhance scenic area access, protection of historical and cultural resources, and for the development of tourist information.
(3) The Program is two-part: 1) nominating a route for designation into the Scenic and Historic Byways System, and 2) applying for grant monies for a proposed eligible project on a state scenic byway. A route nomination can be submitted to SHTD at any time. A grant application can be submitted when applications are being accepted.
(4) The SHTD Scenic Byways Program Coordinator ("Coordinator") will announce to all Regional and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (RPOs and MPOs), various organizations known to have an interest in the program, and others when grant applications are being accepted and the deadline for submitting them (usually June).
(5) The SHTD formed the Scenic and Historic Byways Advisory Council (SHBAC) which is composed of 17 members from various government agencies or public organizations. The SHBAC has established the requirements and procedures for the program and is the final authority for determining what route nominations and grant applications are submitted for approval by the State Highway Commission (SHC).
(6) This document outlines the procedures and criteria for both nominating a route for designation as a scenic byway, and for applying for a grant for an eligible project on a state scenic byway.
B. Route Nomination Requirements:
(1) route sponsors are local historical societies, cultural organizations, government agencies, chambers of commerce or other similar groups that serve as focal points for originating and developing the nomination.
(2) A route sponsor must be recognized by the RPO or MPO as representing an interest in the scenic or historical development of that area.
(3) RPOs/MPOs from adjacent geographical areas are encouraged to coordinate on the sponsorship of a nominated route that is of mutual interest.
(4) The proposed state scenic byway shall be evaluated by the following criteria:
(a) The extent it possesses one or more of the following characteristics: unusual or distinctive scenic, recreational, historical, educational, geological, archaeological, natural, cultural, or ethnic features;
(b) Suitability for the prescribed type(s) of vehicular use;
(c) Existing route with legal public access and use; and
(d) Strong local support with proponents demonstrating coordination with relevant agencies.
(5) The nomination must be accompanied by a conceptual management plan as specified in the application process.
C. Route Sponsor's Responsibilities:
(1) Evaluate the proposed route to assure that it meets the criteria established by the SHBAC and outlined in this document.
(2) Demonstrate that the route nomination has strong local support, as follows:
(a) Initiate public meetings to gain strong local support from community leaders, citizens, and agencies having jurisdictional authority over the roadway [for example, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS), or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)].
(b) Assure that local zoning ordinances comply, or will comply, with the restriction on the erecting of new billboards along the proposed route.
(c) Make a preliminary presentation to the appropriate RPO/MPO for the purpose of gaining its support for the route nomination. The presentation should address the requirements for route nomination and should include exhibits, pictures and a map of the proposed route. The Coordinator should receive a copy of the presentation package prior to the RPO/MPO meeting.
(d) Present the final route nomination application to the appropriate RPO/MPO. The nomination application should include finalized plans for promotion, development, and corridor management of the proposed route.
(e) If approved by RPO/MPO, the sponsor shall submit the final route nomination application with a letter of recommendation from the RPO/MPO to the program coordinator.
D. RPO/MPO responsibilities:
(1) Evaluate route nomination applications to assure that it meets the requirements.
(2) Each RPO/MPO may submit one route nomination per each county within the planning organization or a maximum of five candidates, whichever is greater. If more than one application is submitted, a priority order should be indicated.
(3) RPO/MPO's recommendations should be submitted to the Coordinator. The Coordinator will present the nomination package(s) at the next SHBAC meeting for evaluation and recommendation. Upon SHBAC's recommendation, the Coordinator will present the nomination package(s) to the SHC for final approval of the proposed route(s) as official New Mexico Scenic and Historic Byways.
E. SHBAC's responsibilities:
(1) Evaluate nominations submitted by the RPO/MPOs. Conduct site visits as necessary. This may be accomplished through the Coordinator.
(2) Submit recommended routes for consideration and approval to the SHC. This may be accomplished through the Coordinator.
(3) Prepare and make a presentation to the SHC, as necessary. This may be accomplished through the Coordinator.
