This rule was filed as State Engineer Rule 66-1, Article 7-30.
[Recompiled 12/31/01] SCOPE: [RESERVED]
[Recompiled 12/31/01] STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Adopted pursuant to the authority of Sections 72-2-8, 72-2-12 and 72-13-4, New Mexico Statutes Annotated, 1978.
[Recompiled 12/31/01] DURATION: [Permanent]
[Recompiled 12/31/01] EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 1966
[Recompiled 12/31/01] OBJECTIVE: This Rule is formulated for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the statutes governing underground waters and describing the present extent of all declared underground water basins in New Mexico.
[Recompiled 12/31/01] DEFINITIONS: [RESERVED]
[Recompiled 12/31/01] HUECO
A. The lands declared within the Hueco Underground Water Basin on September 12, 1980, are as follows: Beginning at a point on the New Mexico-Texas state boundary at which the west line of Section 35, Township 26 South, Range 4 East intersects said boundary; thence northerly along the west line of Section 35, Township 26 South, Range 4 East to its northwest corner; thence westerly along the south line of Section 27, Township 26 South, Range 4 East to its southwest corner; thence northerly along the west lines of Sections 27, 22 and 15, Township 26 South, Range 4 East to the northwest corner of said Section 15; thence westerly along the south line of Section 9, Township 26 South, Range 4 East to its southwest corner; thence northerly along the west lines of Sections 9 and 4, Township 26 South, Range 4 East and Sections 33 and 28, Township 25 South, Range 4 East to the northwest corner of said Section 28; thence westerly along the south line of Section 20, Township 25 South, Range 4 East to its southwest corner; thence northerly along the west lines of Sections 20, 17, 8 and 5, Township 25 South, Range 4 East to the northwest corner of said Section 5; thence easterly along the north line of Section 5, Township 25 South, Range 4 East to its northeast corner; thence northerly along the west lines of Sections 33, 28, 21, 16 and 9, Township 24 South, Range 4 East to the northwest corner of said Section 9; thence westerly along the south line of Section 5, Township 24 South, Range 4 East to its southwest corner; thence northerly along the west lines of Section 5, Township 24 South, Range 4 East and Section 32, Township 23 South, Range 4 East to the northwest corner of said Section 32; thence easterly along the north lines of Sections 32 and 33, Township 23 South, Range 4 East to the northeast corner of said Section 33; thence northerly along the west line of Section 27, Township 23 South, Range 4 East to its northwest corner; thence easterly along the north lines of Sections 27, 26 and 25, Township 23 South, Range 4 East to the northeast corner of said Section 25; thence northerly along the west line of Section 19, Township 23 South, Range 5 East to its northwest corner; thence easterly along the north lines of Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Township 23 South, Range 5 East to the northeast corner of said Section 24; thence northerly along the west line of Section 18, Township 23 South, Range 6 East to its northwest corner; thence easterly along the north lines of Sections 18, 17, 16, 15, 14 and 13, Township 23 South, Range 6 East to the northeast corner of said Section 13; thence southerly along the east line of Section 13, Township 23 South, Range 6 East to the northwest corner of Section 18, Township 23 South, Range 7 East; thence easterly along the north line of Section 18, Township 23 South, Range 7 East to its northeast corner; thence southerly along the east lines of Sections 18, 19 and 30, Township 23 South, Range 7 East to the southeast corner of said Section 30; thence westerly along the south line of Section 30, Township 23 South, Range 7 East to its southwest corner; thence southerly along the east lines of Section 36, Township 23 South, Range 6 East and Section 1, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to the southeast corner of said Section 1; thence westerly along the south line of Section 1, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to its southwest corner; thence southerly along the east line of Section 11, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to its southeast corner; thence westerly along the south line of Section 11, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to its southwest corner; thence southerly along the east line of Section 15, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to its southeast corner; thence westerly along the south line of Section 15, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to its southwest corner; thence southerly along the east line of Section 21, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to its southeast corner; thence westerly along the south lines of Sections 21, 20 and 19, Township 24 South, Range 6 East to the southwest corner of said Section 19; thence southerly along the east lines of Sections 25 and 36, Township 24 South, Range 5 East, Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36, Township 25 South, Range 5 East and Sections 1, 12, 13, 24 and 25, Township 26 South, Range 5 East to the northwest corner of Section 30, Township 26 South, Range 6 East; thence easterly along the north lines of Sections 30, 29, 28 and 27, Township 26 South, Range 6 East to the northeast corner of said Section 27; thence southerly along the east lines of Sections 27 and 34, Township 26 South, Range 6 East to the intersection of the east line of said Section 34 with the New Mexico-Texas State boundary; thence westerly along the New Mexico-Texas State boundary to its intersection with the west line of Section 35, Township 26 South, Range 4 East, being the place and point of beginning.
B. [TOWNSHIP AND RANGE MAP: See 7-30.1 Hueco Basin
PDF file 19.027.0038.8-Hueco.]
[SE 66-1, Article 7-30; Recompiled 12/31/01]
Pre-NMAC History: The material in this Part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center and Archives.
SE 66-1 (Rule No. 2), Rules and Regulations Governing Drilling of Wells and Appropriation and Use of Ground Water in New Mexico 1966, originally filed with the Supreme Court Law Library 11/1/66. Filed with the State Records Center 6/27/91.
SE 66-1, Amendment No. 12, (Rule No. 2, Amendment No. 16), 10/29/80.
History of Repealed Material: [RESERVED]