(4) Monitor development, operation and maintenance of projects that have receive Program funds. This may be accomplished through the Coordinator.
(5) Should the SHBAC become aware, either through its own monitoring activities or from external sources, that a designated scenic byway is not being managed in accordance with the management plan submitted by the route sponsor, or otherwise no longer meets established eligibility criteria, the SHBAC shall:
(a) Notify the route sponsor through the RPO/MPO of its concerns. This notification shall advise the sponsor that if the noted deficiencies are not resolved, the route may be removed from the New Mexico Scenic and Historic Byways System. The Sponsor shall be afforded a period of six months to correct the deficiencies or otherwise appeal the SHBAC decision.
(b) Following this notification period the SHBAC may, at its discretion, remove the route from the New Mexico Scenic and Historic Byways System. This action does not impact scenic byways designations made by other agencies, such as, USFS, BLM, BIA, NPS.
(c) Areas identified as lacking the unusual or distinctive features (intrinsic values), included in the Scenic and Historic Byways Program criteria, may be excluded or segmented from existing or future byway designation.
F. Route Nomination - Minimum Application Requirements:
(1) Format:
(a) Use 8 1/2" x 11" paper, vertically bound on the left side, with the capacity to add or delete material without destroying the binder.
(b) Provide a cover sheet with the proposed project name, route number, termini (identified with mileposts), sponsor's name, and date.
(c) Prepare a cover letter addressed to the Scenic and Historic Byways Program Coordinator, NMSHTD, P. O. Box 1149 (SB-1N), Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1149.
(d) Prepare a table of contents.
(e) Prepare the report with the information outlined under headings.
(f) Photographs included in the report for information and documentation should be enclosed in acetate sheet protectors on black background or in clear vinyl sheet holders.
(g) The application shall contain no more than 13 pages. (Suggest no more than 3 pages of text followed with up to 7 pages of exhibits, pictures, maps, etc.) Four (4) originals and five (5) reproductions of the nomination package shall be submitted to the RPOs/MPOs.
(2) Statement of Significance - Briefly describe the route that is being nominated and why it should become a State scenic byway.
(3) Road Section of Areas - The road sections or areas recommended for designation should be clearly described by a written paragraph and should be depicted on standard, published maps. Information concerning the entity responsible for the roadway should be included. The written description should include the general location within the state, the county, road name and number, length, mileposts, adjacent cities, direction of road and area or width of the zone of influence.
(4) Maps - Maps to be included in the report should be of a quality published by the United States Geological Survey, SHTD, the county or the city. The area to be depicted should be at a scale that will maximize the space on the 8 1/2" x 11" sheet. If a larger map is used it shall be folded and placed in a pouch at the back of the report. The area designated shall be delineated with marking pens or similar instruments of legible quality. Interesting, relevant points should be labeled.
(5) Local Support - Identify the individual(s) or organization(s) preparing the nomination. Show evidence that local counties, communities, agencies, land owners and private citizens .have been involved in the nomination process. A public meeting is not required, however, it is recommended as a suitable method of demonstrating support.
(6) Conceptual/Management Plan:
(a) Discuss how the nominating organization proposes to promote and market the route on the local and regional level. Include promotional activities, placement of scenic or historic markers and proposed improvements or development along the route.
(b) Describe the availability of financial resources with which to upgrade, promote, and otherwise make the scenic road and its corridor available for its intended uses. If no funding is presently available, indicate how the organization plans to locate funding sources.
(c) Describe how the route will be managed to allow for future public use and development along the route and include evidence of a commitment to preserve the intrinsic qualities of the proposed byway.
(7) Inventory of Significant Findings - The inventory of natural, cultural, and visual resources is the main focus of the designation evaluation. It must be descriptive and provide complete and convincing information. The inventory should contain the following information as applicable to the road area under consideration:
(a) Natural Resources - Natural resources should be depicted on maps and described in written form. Areas of importance to the road designation should be sufficiently detailed. Natural resources are comprised of five distinct features
(i) Geology - Geology is the description of the physical history of the earth and the rocks and soil of which it is composed. This section should contain information on the bedrock strata, sections and rock outcrops, and the surface geology and soil types.
(ii) Hydrology - Hydrology contains information that addresses the occurrence, circulation and distribution of water. This section should contain information of interest about groundwater tables, aquifers and recharging basins. Surface drainage comprised of streams and bodies of water should also be inventoried.
(iii) Climate - The climate of the area should be comprised of the prevailing weather condition of the area. Issues such as the temperature, precipitation and seasonal distribution and prevailing winds should be addressed in this section.
(iv) Biota - The biota portion of the report shall contain a description of the living matter contained within the study area. This should outline the biotic communities, plants, animals, birds, insects and fish within the area. It should also contain information on the ecosystem values, changes and controls as they pertain to the proposed designation.
(v) Topographic - The topographic resources of the area are comprised of the land conformation and natural resources. The natural resources are comprised of relief, land form, water and vegetative cover.
(b) Cultural Resources - Cultural resources are the fragile, limited, and non-renewable portions of the human environment. They are comprised of the cultural heritage contained in civilization. Cultural resources should also inventory the man made features comprised of travel ways, buildings and structures, site improvements and changes, and utilities easements and constructs. They include:
(i) Architectural resources - Structures, landscaping or other human constructions that possess artistic merit which are particularly representative of their class or period, or which represent achievements in architecture, engineering, technology, design or scientific research and development.
(ii) Historical resources - Sites, districts, structures, artifacts or other evidences of human activities that represent facets of the history of a nation, state or locality; places where significant historic or unusual events occurred, even though no physical evidence of the event remains, or places associated with a personality important in history.
(iii) Archaeological Resources - Occupation sites, work areas, evidence of farming or hunting and gathering, burials and other funerary remains, artifacts, and structures of all types, usually dating from prehistoric or aboriginal periods, or from historic periods and non-aboriginal activities for which only vestiges remain.
(iv) Cultural Development - Cultural resources also encompass the historic development of civilization. These should include political/governmental development, socio/cultural and technological/economic impacts of civilizations on the study area.
(v) The information presented should deal with the impact of the road or area and what influence it has had in history. Focus on how it helped shape society on a local, state, and/or national level. The information may have been documented by a historical organization. Cultural resources should be depicted on maps, when applicable, and described in written form. Areas of importance to the road designation should be sufficiently detailed. For the historic designation of a route, the cultural resources section should comprise the main body of the report.
(c) Visual Resources - Visual resources are created by the physical components of the natural and cultural resources in the landscape. These components are so arranged that they make up the visual character of a landscape and distinguish it from others. Whereas natural and cultural resources may be well documented, their visual character requires direct observation in order to determine visual quality. Successful visual quality assessment requires two essential steps:
(i) The establishment of Landscape Assessment Units: 1) the selection of appropriate viewpoints, and (2) the classification of the viewpoints scenic element.
(ii) An evaluation of the visual quality of the landscape for each of the Landscape Assessment Units.
(8) Desirable Zone of Influence - The area, on either side of roadway, that would be necessary to protect the resources from damaging encroachments must be defined. These areas will generally be the same as that which can be seen from a viewpoint, but need to be clarified. They can be illustrated on a map.
(9) Land Ownership - Describe and illustrate the land ownership along the roadway. Use the following general categories: federal, state, city, Native American reservation or private.
(10) Land Use - Describe and illustrate the land uses along the roadway. Use the following categories: residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, government, conservational, or recreational.
(11) Land Zoning - Describe and illustrate the zoning along the roadway. Consult local zoning boards for this information.
(12) Photographs and Supportive Materials - Provide photographs and other information that document the scenic or historic significance of the roadway. Newspaper, magazine articles or other sources may be cited. Include letters from local agencies or groups indicating their concern with the proposed designation.
(13) Recommendations - List recommendations to protect or enhance the unique features and special natural or cultural resources on the area. Examples of recommendations are:
(a) Modification to structures and signs;
(b) Pruning or removal or addition of plant materials;
(c) Enhancement of historical markers;
(d) Erosion control;
(e) Addressing vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
(f) Compliance with area planning and zoning;
(g) Location of scenic viewpoints; and
(h) Restoration of vegetative cover in disturbed areas.
A. Prescreening: The project sponsor should prescreen the project grant application to assure that it meets the basic requirements. Applications should be formatted as outlined in this document. The Coordinator may be contacted for assistance.
B. Types of projects eligible for Federal assistance with Scenic Byway grants:
(1) Planning, design, and development of State scenic byways programs.
(2) Safety improvements to a highway designated as a scenic byway to the extent such improvements are necessary to accommodate increased traffic and changes in the types of vehicles using the highway due to such designation.
(3) Construction along the scenic byway of facilities for the use of pedestrians and bicyclists, rest areas, turnouts, highway shoulder improvements, passing lanes, overlooks, and interpretive facilities.
(4) Improvements to the scenic byway that will enhance access to an area for the purpose of recreation, including water-related recreation.
(5) Protecting historical, archeological, and cultural resources in areas adjacent to the highways.
(6) Developing and providing tourist information to the public, including interpretive information about the scenic byway.
C. Basic Requirements for a Grant Application:
(1) To be eligible to apply for a grant, the route must be designated as a State scenic byway under this program prior to the annual grant-funding cycle.
(2) The minimum grant request that will be considered is $10,000. The maximum grant that will be considered is $1,000,000 for a single state project. Projects sponsored by multiple states may be up to $1,000,000 per supporting state.
(3) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance is the financial responsibility of the sponsor and is not eligible for grant funding. NEPA should be substantially complete at the time of application. Maintenance is not an eligible activity.
(4) The public must have a legal right to access the project.
(5) The federal share payable for the costs of carrying out projects and developing programs is 80%. The sponsor must secure 20% non-federal matching funds. Only cash or donations of land as described in USC Title 23, Section 323, are considered an allowable match for this criteria.
(6) The RPO or MPO must concur with the project grant application before forwarding it to the Coordinator. The project should be compatible with adjacent land uses.
D. Evaluation and Statewide Ranking of Project Grant Applications - The Coordinator will present the grant applications for consideration at a scheduled SHBAC meeting. The SHBAC will serve as a technical review committee, evaluating each proposal on criteria outlined in Appendix 3 of this document, and establish a statewide ranking for the projects. The SHBAC may choose to limit the number of projects it reviews if the quantity is too numerous. Therefore a sponsor submitting more than one application must prioritize their submittals. If necessary, the SHBAC may ask the RPO to screen submittals.
E. Concurrence - Projects approved by the SHBAC will be forwarded to the SHC for final concurrence. A list of those approved by the SHC will be forwarded to the appropriate RPOs or MPOs to prioritize and incorporate into the regional transportation improvement plan (RTIP).
F. Submittal of Grant Applications to FHWA - Approved grant applications are forwarded by the Coordinator to the FHWA division office with a state budget summary sheet.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] SHOULD YOU SPONSOR AN ISTEA SCENIC BYWAY GRANT?: A sponsor should evaluate its ability to implement a project prior to making a grant application. It is recommended that the sponsor be a governmental body. Private non-profit and civic organizations are encouraged to work with governmental agencies to develop project applications. A sponsor should consider the following questions before applying for a grant: A. Does the RPO or MPO concur with the project proposal? A key concept of ISTEA is statewide planning for transportation improvements. The RPO or MPO must concur with the project and include it in the Transportation Plan.
B. Do you have the time, staff and skills needed to administer the project contract? This can involve planning, environmental analysis, survey and design, etc. The project sponsor will act as lead agency for project development and implementation, including NEPA compliance, survey and design, contract award and administration.
C. Are you aware that ISTEA grant funds are a reimbursement for actual costs incurred? Invoices submitted by the sponsor will be reimbursed at 80% of the total invoice amount, the 20% match is the sponsors responsibility.
D. Do you have a dependable source of partnership funds? Projects cannot be substituted if a selected grant falls through; the state and non-selected projects would lose the opportunity for that year. Therefore, the sponsor must identify the source of matching funds in the grant application and will be required to certify that matching funds are available prior to award of the grant.
E. How good is your cost estimate? It is the sponsor's responsibility to cover cost overruns.
F. Can you complete NEPA and survey and design within a year of grant award? Can you complete construction within two years? New Mexico's competitive status depends on demonstrated success on grants awarded.
G. Who will be responsible for operation and maintenance costs? The application must identify who will be responsible for ongoing operation and maintenance of the project. If the responsible party is other than the sponsor, they must agree in writing, or co-sponsor the project.
H. Is the project located on public land or public right-of-way? The public must have legal access to the project.
A. The application should be typewritten on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Submit three (3) originals, of which two (2) shall be bound on the left margin, and one shall be unbound. The application should not exceed 13 pages, including the cover sheet, cover letter, and table of contents.
B. A cover letter addressed to the Scenic Byways Coordinator, New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department, P. O. Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1149.
C. Complete appropriate portions of the Project Summary Form included with the Scenic Byways Program Grant Application Package provided by Federal Highways Administration each grant cycle. Instructions on how to fill out the application are included in the package.
D. Table of contents.
E. Text up to three typewritten pages addressing the description of the proposal:
(1) Project location and description;
(2) Project cost with breakdown of estimated cost for categories--land or easement acquisition, NEPA, survey, design, and contract documents, construction or publication, and annual operation and maintenance (O&M) [NOTE: NEPA and O&M are not eligible for grant funding.];
(3) Identification of the partner(s) responsible for the work. Clearly identify the amount of grant request and amount and source of required matching funds;
(4) Project timeline (when key steps can be accomplished, when matching funds are available, and when contract can be awarded);
(5) Identify which of the six eligible projects categories the proposed project fits and describe how; and
(6) Respond to criteria established by SHBAC.
F. A project location map. The map should be of a quality similar to that published by the United States Geological Survey, NMSHTD, the county or the city. The area to be depicted should be at a scale that will maximize the space on the 8 1/2" x 11" sheet. If a larger map is used, it shall be folded and placed in a pouch at the back of the report. A drafted site plan may be included.
G. Any supporting illustrations or letters, or reference list of planning documents (not to exceed five pages).
H. If a comprehensive plan for the scenic byway has been developed, enclose a copy. Do not send other documents.
[Recompiled 11/16/01] EVALUATION CRITERIA: Grant applications will be evaluated and ranked according to the following criteria:
A. What is the relationship of the project to the scenic byway? (The relationship of the project to the byway may be one of proximity, impact or function.)
(1) Is proximity to the byway adjacent, less than one mile, or over one mile?
(2) Is there a direct impact to the site caused by the byway designation?
(3) Does the project have a functional relationship to the byway?
B. Who does the project serve?
(1) What is the average daily traffic for the byway?
(2) How will this project serve byway users?
(3) Does the project benefit more than one byway?
C. Public and private commitment and support:
(1) Is there support other than the sponsors? If so, identify supporters and type of support.
(2) Are there contributions of funds, materials, land, or labor in addition to the required 20% matching funds?
(3) Are other investments being made in scenic byway facilities and enhancements?
D. Status of comprehensive planning:
(1) Is this project part of a comprehensive plan for the scenic byway?
(2) Does the plan address facilities and services needed to enhance the user experience?
(3) Does the plan protect the scenic or historic values for which the byway was established?
(4) Did the plan development include public involvement?
E. Status of project planning:
(1) Is there a conceptual plan (site plan or narrative) for the project?
(2) Has NEPA been completed for the project? If not, who is responsible for doing it, and what is the timeline? (For non ground disturbing projects substitute "Is graphic design complete?")
(3) Has survey and design been completed for the project? If not, who is responsible for doing it, and what is the timeline? (For projects such as brochures or signs, substitute "Is there camera ready art?")
(4) What are the projected operation and maintenance costs, and who will be responsible for O&M?
F. Benefit to the community or environment:
(1) Will the project benefit the local community economy?
(2) Will it solve an environmental problem?
(3) Will it provide needed visitor facilities or services that the community does not provide?
(4) Does it solve a health or safety problem?
G. Unique benefits of the project:
(1) Does the project have a multi-cultural emphasis?
(2) Does the project have educational values for natural or cultural resources?
(3) Will the project provide access to people with disabilities?
H. From a national perspective:
(1) Is the project sponsored by multiple states?
(2) Is the project a model for other states?
I. From a Statewide perspective:
(1) Does this project benefit tourism?
(2) Does this project foster economic development?
(3) Does the project implement a State initiative?
(4) Is it a timely companion to another project?
(5) Is there a risk that the sponsor will not be able to follow through with project implementation or funding?
A. Sandia Crest Scenic Byway - NM 536, (Cibola National Forest); 11 miles.
B. Santa Fe National Forest Scenic Byway - NM 475; 15 miles.
C. 13.3 Gila Cliff Dwellings/Inner Loop Scenic Byway - NM 15 and NM 35, (Gila National Forest); 110 miles.
D. Sunspot Scenic Byway - NM 6563, (Lincoln National Forest); 14 miles.
E. Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway - NM 38, 522 and US 64, (Carson National Forest); 84 miles.
F. Wild Rivers Back Country Byway - NM 378, (BLM); 13 miles.
G. Quebradas Back Country Byway - County Road A-135 from I-25 or County Road A-129 from US 380 (BLM); 24 miles.
H. All former US 66 (Route 66) alignments - mile marker 373.5 (Texas border) to mile marker 0 (Arizona border) excluding those portions overlaid by Interstate 40 and Interstate 25; 373 miles.
I. El Camino Real - US 85, 60, 380; NM 304, 47, 408, 1, 51, 187, 185, 273 (Santa Fe to Texas border); 276 miles.
J. The Jemez Mountain Trail - NM 4, 126, 44; 163 miles.
K. Narrow Gauge Scenic Byway - from mp 0, Dulce, New Mexico, to mp 9.8 at the Colorado border; 9.8 miles.
L. Mesalands Scenic Byway (Quay and Guadalupe Counties) - US 54, 84; NM 91, 104, 129, 156, 209, 219, 231, 252, 278, 469, and one un-numbered county road at Colonias; 320 miles.
M. Salt Missions Trail - NM 333, 41; US 60; NM 513, 55, 337, 131; 140 miles.
N. Santa Fe National Historic Trail - NM 410, 406, 453, 21, 161, 518, 63, 50; County Road 67-C; US 56, 64, 87, Old US Highway 85; 480 miles.
O. Billy the Kid Trail - NM 48, 270; US 70, 380; 84.2 miles.
P. Geronimo Trail - NM 51, 195, 52, 59, 61, 35, 152, 187; 220 miles.
Q. Corrales Road - NM 448; 6.7 miles.
R. Turquoise Trail - NM 14, 536 (from Santa Fe to Albuquerque); 48 miles.
S. Lake Valley Back Country Byway - NM 152, 27, (BLM); 47 miles.
T. Guadalupe Back Country Byway - NM 137 (begins at junction of NM 137/US 285), (BLM); 30 miles.
U. Abo Pass Trail - NM 47, US 60; 31 miles.
V. Dry Cimarron Scenic Byway - NM 406, 456,370, 325, 551, 72; CO8, 18, 385; OK 325; (215 road miles in New Mexico, 80 in Colorado and 75 in Oklahoma).
[Recompiled 11/16/01]
Pre-NMAC Regulatory Filing History:
The material in this Part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records and Archives under: 18 NMAC 31.2, New Mexico Scenic and Historic Byways Program, filed February 27, 1998. This rule was an emergency rule. Pursuant to State Highway Commission Policy CP4-95, "In no event shall an emergency rule remain in effect for more than one hundred and twenty days.
History of Repealed Material: [RESERVED]